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There’s been a lot of talk about budgeting here at Get Rich Slowly. For instance, Kristin recently wrote about her adventures using the envelope system. I wrote about the reasons your budget might be failing. And, a variety of guest posters and staff writers have touched on the topic with articles like these:

How I kept to my budget and still have everything I want

Budgeting: The Most Important Thing You Can Do With Your Money

How to Build a Better Budget

When One Partner Won’t Budget

However, among the articles on budgeting systems and strategies, there has been very little written on using a zero-sum budget, which happens to be the budget that I use and love. So, I wanted to write about why I’m a zero-sum budget enthusiast, why I think they work so well, and how you can harness the power of the zero-sum budget for your own financial well-being.

Why Should You Use a Zero-Sum Budget?

In my opinion, a zero-sum budget is superior because it forces you to “spend” every dollar that you make. And, no, I don’t mean you should spend it on dinner at Outback or a weekly mani/pedi. Instead, you allocate all of your earnings into the different categories that your finances require. You don’t need an Excel spreadsheet or a complex software program to use a zero-sum budget. In fact, all you really need is a pen, paper, and the desire to begin budgeting for your benefit. So, how do you begin using a zero-sum budget?

Follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Determine how much you make
Whether you’re paid hourly or salary, you need to figure out how much money you make on any given month. So, you need to ask yourself a few questions. For instance, “How many paydays fall within this month?” And, “How much will each paycheck be?” For salaried workers, this should be fairly easy. For those with a fluctuating income, it can be much more difficult. However, one of the easiest ways to make a zero-sum budget work for your family is to get all of your finances “one month ahead.” Easier said than done, I know. But, using that method, a fluctuating income won’t matter as much. Since you’re using this month’s income for next month’s bills, it will be much, much easier to plan.

Step 2: List your bills
Once you determine how much money you’ll make this month, you need to figure out how much money you need to spend next month. Using pen and paper, write out all of your monthly bills, estimating bills that fluctuate, like utilities. You’ll also need to set a reasonable allowance for spending categories that you’re trying to keep under control (like groceries and gas). And, don’t forget about bills that are paid quarterly or seasonal expenses. The best way to make a zero-sum budget work is to include everything.

I’ll use a generic version of one of my old budgets as a real-life example:

  • Mortgage: $1,426
  • Electric: $200 (estimate)
  • Gas: $25 (estimate)
  • Groceries: $500
  • Daycare: $500
  • Internet: $35
  • Fuel/Miscellaneous: $200
  • Cell Phone: $55
  • Health Insurance: $377
  • Life insurance: $77.31 (paid quarterly)
  • Trash: $56.25 (paid quarterly)

Total: $3,451.56

Of course, everyone’s categories will be different. Obviously, you’ll need to include all of your bills including any debt payments that you make on a monthly basis. Make sure to list all of your bills (even the ones that you’re trying to forget!). Confronting them is the first step to making them disappear for good!

Step 3: Compare and contrast
This is where it gets fun, I think, and why using a zero-sum budget can be life-changing for so many people. Once you see your monthly income and your monthly bills on paper, a clear picture of how much money is left over emerges. You might find that thousands of dollars are being spent on “wants” each month. And, you could use that knowledge to begin saving that money instead. Regardless, once you determine how much money is left over after you pay all of your required expenses, you can decide what to do with the rest.

If my husband and I earned a net income of $7,000 for the sample month, we would update our zero-sum budget to reflect the overage:

  • Mortgage: $1,426
  • Electric: $200 (estimate)
  • Gas: $25 (estimate)
  • Groceries: $500
  • Daycare: $500
  • Internet: $35
  • Fuel/Miscellaneous: $200
  • Cell Phone: $55
  • Health Insurance: $377
  • Life insurance: $77.31 (paid quarterly)
  • Trash: $56.25 (paid quarterly)
  • Short-term savings: $1,500
  • Long-term savings: $1,500
  • Vacation Fund: $548.44

Total: $7,000.00

But, what if nothing is left? If you’re spending every penny you earn, it’s probably time to reconsider that strategy. Start by making a list of things you could live without. Some possibilities include cable television, eating out, or excessive entertainment spending. And remember, everyone’s priorities will be different. Although I do just fine without cable television, I have no desire to feed my family on a bare-bones grocery budget. You may feel exactly the opposite. And, as J.D. so eloquently put it, you have to do what works for you, whatever that is.

Step 4: Spend all of your money on paper
Once you determine your own excess cash flow, you can decide where that money will serve you best. For instance, if you’re still in debt, you can decide to pay X number of additional dollars toward those debts. Many people, including me, tackled their debts using the snowball method. Using this method, you focus on one debt at a time, paying over as much as you can until that debt is demolished. Then you can move on to the next.

Or, if you don’t have any debts to contend with, you can allocate all of your extra cash toward your savings or investments. Obviously, it doesn’t have to be all or nothing. You can choose to tackle your debts and continue saving at the same time. It’s up to you. However, the key is to go ahead and transfer the money you have allocated to savings right away. That way it doesn’t get squandered on those dinners at Outback, weekly mani/pedis, or anything else.

Step 5: Track your spending
If you have a preset spending limit for your zero-sum budget categories, you’ll need to check in periodically throughout the month to “see where you’re at.” I’ve found this to be particularly helpful when it comes to grocery and miscellaneous spending. I have a tendency, in fact, to completely blow through my grocery budget if I don’t watch myself. ($8 organic oregano, anyone?) So, to combat my grocery spending weakness, I usually check my spending about once a week. And for the most part, when it’s gone, it’s gone. This often means that we’re eating freezer food and leftovers by the end of the month, which seriously annoys my kids. But, it works!

Step 6: Make adjustments
Your zero-sum budget may be an epic failure for the first few months. And, that’s OK. You’ll probably need to make some adjustments to get it just right. Maybe you need to add a little buffer to your grocery category. Or, add some wiggle room to the entertainment portion of your budget. Whatever it is, making adjustments shouldn’t be seen as a failure. In fact, it’s just part of the budgeting process.

One More Thing

Unless you want to have a specific budget category just for emergencies, an emergency fund is a crucial part of using a zero-sum budget. Having an adequate emergency fund means that a surprise car repair or medical bill won’t knock your entire financial plan off track. And, whenever you have to tap into your emergency fund, it’s important to replace the funds you use. You can do this by budgeting to add to your emergency fund in the following month (or months) until it’s back to its former glory.

Have you ever used a zero-sum budget? If so, did it work? Also, please feel free to share your favorite budgeting strategies below.


Apache is functioning normally

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Christmas is a time filled with joy and wonder. It’s the best season of the year to celebrate all that life has given us.

I wanted to share 93 things you can do on Christmas Day, from spending quality time with your family over a cozy fire in your fireplace or at an outdoor party, playing games around the house (even if it means taking turns), making food for others during holiday celebrations, going outside for walks during snowfall so we stay active and healthy this winter, and even taking a day off from work to do something relaxing.

Are you looking for a list of activities to do on Christmas Day that is fun?

Don’t worry, I got your back. Here is my list of over 90 ideas so you can spend the day with friends and family in style!

To be honest, this is my list of favorite things to do on Christmas Day.

If you need ideas, then start here…

What to do on Christmas day?

There are a variety of things you can do on Christmas day to make the most of the holiday.

You have to decide how you want to spend the day.

We will cover ideas with family, in the kitchen, with kids, at home, and just for you!

Quick Christmas Things to Do

You could help your loved ones decorate the yard with some inflatables– there are plenty of options available, from classic characters like Santa and snowmen to silly options like dinosaurs and unicorns.

If you’re feeling adventurous, you could even head out for a hike in the morning- nothing beats fresh air and stunning views in winter.

Once you’ve worked up an appetite, why not prepare a festive feast? There are plenty of recipes online that will let you show off your culinary skills. Or if cooking isn’t really your fancy, take advantage of convenient delivery services and enjoy Christmas dinner without having to lift a finger.

Once everyone’s bellies are full, it’s time for some fun (or a nap)!

Get the family together for some party Christmas games or put on a movie marathon. Whatever you choose to do, make sure to savor every moment spent with your loved ones- after all, Christmas only comes once a year!

What are some traditions people have on Christmas day?

There are many different family Christmas traditions that people partake in.

Some common traditions include:

  • Counting down to Christmas
  • Doing crafts on December 25th
  • Exchanging gifts.

These traditions are often passed down from generation to generation and are a lot of fun for both children and adults.

Another popular tradition is saying “Merry Christmas” to one another. This usually happens when family members gather together to celebrate the holiday.

Families come from all over to spend time with each other on Christmas day, and the joyous atmosphere is something that can’t be replicated any other time of year.

What do people typically eat on Christmas day?

Christmas is a time when many people come together to celebrate. While the exact traditions may vary, there are some acts that remain the same. For example, many people will eat turkey, mashed potatoes, and cookies on Christmas day (source).

If you’re looking to give back to your local community this Christmas, consider donating to your local food bank. Many food banks are able to help those in need during the holiday season and beyond.

Things to Do on Christmas Day with Family

Every year in December, the holiday season brings a rush of family time.

Christmas is a day that you can spend with your family, and there are plenty of things for the whole family to enjoy on this special day.

Here are some activities to enjoy with your loved ones on Christmas Day that you might not have thought about:

1. Spend time with family and friends. This is probably the best part of Christmas day! Enjoying good company is what makes this holiday special.

2. Karaoke Time. If you have a talent (or not) for singing, take turns with your family and friends by caroling the Christmas classics..

3. Watch Christmas Movies. Pick one of the many Christmas-themed movies that are on TV or streaming online to get into the spirit of Christmas. Watch classic holiday films like “It’s a Wonderful Life” or “A Christmas Story.”

4. Game Night. There are a lot of fun and interactive ways to keep you entertained this holiday season, including board games and card games! Start a family competition with bragging rights for the whole year!

5. Eat Christmas Snacks. What is Christmas without the traditional treats? Enjoy some of your favorite holiday foods, like cookies and candy canes.

6. Christmas crafts. There are a lot of fun DIY projects you could do this year to celebrate the holiday season, like making decorations or ornaments.

7. Host a Christmas party. If you’re hosting a Christmas party this year, make sure to get into the spirit of the holiday event by decorating your house and putting up a Christmas tree!

8. Refine Your Christmas traditions. There are some fun family traditions you can do this year, like baking cookies or watching classic holiday movies. Pick a handful of activities you want to do each year.

9. Prepare Christmas dinner. The Christmas meal is a big part of the holiday tradition, and there are lots of different foods you can make for your family this year — from ham and turkey to yummy desserts!

10. Make cookies. If you want to make Christmas cookies, now is the time to start thinking about what kind of treats you’d like to make. You can use a recipe, or you can make up your own recipe.

11. Video Chat with Your Family. Time to say hello to your family that you don’t get to see in person. Get on Zoom, Whatsapp, or Facetime with your family, even if they’re not in the same country.

12. Have a Family Meeting. What are some matters you can do as a family to help you focus on the true meaning of Christmas? Write them down and discuss how you can incorporate these into your holiday.

13. Puzzle. At my aunt’s house, there was always a puzzle on the table. Family members would stop and put a puzzle piece together while chatting and laughing.

14. Stream the Nutcracker Performance. Do you have a favorite performance of The Nutcracker? Be sure to watch it on Christmas day, even if it’s just for an hour or so.

15. Make Gingerbread Cookies. If you want to do something really special for someone, try making gingerbread cookies! Bake up a batch of gingerbread cookies with your family.

16. Craft a Gingerbread House. Cut out gingerbread men, stars, and snowflakes from construction paper or cardstock, then use them to decorate a gingerbread house. You don’t have to use the traditional kit with frosting.

17. Listen to Christmas Music. There’s nothing like listening to some holiday music while you’re baking cookies or hanging out with family and friends on Christmas Day.

18. Play the Game “Secret Santa.” If you’re hosting a holiday party this year, why not play the game “Secret Santa”? Everyone brings an inexpensive gift to the party, and then one person is chosen to be Secret Santa. Everyone draws a number, and the person with #1 picks out a gift from Secret Santa’s pile to open. Then everyone else has to figure out who their Secret Santa is by guessing which person brought them their gift.

19. Ugly Sweater Contest. You might even want to combine it with a white elephant gift exchange!

20. Christmas Scavenger Hunt Game. This is a fun activity for the whole family. Have each person do some research about Christmas traditions from around the world, and then come up with an item to bring back that symbolizes one of those countries. Or press the easy button and pick a ready-to-go Christmas scavenger hunt game.

More Things to Do on Christmas Day at Home

Christmas is a time for family get-togethers and relaxing with loved ones. Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, it’s still a fun day to have some activities that are holiday-oriented.

As the saying goes, “The home is where the heart is.” Here is a list of more fun things to do on Christmas Day at home.

21. Read a Christmas book. Pick up JK Rowling’s latest, The Christmas Pig.

22. Write Letters to Open on Milestone Christmases. Write a letter to your future self on Christmas day, putting any sort of advice you give to yourself as well as predictions you have. Pick milestone years. For example, when you celebrate Christmas with your baby, when your kids leave for college, or even the first Christmas without a parent.

23. Create a “Christmas Bucket List.” What are some undertakings that you want to experience in your life? Create lists for everything. For example, family trips in which everyone gets to pick the destination, a Christmas wedding, or even watching your children give their first speech.

24. Eat Christmas Cookies. Bake some sugar cookies and spread a bunch of frosting over them to make them look like Christmas trees.

25. Christmas Movie Marathon. Watch all of the Christmas movies!

26. Listen to Christmas songs. You could listen to some of your favorite Christmas songs while hanging out with friends and family. you’re decorating the tree or wrapping presents.

27. Shop Online for What You Didn’t Get. Buying a gift for your future self is a bit of an existential dilemma: what do you want to have? Truly people didn’t listen to what do I want from Christmas.

28. Send Christmas cards. If you’re going to be sending out Christmas cards this year, now is the time to start thinking about who you want to send them to! Better late than never!

29. Host a Party. Plan an open house for Christmas, and invite friends and neighbors to enjoy food, games, and gifts together.

30. Book Reservations. Those experience gift ideas need to be booked and put on the calendar.

Things to Do on Christmas Day In the Kitchen & Food to Eat

As Christmas Day approaches, now is a great time of the year to start planning what you plan to eat, make and bake in the kitchen. Whether you like cooking or not, there is something for everyone on this list from the kitchen to the backyard.

The Christmas season is a time to celebrate with family and friends. And food brings people together.

So, here are some fun activities you can bake on Christmas Day:

31. Make Christmas Star Bread. This is one of the traditions in our house. Please note, that you need to start this a day in advance. Here is our favorite Christmas star bread recipe.

32. Christmas Morning Brunch. This is a Sunday tradition in our house, but for Christmas, we have the favorite egg casserole prepared in advance for no work needed during opening gift time! Always cooked and ready to be enjoyed once everyone is done opening presents.

33. Bake and Decorate Christmas Cookies. My friend, Haley, over at If You Give a Blonde a Kitchen, always has great cookie ideas. And they are delicious!!

34. Cook a Fancy Meal. Let’s be honest… You more than likely don’t have the extra time to spend time in the kitchen and try a new recipe you have been wanting to try! Christmas is the perfect day to spend time cooking to your heart’s content.

35. Plan a Themed Christmas Dinner. Say bye-bye to classic turkey, ham, and beef! Each year choose a new theme for dinner. Here are some of our favorite themed ideas: Italian, Mexican, Indian, Chinese, Mediterranean, or Costa Rican Casado. Even football favorite appetizers! Every seven years there is guaranteed to be football on.

36. Mix a Christmas Cocktail. Enjoy being by a nice fire and enjoy watching the snowflakes fall. It sounds perfect, right?

37. S’mores by the Fire. Who says, campfires and summer are the only time for smores. Grab the sweet supplies, jackets, and blankets, and nestle around a firepit.

38. Serve Cake for Dinner. Serve your family a big slice of cake for dinner instead of turkey or ham. Can you see their faces of amazement!?!?

39. Make a Christmas Tree Out of Fruit and Vegetables. This is a fun activity for kids of all ages.

40. Cook Frozen Pizza. This doesn’t happen often, but it is always well received by my crowd. Pizza for the win!

Things to Do on Christmas Day with Kids

Christmas Day is a time for family, and often children are the ones who make it so memorable.

To help you find something fun to do with your children on Christmas day we have compiled an extensive list of activities that you and the kids can do together.

41. Open Christmas Gifts. Yes, this is what kids look forward to the most each Christmas. In fact, here are $10 gifts approved by my own kids.

42. Play in the snow. Throw a snowball, build a snowman, or make snow angels. Kids NEED to get outside and burn off their energy.

43. Play hide-n-seek outside. No snow? Don’t worry. Start a game of hide-n-seek outside. The last one to be found picks the next activity.

44. Candy Cane Hunt. First of all, you need a lot of candy canes and some good hiding places. Make sure you count all of the candy canes before to make sure you find them all!

45. Make Christmas Tree Ornaments. This project is perfect for the kids in your life! I love how easy they are to make and that they can be decorated however you choose.

46. Decorate Windows with Paper Snowflakes. This is one of the best activities for kids to improve their motor skills. How many can you make? And what size snowflakes? This is a great project for kids! They can make them any size they want and hang them on the tree or around the house.

47. Visit Local Attractions. Every city may have something cool on Christmas Day that is open. Check out Living on the Cheap for your closest city for local attractions.

48. Art4Kidz Hub. Seriously, they have some of the best videos on how to draw! Hours of entertainment. Plus their artwork can turn into thank you cards!

49. Make Kid Christmas crafts. This is a fun way to do something different from presents. Spend quality time making various crafts. Just make sure to buy the craft supplies in advance!

50. Play kid-approved board games. Time for a family game night or afternoon. Invite friends and family over for a game of Uno, Connect Four, or Apples to Apples! Even Scrabble or Monopoly- so many fun options!

List of Crafty Things to Do on Christmas Day

Christmas is one of the most exciting and fun holidays to be a part of. But everyone loves it when they get something in return for all their hard work, right?

So, spend the day doing the craft projects you always want to do!

Here are some great ways to give your friends and family something special.

51. Photo Book. Photo Books are a great way to preserve memories for special occasions. Plus, they can be shared with other people so everyone is able to see the good times! You can create a printable photo book or a digital photo book.

52. Make Christmas Ornaments. Christmas is the best time of year to wear new ornaments! You can make some really fun and unique ornaments using recycled materials, like bottle caps.

53. Make Christmas Headbands. These are so adorable for little kids and adults alike! They can be made in any colors you choose.

54. Decorate Homemade Gift Bags. Gift bags are a great way to personalize your gifts and make them look extra special!

55. Make A Holiday Recipe Book. Create a recipe book for all of your holiday dinner favorites. You can include the recipes for stuffing, mashed potatoes, green beans, and any other dishes that you love to cook during the holidays. Here is the digital recipe book organizer I use.

56. Create a Card Christmas Tree. Arrange photos and Christmas cards to make a Christmas tree on the wall. Even wrapping paper can be reused to “build” your tree.

57. Make New Year’s Cards. Seriously, it is SO stressful trying to get Christmas cards out in advance. So, let’s start sending New Year’s cards instead.

58. Make a Christmas Tree skirt. This one has been on my list forever. So, I decided to dedicate time on Christmas to finally complete my project.

59. Put Together A Memory Box. This is easy, but thoughtful idea that you can give as a gift to your family. You can fill the box with photos, recipes, and other special items that you have collected over time.

60. Make Salt Dough Ornaments. This is a fun and easy project. I love how they look on the tree, too!

Outdoor City Attractions to Do on Christmas Day

Open the door and enjoy the weather. Whether you go for a walk, play in the snow, or go for a drive, getting some fresh air is always a good idea.

On Christmas Day, many attractions and businesses are closed. So, opt for open parks and space for your wintery fun!

You can even pair the outing with these National Park gifts.

Snow is here, but it doesn’t have to be all about snow. Take advantage of the winter weather and get outside for some fun activities!

61. Run a Christmas 5k. Running has become a prominent form of health and fitness activity in recent years. Have fun during a fast-paced run (or walk) by taking on a Christmas 5k. Challenge your friends and family to join you!

62. Take an ice-skating lesson. If you’ve never tried ice skating before, this is a great way to dip your toes in.

63. Go sledding! You may not have the equipment for traditional snow tubing, but taking a trip down a hill is just as much fun.

64. Go ice fishing! If you don’t want to go too far, make your own pond in the backyard.

65. Play in the snow. This can lead to hours of fun! Don’t dread the snow because you have to shovel it. Think of ways to build a snow fort, throw snowballs or just play around.

66. Play tennis, golf, or pickleball. Not every year will there be snow on the ground. On those sunny days, pick up your racket or golf clubs and get a game or two in.

67. Go cross-country skiing. Time to get some exercise and burn calories. Cross-country skiing is a great way to get outside and hit your fitness goals.

68. Watch a movie in the snow. How fun does that sound? Thanks to technology you can snuggle up while watching a Christmas classic. Make sure to buy a projector ahead of time!

69. Ride roller coasters. Sounds thrilling, right?!?! But check to see if they are open first.

70. Drive Around to See Christmas Lights. A simple and classic activity to do on Christmas day. Go around and find the best light display!

Things to Do on Christmas Day to Refresh Your Soul

Do you often get bored of the same old ideas on Christmas Day? The answer to that question is probably a resounding “yes” if your answer has been anything like mine.

Here is a compiled list of relaxing Christmas Day activities for people who are looking to enjoy their day while rejuvenating their souls.

71. Relax and take it easy. There’s no need to stress out about anything – just relax and enjoy yourself!

72. Enjoy a Luxurious Hot Bath. Time to destress from the hustle and bustle of the season. Grab some must-have bath essentials to make your experience more spa-like.

73. Treat Yourself. What is one intention you’ve always wanted to do? Buy it for yourself or give yourself the gift of time and allow yourself to enjoy that experience.

74. Escape on a Christmas Vacation. Do you always want to try something new for Christmas? Let’s make this year the best one yet and plan that special Christmas trip!

75. Take a walk in nature. Enjoy the sun and soak up some Vitamin D!

76. At Home Manicure/Pedicure Experience. While it’s not the same as being pampered in the salon, there are many at-home manicure and pedicure sets, that you can use all year round.

77. Personalized Playlist. Spend time finding new songs that revitalize your mind.

78. Stay in Christmas Pajamas. Even better plan matching PJs for the whole family!

79. Spend time cuddling on the couch. A dream come true for a busy mom or dad!

80. Make a List. Make a list of activities to do or places to go that are not centered around Christmas. Focus on items that you are grateful or blessed to have in your life. This will help you avoid the “Xmas” overload and keep you focused on what is really important.

81. Attend a Christmas Eve Service. What is one church in your area that you’ve never visited? Take the opportunity to attend a service on Christmas Eve.

Ways to Show Generosity on Christmas

Giving is always better than receiving.

Christmas is a time of giving, but it can be difficult to know how much you should give.

This doesn’t mean that Christmas has to be all about presents or expensive gifts for your loved ones, but you can still show your gratitude with small acts of kindness. Here are some ways to do that:

82. Volunteer at a Homeless Shelter. This is a great way to serve and be appreciative of what you have been blessed with. Find your nearest homeless shelter and volunteer to serve a meal, or help set up cots for a cold night. Maybe set fundraising parties to help gather monetary donations.

83. Take a Meal to Someone. Many people don’t want to cook on Christmas because they are by themselves or unable to spend hours in the kitchen anymore. Bless them with a cooked meal and your decorated Christmas cookies.

84. Write Thank You Notes. We all know this needs to be done. So, practice writing thank-yous before you start playing and using the gift you received.

85. St. Nick’s Giveaway Day. St Nicholas was known for giving out toys to all the children. Pay it forward by passing along toys, clothes, or other furnishings you don’t need anymore.

86. Be a Santa. Adopt a family for Christmas and provide gifts, food, or other items that they would enjoy.

87. Random Acts of Kindness. Write a list of ways you can bless people with random acts of kindness. Small actions go a long way toward making someone’s day, especially around the holidays.

88. Serve Others. Visit a nursing home or assisted living facility. Bring them cookies, sing Christmas carols with them, read to them and spend time with people who may not have the opportunity to see you on another day.

89. Pray for Others. What is one way to pray on this day that would make someone else’s life better?

Things to Do on Christmas Day for Adults

Christmas is an exciting time of the year, but it can also be a very stressful holiday due to work and family commitments.

There are many different activities that adults can enjoy on Christmas day.

90. Cook a Traditional Meal. One popular option is cooking a traditional Christmas meal. This can be a great way to learn about other cultures and traditions.

91. Ice Skating. There is no shortage of places to go ice skating on Christmas Day.

92. Ugly Sweater Time. Wearing an ugly sweater is always a festive tradition, and it can be especially fun on Christmas Day when everyone else is dressed up too. Just make sure you’re prepared for people to make fun of your outfit!

93. Be Alone. Some people prefer to spend Christmas day alone, either because they don’t have any family nearby or because they simply want some time to themselves. There are plenty of activities that can be done by oneself without requiring any specific skills or knowledge. For example, reading a good book, watching a movie, or taking a walk in the park are all enjoyable ways to spend the day.

Honestly, as an adult, you can choose any of the above activities that would be a perfect way to celebrate Christmas day.

What are some unique or interesting ways to celebrate Christmas day?

There are many unique ways to celebrate Christmas.

Honestly, it comes down to your preferred traditions. This is something you will find over the years about how you want to spend the day.

One popular way is to place an elf in your child’s bedroom to monitor their behavior! Another fun tradition is singing carols or skating on the ice. If you’re looking for something a bit more unique, consider driving down a festive pathway or reconnecting with old friends over dinner.

No matter how you choose to celebrate, make sure to enjoy yourself and have some fun!

More tips for making the most of Christmas day

Christmas is a time for family, friends, and fun.

Christmas day can be a lot of fun, but it’s important to make the most of it!

The best tips for making the most of Christmas day include spending time with your family and having a good time.

Here are some important tips to keep in mind when celebrating.

Tip #1 – Watch for Stressors

Make sure to take a break from the “seasonal grind” and forget to enjoy the holidays yourself.

Before Christmas day arrives, make a list of the stressors you tend to experience on this joyous holiday. Make a conscious decision to avoid the stressors as much as possible. If you cannot completely avoid one of them, then limit your time and plan for decompress time afterward.

Tip #2 – Spend Quality Time with Family

Christmas is a time of celebration and family gatherings.

However, you must make sure you are spending quality time with your loved ones can make the holiday much more enjoyable.

This may be easy or difficult depending on your family situation. Yes, spending time with your family and friends during the holidays is important- especially for kids! Just make sure you can look back and enjoy the day.

Tip #3 – Get Outdoors

On Christmas Day, go outside and enjoy all the fitness opportunities that a cold day has to offer.

Many people stay inside their buildings and homes for the holidays, but outdoor time is actually beneficial. The colder the weather, the better, because when your body is cold even a small outing helps release some of the heat that has been gathering in your body.

Getting outside will help you stay away from any possible triggers, too!

Tip #4 – Spend Less Money

It’s Christmas, the most wonderful time of the year.

Christmas is often a heavy financial burden for many individuals who are required to buy gifts and arrange an evening meal for loved ones.

All the extra expense can sap people of the energy and life they relish in the rest of the year, hence leading to depression which leads to a number of other health complications.

So, plan your Christmas budget ahead of time, so you can walk away happy.

Tip #5 – Remember the True Reason for Christmas

Christmas Day is one day of the year that is meant to be enjoyed and celebrated.

Yet, we tend to forget the true reason for the season – the birth of Jesus Christ.

While we are called to celebrate in community, keep the real reason at the center of your get-togethers with family and friends, and enjoy some of the traditional festivities.

What activities are open on Christmas day?

First of all, before you go, check online or call to see if the business is open.

Typically, you can find convenience stores, gas stations, movie theaters, and some restaurants open on Christmas.

Also, many local attractions may be open as they are focused on the activities they can provide.

Just be prepared for possible long wait times and always be sure to tip well.

Best Holiday Memories for the Season

Ultimately, those are the fun things to do on Christmas day are activities to experience.

Christmas is a time of joys and festivities, giving gifts to friends and family, and decorating your home with Christmas lights or greenery. But the best day always comes when it’s over!

Just remember…

Have Fun!

Remember that Christmas is a time to enjoy and celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. It is not just about shopping, eating, and being with family.

Relax! Take a break from your hectic schedule and enjoy the priceless gifts you have been given.

Find More: 101 Fun Things To Do With No Money

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Apache is functioning normally

These days, my monthly budget is on the boring side. Aside from our regular spending, I’ve got a mortgage payment to fork over, groceries to buy, and utility bills to pay. Throw in some payments to my kids’ 529 plans and my SEP-IRA and I’m basically done for the month. After all of the bills are paid, the key for us is making sure that the rest gets transferred into savings so that it doesn’t accidentally get spent.

But it wasn’t always this way, and I was reminded of that fact the other day when I was flipping through one of my old notebooks. That’s when I found our monthly zero-sum budget for August of 2010, and that’s when our old lifestyle smacked me right in the face. Want to know how many bills I paid in that month? Twenty-four.

Car payments, credit card bills, and personal loans, oh my. It’s no wonder we weren’t saving anything. Fortunately, it was easy to look at that old monthly budget and pinpoint the exact cause of our unfortunate situation. The problem: We financed everything and never, ever paid cash.

Low Monthly Payments for Life

Fact: You can have nearly anything you want.

I can too. We all can. Cars. Clothes. Diamonds. Trips to Hawaii. Almost any earthly possession you’ve ever laid your eyes on can be yours.

Well, kind of.

If you’re willing to make monthly payments for as long as it takes, whether it’s five years, ten, or twenty, then it can be yours. Does that sound tempting? Probably not.

But that’s exactly what we do. In the fourth quarter of 2013, U.S household debt swelled to a monstrous $11.52 trillion. Of course, some of the money was borrowed to purchase homes, pay for college, or start a business. A certain percentage can also be blamed on things like medical bills, unemployment, and emergencies. But the rest? My guess is boats, iPads, and designer shoes. Oh, and let’s not forget furniture, date nights, and family dinners at the Olive Garden. The rest is anyone’s guess.

Stop the Cycle

We all know how easy it is to trade your car in for another. You walk into the dealership, they look your trade over, and you pick out another, nicer car. Your new car payment could even be the same as it was before. Hell, it might even go down. But are you really doing yourself a favor by trading up without the cash in hand? The answer is probably no.

I’ve been there. My husband and I traded cars around more times than I could count, mostly just because we would. Looking back, I think we were just bored. And sadly, we weren’t able to see that there were real costs associated with constantly trading up. We only focused on the monthly payment, and never had the goal of actually paying them off.

Fortunately, we finally made the decision to change our lifestyle sometime around the time that that budget was made. And once we stopped the madness, we made one huge change that put an end to the cycle once and for all. We began paying cash for anything and everything, and we refused to add to the pile by financing things we couldn’t afford.

Turning an Awkward Moment Into a Learning Experience

In the meantime, we got serious about getting out of debt. Fortunately, it didn’t take long to knock out everything but the two biggest sums we owed — the loan for my minivan and my husband’s student loans. I still remember the day we paid both of them off once and for all. The total was well over $10,000 and it literally pained me to hit the keys that would initiate the automatic bank transfer. I mean, it hurt. That money was mine and was earned with my own blood, sweat, and tears. And if you subscribe to the theories espoused in books like Your Money or Your Life, that money was literally my life force, and it was getting sucked away by a stupid van that I overpaid for in the first place.

I still have that van. Want to know why? Because it’s paid off, as is everything else I own. And now I’m literally gonna drive that van until the wheels fall off, or until the engine finally gives up or explodes out of sheer exhaustion at maybe 500,000 miles. (A girl can dream, right?)

I learned something from our adventures in debt and from that final $10,000 payment — most notably that I never, ever want to go down that road again. Parting with that much money at once was painful. It burned. It made me uncomfortable. And now, years later, I’m convinced that that’s exactly how it should feel.

Pay Cash and Feel the Burn

Since then, we’ve paid for everything with cash including a car for my husband, furniture, home remodeling projects, and more. And even though it has sometimes been painful, our refusal to finance anything has been a game-changer for our financial future. Here’s why:

  • Paying in cash forces you to consider the real purchase price – No matter what you’re buying, the fact that you’re paying in cash turns it into an entirely different experience. That’s because you have no choice but to consider how much money you’re paying overall, and not just what you’ll have to pay on a monthly or yearly basis.
  • Paying in cash might help you spend less – When you force yourself to pay in cash, big ticket items start to lose their appeal. Try walking into a dealership with the intention of paying $15,000 or $20,000 for a newer car. All of a sudden, the prospect of keeping your old paid-off junker becomes an incredibly attractive option. Am I wrong?
  • Paying in cash keeps you out of debt – The best thing about refusing to finance things is that it keeps you out of debt in the first place. We all know what a slippery slope that can be. There are so many benefits to being debt-free, including the option to save more of your income, less stress, and of course, the feeling of not really being beholden to anyone. It’s a freeing feeling, and it’s one that I will never, ever surrender without a fight.

If you’re in debt and are ready to make a change, start by creating a debt snowball. Conquer each one of your debts one by one by one, and refuse to give up until you’re finally debt-free. Adopt the mindset that if you can’t afford to pay cash for something, then you can’t afford it. Period. Only then will you free yourself from the chains that bind you. Only then will experience the feeling of owing nothing to anyone and the unexplainable sense of freedom that comes with it.

Once you’ve done what you set out to do, force yourself onto a cash-only diet. Cut up your credit cards if you have to — and learn to pay for everything with the cash you’ve stashed away in your own accounts, not with other people’s money. Know that it may make you feel uncomfortable, and rest assured that it’s supposed to. Paying cash hurts, and it should hurt.

That burn you feel? It’s simply the price you pay for your freedom, and it’s totally worth it.
How do you feel about paying cash? Is it painful? Do you think it should be?


Apache is functioning normally

Roughly 41 million borrowers will have a few more months to enjoy an interest accruing-free repayment pause on their student loans, even while U.S. inflation is at a 40-year high. While federal student loan borrowers may be worried about what to do when repayment resumes, personal finance experts are concerned about what you do now with your … [Read more…]