The difference between thrift stores and consignment shops

Consignment and antique shops are great, but they tend to be pricier because their collections are curated. These stores do all the hunting down and fixing up for you, and that service is offset via higher price tags. While consignment shops are more likely to have highly sought after antiques from pedigreed brands, you can still certainly find hidden gems at nearly any thrift store — you just may have to put in more effort to find what you’re looking for. Balance the odds of what you want being there with the price range you’re willing to pay when deciding where to shop.


Getting what you need while giving back to the community

Many of your favorite causes run thrift shops to help fund their programs and services. Prime Thrift near Fair Park benefits American Veterans (AMVETS), Disabled American Veterans (DAV) and other local and national charitable organizations, while Out of the Closet in Oak Lawn benefits the AIDS Healthcare Foundation. Genesis Women’s Shelter, a nonprofit that provides safety, shelter and support for women and children who have experienced domestic violence, operates two thrift stores: one in Oak Lawn and another in South Oak Cliff. There are four Soul’s Harbor locations throughout the metroplex, with proceeds going toward its programs to help men break the cycle of homelessness and addiction. Some of these shops even have exclusive relationships with estate liquidators, increasing your chances of finding treasures among their wares.

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If you’re looking for a bit more than just decor, check out your local ReStore, which benefits Habitat for Humanity. There, you can find actual building materials, such as tile, cabinets, wood flooring, windows, doors or even vintage brick. In addition to these, they also have plenty of new and vintage home furnishings, large appliances and more. With 10 locations across D-FW, it’s a convenient alternative to big-box stores when shopping for your next home design project.

Choose your shopping days wisely

For donation-based thrift stores, Mondays and Tuesdays are typically the best days to shop, because most people tend to drop off items early in the week after spending the weekend cleaning. Signing up for emails is a great way to stay on top of the latest finds and deals, but there’s just no substitute for going in regularly. It works the same with searching online, whether it’s eBay, Craigslist, or Facebook Marketplace. “I’m a huge fan of Facebook Marketplace” says Whitney Marsh, an interior designer and business owner who furnished her Oak Cliff coffee shop, B-Side, with thrifted finds. “I also really love Souls Harbor in Waxahachie,” Marsh notes.

Whitney Marsh, an interior designer and business owner, furnished her Oak Cliff coffee shop B-Side with thrifted finds, including this handmade tile she found for less than $100.(Whitney Marsh)

Have a strategy before you start shopping

There are two ways to go about hunting vintage pieces. Either have a piece or project in mind and know what you want to pay for it, or be able to spot a good deal. This can involve researching brands, pieces, and eras to be able to find your ideal mix of quality pieces that aren’t in demand. Marsh says that’s her strategy. “I know what I like, and I also know what brands are known for quality goods,” she explains. “I definitely have a style. I’m drawn toward leather furniture, solid wood, wool rugs and unique art.”

Marsh created this seating area using chairs thrifted from Soul’s Harbor and a unique brass ship she found through Facebook marketplace.(Whitney Marsh)

For example, you may love midcentury modern (MCM) pieces, but the popularity of decor from that era means there’s more demand, and unscrupulous sellers may assign that label to random items in order to get them to sell. You may find more success by researching some favorite brands or designers from the MCM era and looking for those specifically to avoid fake listings and inflated prices. Be aware that people will list items online with a famous brand name keyword to get more hits, such as saying a “Pottery Barn-style” rug or “MCM-style lamp.” If you’re shopping in person, don’t be afraid to ask the store’s staff about an item you’re looking for; they may have something similar that just hasn’t been put out yet. Or, they might be willing to take down your name and keep an eye out for items on your list — especially if you’re a regular customer.

Simple design rules to consider

In this area Marsh designed for a client, she paired a thrifted console with a modern lamp and abstract art to create balance.(Whitney Marsh)

Once you’ve found that unique piece you’ve been searching for, how do you style it? Thrifted pieces bring character into a space, but it is possible to have too much of a good thing, says Marsh. “I like to pair thrifted pieces with more high-end textiles. I love an old leather sofa that’s worn in against a very bold luxury wallpaper.” If you buy a well-worn piece and want to play up that lived-in aesthetic, try to surround it with items that are clean and modern. Too much rusticity can end up looking like neglect. Same goes for smaller items, such as pots, frames or books — space them out in designed vignettes throughout your home instead of clustering them all together. Also, keep in mind that pairing thrifted furniture is easier when they share some similar elements. For example, mismatched nightstands look more cohesive if they are roughly the same size and color.

Thrifting can be a way to save big, depending on when and where you shop, and what you’re looking for. “I definitely shop with a specific corner or space in mind. I also really only pull the trigger on things that seem like they’re good quality and the right price,” says Marsh. But if you’re patient, persistent and know what you want and what you’re willing to pay for it, it’s just a matter of time before you find it.

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Managing debt can be a daunting task, but with the right strategies, you can make it easier to pay off and keep your finances in check.

Whether you’re trying to pay off credit card debt, student loans, or other types of debt, there are several strategies you can use to make the process easier.

Benefits of Effective Debt Management

Managing debt effectively is important for several reasons. First, carrying high levels of debt can be a financial burden and may prevent you from achieving their financial goals.

It can also have a negative impact on credit scores. This can make it more difficult and expensive to borrow money in the future.

Finally, failing to manage debt effectively can lead to financial distress and potentially even bankruptcy. By taking steps to pay off debt and reduce the amount of debt that is owed, you can improve their financial stability and well-being.

What is debt management?

Debt management is the practice of organizing and paying off debts through financial planning and budgeting. The goal is to lower and eventually eliminate debt. You can create your own debt management plan or hire a credit counselor to make one for you.

The advantage of doing it yourself is that it’s free, but it takes time and effort. Credit counseling can take stress off your shoulders, but is an added expense. There are many methods for debt management that you can implement on your own.

Assessing Your Debt

Gathering Debt Information

To effectively manage your debt, you first need to identify all debts and gather relevant information about each one. This includes the creditor, balance, and interest rate for each debt.

If you don’t already have a list of all your debts, you can review most of them on your credit reports. Regularly reviewing your credit report is an important financial habit to get into. You can request a free credit report from each of the three consumer credit bureaus at least once per year.

It can be helpful to create a spreadsheet or use a budgeting tool to keep track of all your debts, including the creditor, balance, and interest rate for each one.

Calculating Total Debt

Once all debts have been listed, it is helpful to calculate the total amount of unsecured debt that is owed. This can give you a better understanding of your overall financial situation and the work that needs to be done to pay off your debts.

Identifying High-Interest Debts

After calculating total debt, you should identify which debts have the highest interest rates. These debts may be a higher priority to pay off, as the interest will continue to accrue and potentially increase the total amount owed.

By focusing on paying off high-interest debts first, you can save money in the long run and make progress in paying off their debts more quickly.

Develop a Plan to Pay Off Debt

Developing a plan to pay off debt is crucial for financial stability and well-being. By identifying a strategy for paying off debts and sticking to it, you can make progress in reducing their debt and improving their financial situation.

Reduce Interest Rates

You may be able to reduce the interest rates on your debts by negotiating with creditors or transferring balances to a credit card with a lower interest rate. It is worth considering these options as they can save money on interest and make it easier to pay off debts.

Create a Budget

Creating a budget can help you identify areas where you can cut expenses and redirect those funds towards paying off debt. This may involve reducing discretionary spending, such as dining out or entertainment. You should also find ways to reduce fixed expenses, such as by shopping around for the best rates on utilities or insurance.

Humans are creatures of habit, and even when we’re in debt, the last thing we want to do is change our lifestyle. But any good debt management plan has to at least consider where your expenses could potentially be reduced. The more you can cut back on other expenses, the quicker you can get yourself out of debt.

It doesn’t have to be a long term change. Even reducing expenses for a few months can help.

Here are some examples of expenses you may be able to reduce:

  • Minimize entertainment subscriptions, or see if you can save by switching plans.
  • Minimize dining out and take your lunch to work.
  • Cancel your gym membership and work out at home.

Knowing your own finances in detail will help you find ways to reduce your expenses. Even if you work with a credit counseling organization, nobody is better placed to figure out how to reduce your costs than you are.

Consolidate Your Debts

One option for paying off debt is to consolidate multiple debts into one loan with a lower interest rate. This can make it easier to manage multiple debts and potentially save money on interest.

Debt consolidation options include taking out a personal loan or using a home equity loan or line of credit. Another option is transferring balances to a credit card with a lower interest rate.

Be sure to carefully review the terms and fees associated with consolidation options and ensure that they are a suitable fit for your financial situation.

Set Goals and Track Progress

To stay on track with paying off debt, it can be helpful to set specific goals and track progress towards achieving them. This may involve setting a target for the amount of debt to pay off each month or quarter.

It could also involve setting a goal for the total amount of debt to pay off by a certain date. Tracking progress can help you stay motivated and see the progress that they are making in reducing their debt.

More Tips on Managing Your Debt

Here are some additional tips for managing your debt that can help you effectively pay off what you owe and improve your financial situation:

Pay More Than the Minimum Payment

Making more than the minimum credit card payment can help you pay off your debts more quickly and save money on interest. Credit card companies typically set a minimum payment that is calculated as a percentage of the balance owed.

Making the minimum payment may be sufficient to avoid late fees and negative marks on your credit history. However, it may not make a significant dent in the overall balance. By paying more than the minimum each month, you can reduce the total amount of interest that you pay over time and make progress in paying off your debts.

Avoid Taking on New Debt

While you’re working on paying off your existing debt, try to avoid taking on new debt. This will make it easier to focus on paying off what you already owe.

Consider Setting up Automatic Payments

There are several benefits to setting up automatic payments for your bills:

  • Convenience: Automatic payments take the hassle out of remembering to pay your bills on time. You can set them up once and forget about it, knowing that your bills will be paid automatically each month.
  • Avoid late fees: If you forget to pay a bill, you may be charged a late fee. By setting up automatic payments, you can avoid these fees and save money.
  • Improve credit score: Paying your bills on time is a key factor in determining your credit score. By setting up automatic payments, you can ensure that your bills are paid on time and improve your credit score.
  • Simplify budgeting: When you know exactly when your bills will be paid each month, it can be easier to budget and manage your money.

Contact a Reputable Credit Counseling Agency

If your debt has gotten out of control, contact the National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC) for detailed, personalized financial counseling and education. They can help you explore different ways to pay down debt.

A credit counselor can provide advice and assistance with developing a personalized plan for paying off debt and improving financial health. Credit counselors can also help you negotiate with creditors and create a debt management plan.

Seeking professional help can be especially beneficial if you are experiencing financial distress or are at risk of falling behind on monthly payments.

Bottom Line

In modern America, completely avoiding debt is difficult and potentially harmful. However, incurring debt without managing it effectively can be even worse. Follow the tips above, and you’re sure to get a solid handle on debt and use it skillfully.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I pay off my debt with the highest interest rate first?

It can be a good idea to pay off your debts with the highest interest rates first, as these debts will cost you more in the long run. This is known as the “debt avalanche” method. Alternatively, you can also consider the “debt snowball” method, where you focus on paying off your smallest debts first to build momentum.

See also: Debt Snowball vs. Debt Avalanche

How can I create a budget to help me pay off my debt?

To create a budget, start by listing all of your income sources and all of your expenses, including your debt payments. Then, try to find ways to cut back on your expenses and redirect that money towards paying off your debt. You can also consider increasing your income by taking on a part-time job or negotiating for a raise at work.

What is debt consolidation?

Debt consolidation is the process of rolling multiple debts into a single new loan product with one monthly payment. This brings your payment schedule into a more manageable place.

Ideally, consolidated loans will come with lower interest rates and more manageable payment terms. Personal loans and 0% interest balance-transfer credit cards are among some of the most common debt consolidation options.

What is debt settlement?

Debt settlement is the process of negotiating with a creditor to reduce the level of your outstanding balance. This is one of the last resorts for those who have trouble paying their debts in full.

The process involves working with a debt settlement company to negotiate with creditors on your behalf. Generally speaking, creditors will only entertain debt settlement for debt that isn’t current.

It’s important to note that debt settlement requires you to stop making payments, which will harm your credit score. Debt settlement companies will also take their cut on top of any fees charged for successfully negotiating. 

If you choose to take this route, make sure you find a reputable debt relief company to work with.

How can I rebuild my credit after paying off my debt?

After paying off your debt, you can rebuild your credit by making all of your payments on time. You should also try to keep your credit utilization low and diversify your credit mix. Other options include applying for a secured credit card or becoming an authorized user on someone else’s credit card to help establish a positive credit history.


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Fri, Apr 19 2024, 11:33 AM

It is “Take Your Child to Work Day” next Thursday which, if you work from home, is probably like a day off from school for the tyke. (I won’t be bringing my son Robbie to work, who, as I write this, is pedaling from Chicago to New York and bunked down last night in Union Home’s Bill Cosgrove’s humble abode.) I do not track his exact whereabouts, but we all know that, in having a smart phone, one gives up pretty much all of their privacy. For example, a new working paper posted to the National Bureau of Economic Research sought to examine the polling data that indicates 22 percent of Americans reported attending religious services on a weekly basis. They did this by looking at geodata from smartphones of 2 million people in 2019, and found that while 73 percent of people did indeed step into a place of worship on a primary day of worship at least once over the course of the year, just 5 percent of Americans studied in fact did so weekly, significantly smaller than the data people reported to pollsters. (Found here, this week’s podcasts are sponsored by Optimal Blue. OB’s smart solutions automate critical functions like pricing, hedging, trading, and social media. More originators and investors rely upon Optimal Blue’s integrated solutions, data, and connections to support their unique business strategies, no matter how complex. Hear an interview between Robbie and me on a variety of topics in mortgage that are germane to the Daily Commentary.)

Lender and Broker Products, Software, and Services

Operations leaders! You don’t want to miss this event if you care about improving your operations! Join Femi Ayi, EVP Operations at Revolution Mortgage, Brooke Smith, Senior Manager, Loan Sourcing Digital Solutions at Fannie Mae, and Jodi Eberhardt, Strategic Integration Director at Freddie Mac, and Richard Grieser, VP, Marketing at Truv, as they highlight different strategies to provide customers with a more transparent, efficient borrowing experience. Freddie Mac’s Loan Product Advisor® asset and income modeler (AIM) and Fannie Mae’s Desktop Underwriter® (DU®) validation service play a critical role for lenders committed to streamlining origination processes and improving loan quality. However, the key to optimizing borrower verification workflows and ensuring compliance is partnering with the right provider that helps lenders improve loan quality and save hundreds of dollars per loan compared to traditional verification providers. Come join us! “Minimizing Risks with GSE Borrower Verifications”, April 24 2:00 PM ET Use code TRUV100 to participate FOR FREE, even if you are not an MBA member! Register now.

“AFR Wholesale® is thrilled to announce the renewal of our partnership with AIME for 2024, underscoring our commitment to the wholesale channel. As we continue our collaboration, we are committed to providing essential resources, comprehensive training, and robust support to independent mortgage professionals and the wholesale channel. This partnership will allow AFR to set new industry standards, promote best practices, and deliver exceptional services to our clients and partners. We also will look to spearhead innovative initiatives aimed at boosting operational efficiencies and enhancing customer experiences. Reflecting on a history of successful collaborations, we are excited about the potential for even greater achievements. This announcement is just the beginning, as AFR plans to unveil several exciting partnerships and updates in the coming weeks. Join us in driving change in mortgage lending. To get involved, contact us at [email protected], 1-800-375-6071, visit AFR.”

In the wake of frequent breaches within our industry, we are reminded of the precarious position mortgage lenders and their customers’ data are currently in. These repeated security incidents emphasize an undeniable truth: robust cybersecurity defenses are not merely an option; they are imperative. A breach can mean the difference between a thriving business and a devastating collapse. There is a very real risk to mortgage companies right now; you’re not just guarding data, you’re safeguarding trust, livelihoods, and the very integrity of the financial system. It’s a responsibility to take seriously, and it’s time to double down on cybersecurity. Richey May’s cybersecurity team is here to help: Check out the latest post detailing the often-overlooked risks in the industry.

Capital Markets

One can’t ignore the U.S. Federal Reserve’s role in interest rates. (The current STRATMOR blog is titled, “Relying on the Fed: How Did This Happen?”) The “experts” have been predicting multiple rate cuts in 2024. Sure enough, the much-awaited Fed pivot has materialized, but it’s not what investors had been expecting. The Fed change was supposed to signal a reverse of its contractionary monetary policy path, keeping rates high, which has been in place since March 2022.

But that is not the message, especially after three consecutive months of stronger-than-expected inflation readings. Fed Chair Jay Powell said, “The recent data have clearly not given us greater confidence and instead indicate that it’s likely to take longer than expected to achieve that confidence. Last year, rebounding supply supported U.S. growth in spending and also employment, alongside a considerable decline in inflation. The more recent data show solid growth and continued strength in the labor market, but also a lack of further progress so far this year on returning to our 2 percent inflation goal.”

As always, the Federal Reserve is watching the data as it comes out. But things will be higher for longer. At least the next rate move is still forecast to be a cut. Things could get rocky for lenders and borrowers if that shifts to a hike, which could happen if price pressures resurface and put a so-called soft landing into doubt. And now we have the yield on the benchmark 10-year U.S. Treasury note up at its highest level since November, above 4.6 percent versus a yield of 4.25 percent in the last week or two and starting the year at 3.88 percent, meaning that the 10-year is now nearing a full point rise for 2024!

As today’s podcast interview alluded, it’s been pretty quiet out there in terms of market-moving news. Weekly jobless claims showed no change from last week’s level and there was a better-than-expected Philadelphia Fed survey for April yesterday, which prompted some selling. Investors bought plenty of Treasuries to close 2023 and open 2024, betting on several rate cuts this year from the Fed. However, Fed speakers hammering home patient rhetoric on interest rates (several more Fed speakers reiterated yesterday that they do not feel urgency to cut rates at this time) due to a reluctance of the U.S. economy to cool, has forced investors to abandon bets on a rally, giving way to a wave of selling.

Accordingly, mortgage rates surged in the latest Primary Mortgage Market Survey from Freddie Mac, with the 30-year rate above 7 percent for the first time this year. For the week ending April 18, the 30-year and 15-year mortgage rates jumped 22 basis points and 23 basis points versus the prior week to 7.10 percent and 6.39 percent, respectively. Those rates are 71 basis points and 63 basis points higher than this time last year.

Inflation is back below 3 percent, but hotter-than-expected readings for the rental category of housing in the first few months of the year are a big reason the Fed has held back on the rate cuts that Wall Street has been hoping for. Markets seeing the biggest rent declines are the ones where there’s been the most construction. The Northeast and Midwest have experienced lingering high inflation, while the West and South have seen it moderate rapidly.

Existing-home sales fell 4.3 percent in March to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 4.19 million, a widely expected decline given the recent slip in purchase mortgage applications and solid gains registered in the first two months of 2024 from increased supply and a temporary dip in mortgage rates. Sales were down 3.7 percent from the previous year. The median existing-home sales price rose 4.8 percent from a year ago to $393,500, the ninth consecutive month of year-over-year price gains and the highest price ever for the month of March. The inventory of unsold existing homes grew 4.7 percent from one month ago to the equivalent of 3.2 months’ supply at the current monthly sales pace.

There is no data of note on today’s economic calendar, though there is one Fed speaker, Chicago President Goolsbee. For capital markets folks, today is Class D 48-hours. We begin the day with Agency MBS prices better by .125-.250, the 10-year yielding 4.59 after closing yesterday at 4.65 percent, and the 2-year is at 4.96.


“At Evergreen Home Loans, our mission is simple: equip our clients with affordable strategies to not only buy a home but to make a winning offer. Our unique approach helps families secure their futures and build generational wealth. As we navigate a fluctuating housing market, Evergreen Home Loans remains committed to innovation and client success. Our tailored solutions emphasize stability and long-term prosperity, ensuring that homeownership is a reality for first-time buyers and seasoned investors alike. By fostering a supportive environment and providing strategic financial guidance, we empower our clients to turn their dreams of homeownership into tangible assets that benefit generations. We’re expanding our team and invite skilled loan officers and branch managers to explore the career opportunities we offer. Join us in making a difference and shaping the future of homeownership. To view all openings visit: Careers.”

Synergy One Lending continues to reemerge as one of the industry success stories in 2024. The addition of 12 new branches and the successful expansion of the company’s footprint into several new markets has provided an even stronger foundation of profitable growth as it prepares for even more ahead. A vision with a P&L structure built to grow market share, relentless execution and adoption of leading-edge technology and a culture that is focused on their 3 core values (delighted customers, inspired employees and a pristine reputation) are leading indicators of the company’s trajectory. Be part of it and Make Your Mark by reaching out to Aaron Nemec at (208) 794-7786 or Eric Kulbe at (303) 717-0293.

Geneva Financial, operating in 48 states, announced that Jessie Ermel has joined its leadership team as Chief Compliance Officer where Jessie will drive quality control and compliance for the company’s mortgage operations.

Our industry lost another veteran recently with the death of Alabama’s John Johnson. John was CEO and co-founder of MortgageAmerica, Inc. from 1978 to 2012. But John’s mortgage career began in 1966 at Colonial Mortgage Company and then Molton-Allen & Williams. He served as the Mortgage Bankers Association of Alabama President in 1980-1981 and chaired the organization’s Convention in 1982. John was awarded the Certified Mortgage Banker designation in 1982. was a member of the Board of Directors of the Mortgage Bankers Association of America from 1999-2003, served as Chairman of the Residential Board of Governors in 2001-2002, and was Chairman of the Board of Directors for MERS in 2006. Guys like this helped make our industry what it is today, and he’ll be missed.

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It’s the season of new beginnings and fresh starts: Spring cleaning, the outdoors, weddings, gardening and… real estate.

But in a housing market marked by high mortgage rates, low housing inventory and steep home prices, we still haven’t seen a typical spring homebuying season.

Though mortgage application volume is higher than it was last fall when home loan rates peaked above 8%, it’s still 10% lower than it was last year.

As temperatures go up in 2024, experts anticipate a somewhat healthier spring market, with inventory and home listings growing. So far, however, it hasn’t been such a great kickoff: In April, the average rate for a 30-year fixed mortgage pushed back above 7% in response to hot inflation data.

But context is critical, according to Logan Mohtashami, lead analyst at HousingWire. “Last year was the all-time low in new listings data,” he said.  

Here’s a look at how the spring market is shaping up and what buyers can do to navigate it successfully.

Why is spring the season to buy and sell a home?

There are several reasons behind the rush of home listings and sales in the springtime and early summer months, according to Jeb Smith, realtor and CNET Money Expert Review Board member. 

  • Warmer weather: Better temperatures and more sunlight make it easier for buyers to go out, tour and inspect properties compared with the winter months. 
  • Timing with academic calendar: Families start the buying process so they can be settled into a new home before the start of their child’s school year in the fall. 
  • Greater inventory: With sellers motivated to sell due to an influx of motivated buyers, increased supply hits the market. 
  • Favorable to buyers and sellers: Buyers know there will be more choices available to them, and sellers take advantage of demand to list their homes at higher prices. 

Why is today’s spring market different? 

Beyond seasonal trends, the housing market is highly sensitive to broader economic shifts. Over the past two years, high inflation and surging mortgage rates have done significant damage to affordability for the average homebuyer. 

From May 2019 to May 2023, average mortgage rates increased by more than 2%, causing a roughly 25% drop in home sales, according to data from Redfin. Homeowners who are currently “locked in” with low home loan rates have less incentive to sell, which keeps prospective buyers “locked out.”

Meanwhile, many prospective buyers are priced out of the market. According to Zillow, the monthly mortgage payment on a typical US home has almost doubled since January 2020. The average income needed to afford a home is now more than $106,500 — an 80% increase over four years — while the typical US household earns around $81,000 each year. 

High mortgage rates also negatively impact existing housing inventory, said Daryl Fairweather, chief economist at Redfin. Because most sellers are also buyers, homeowners would rather hold onto their sub-5% mortgage rates than take out a new home loan at a 7% rate.

This “rate-lock” scenario — with sellers reluctant to give up their existing mortgage — is starting to loosen, according to Orphe Divounguy, senior economist at Zillow Home Loans. Homeowners have accrued substantial equity over the last period and are more motivated to cash in on it. “Any who were waiting for rates to fall have likely given up,” Divounguy said.

Who has the upper hand this season? Buyers or sellers?

Shrinking housing supply over the past several years has given sellers the upper hand. After all, you can’t buy what’s not for sale. 

“In most areas of the country, we still have more buyer demand than inventory, which is typically indicative of a seller’s market,” Smith said. Because of that imbalance, many housing markets continue to be very competitive with multiple offers on homes, he said. 

Yet in some areas where supply has returned to pre-pandemic levels, buyers have more of the upper hand. Divounguy said that in markets where new construction has taken off and existing inventory has recovered, price growth is slower, giving buyers better traction in negotiations. 

Generally speaking, however, housing supply is still too low. “Even with home sales still trending at record-low levels, we have too many people chasing too few homes,” Mohtashami said.

In a buyer’s market, there’s a surplus of homes for sale and not enough buyers. Buyers have more options and leverage to negotiate lower prices or other concessions from sellers.

In a seller’s market, demand for homes exceeds supply. With more buyers ready to make offers on fewer homes, sellers are at an advantage and asking prices are generally higher.

If mortgage rates were to drop significantly, we’d likely see a substantial uptick in buyer and seller activity. However, 6% mortgage rates are still several months away, keeping a lid on the number of new listings this spring. 

At the same time, homeseekers who need to relocate — or those getting tired of waiting on the sidelines — are starting to adjust to the new normal. Many families can’t put their lives on hold forever, and another era of sub-3% mortgage rates isn’t on the horizon. 

“Buyers seem to now be accepting this higher-rate environment and are getting back into the market,” said Melissa Cohn, regional vice president at William Raveis Mortgage. Many of them know they have the option to refinance to a lower rate when mortgage rates eventually come down, she said.

How does low inventory affect home prices? 

In February, new listings increased 14.8% from the prior year, the largest annual gain since May 2021, according to Redfin. Currently, there are about 25% more available homes for sale compared with 2023, adding up to around 100,000 extra single-family homes on the market, Smith said. But again, context is critical. 

“Even with this increase, the number of homes for sale is still much lower than what we saw before the pandemic hit, indicating we’re not yet back to a ‘normal’ market,” Smith said. 

With buyer demand outweighing existing supply, home prices continue to go up. In February, the median sale price was $412,778, which is 6.6% higher than the previous year.

Should you sit it out this homebuying season?

Ultimately, the right time to buy a house depends on your finances, goals and timeline. The housing market has its patterns and fluctuations, but that doesn’t mean it has to dictate what works for you. 

If you find a home that meets your needs and aligns with your budget, go for it. You can always refinance to a lower mortgage rate later. 

But if you decide to delay buying a house, you can take steps toward having a more solid foundation as a future homeowner. By waiting, you’re giving yourself time to save for a bigger down payment, improve your credit and be in an overall better position to purchase a house, even if it’s not for several spring seasons down the road.


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MSR Execution, VOI, Post-Closing Audit, Client Acquisition Tools; May Training and Events


Thu, Apr 18 2024, 11:12 AM

What loan officer hasn’t had a memorable co-signing experience? Some more so than others. Along those lines, if you head to Disneyland or Disneyworld, and find bone chips or ashes on the floor of your favorite ride, it is probably not an accident. Nor is eking out a gain, or at least breaking even, in residential lending an accident. At the Great River Conference in Memphis, much of the information being presented is about how to do things more efficiently. And for good reason, as the MBA’s calculations for IMBs and mortgage subsidiaries of chartered banks last showed that total loan production expenses (commissions, compensation, occupancy, equipment, and other production expenses and corporate allocations) increased to $12,485 per loan in the fourth quarter. On the income side of things, borrowers who obtained adjustable-rate mortgage loans (ARMs, for lack of a better acronym) 3 or 5 or 7 years ago have popped up on LO screens for refinances, and you can bet that the companies who own that servicing are all over those borrowers “like hounds on a meat wagon.” (Found here, this week’s podcasts are sponsored by Optimal Blue. OB’s smart solutions automate critical functions like pricing, hedging, trading, and social media. More originators and investors rely upon Optimal Blue’s integrated solutions, data, and connections to support their unique business strategies, no matter how complex. Hear an interview with Optimal Blue’s Mike Vough on refining margin management to improve loan profitability and reduce risk.)

Lender and Broker Products, Software, and Services

For many non-QM lenders, real estate investors make up nearly half of their pipeline. Despite stubbornly high interest rates and low inventory, these borrowers continue to transact in this market, opening up an opportunity for lenders to capture this business. However, capturing this business with traditional marketing and sales efforts is not easy. Unless you have Privy. With Privy, you can now automate real estate investor and borrower acquisition and retention. With just a click of a button, borrowers are able to engage with you at any stage of the transaction process, from just browsing to ready to transact. Let effective technology help drive your DSCR, asset depletion, and fix and flip loan volume. Contact Brad Bieber (803-730-5032) to learn more about Privy’s Enterprise Solutions.

A 30-minute meeting with Planet Home Lending’s Correspondent sales team at the MBA Secondary & Capital Markets Conference could be the catalyst for a year-round boost in your business. Join us in the Gotham III Ballroom at the InterContinental New York Times Square. Don’t wait: secure your spot now before they’re all booked! Get in touch with your Regional Sales Manager or SVP Correspondent Sales, Jim Loving (414-270-0027) to explore our continually refined product lineup spanning vanilla to niche products all tailored to your unique needs: Best effort, mandatory AOT, delegated, or non-delegated.

“Regional Credit Union Attributes Successful Audit Process to QC Ally Partnership! In a world where integrity is everything, QC Ally prides itself on building a foundation of trust with each client partner. Recently, we sat down with Bill James, Chief Risk Officer at Marine Credit Union, to discuss how QC Ally helped them achieve a formalized, unbiased pre-fund and post-close audit process with custom loan sampling. As Bill put it, ‘We’ve been very happy with QC Ally. We stacked QC Ally up against very strong competition, and they really won hands down. The service levels you provide and your own staff with very deep, rich experience are unmatched.’ Learn more here.”

As certain wines age, their tannins bind together in a process called polymerization, creating a smoother, rounder flavor that’s more desirable, and, often, more valuable, than when first vinted. Are your mortgage technology partners improving like fine wine? That’s been the experience of Lake Michigan Credit Union, which just shared new success metrics regarding its use of income and employment verification from Argyle. It’s been about a year since LMCU switched to Argyle for VOIE, and the credit union can now quantify its time and cost savings at a whopping 3 weeks and $100 per closed loan. Read the updated case study findings here.

Mortgage Capital Trading, the de facto leader in innovative mortgage capital markets technology, introduces a game-changing best execution technology for MSR retain and release decisions all in one platform. With this groundbreaking development, MCT’s Enhanced Best Execution (EBX) solution emerges as a real-time bridge between MCTlive! (live whole loan/SRP execution) and MSRlive! (loan level MSR valuation), revolutionizing the landscape of best execution strategies in the mortgage industry. MCT clients now have accurate insight into how loans are trading and what investors are paying along with the intrinsic servicing value to enhance the retained vs. released decisioning process. What was once a manual, time-consuming exercise is now completely automated with EBX, making all of the essential execution data elements accessible with the click of a button. Read the latest press release or join MCT’s upcoming webinar to learn more about their latest innovation.

Events and Training

A good place for longer term conference planning is to start is here, and click on “Conference List” for in-person events in the future. Yes, there’s plenty ahead in April, but I thought for travel planning purposes it would be to glance ahead to May as vendors and lenders take a critical look at travel & entertainment budgets.

National MI University’s May Webinars: Leading With Style ​​with Andrew Oxley – May 7th at 2pm ET. Income Analysis for Conventional Loans with Marianne Collins – May 9th at 1pm ET.

How to Make Accountability Cool and KPIs Fun Again ​​​​​with Dr. Bruce Lund – May 14th at 2pm ET. Screen Savvy: Mastering Virtual Influence for Lenders with Julie Hansen – May 15th at 2pm ET. Understanding the Personalities of Your Clients and Partners ​​​​​with Rebecca Lorenz – May 16th at 1pm ET. Your Event Playbook to Network and Form Referral Partnerships with Kendra Lee – May 21st at 1pm ET.

Great things are happening around the 2024 Fair Lending Forum, April 29 – May 1 in Charlotte, NC! Asurity is thrilled to announce that Josh Stein, North Carolina Attorney General, will be joining us! He will share his perspectives on fair lending during a fireside chat with our Founder and CEO, Andy Sandler titled The Role of State Attorney Generals in Fair Lending Enforcement. Other prominent speakers are Bob Broeksmit, President and CEO of MBA; Lindsey Johnson, President and CEO of CBA: Grovetta Gardineer, Sr. Deputy Comptroller for Bank Supervision Policy, OCC; Ben Olson, Senior Associate Director for Consumer Protection & Supervision, FRB; Varda Hussain, Principal Deputy Chief for Fair Lending in the Civil Rights Division, Housing and Civil Enforcement Section, DOJ; and Frank Vespa-Papaleo, Principal Deputy Director of Fair Lending, CFPB. Register at

If you’re in Minnesota on May 1st, 10:00am – 12:00pm and a Loan Originator, are you interested in creating and building strong realtor relationships? If so, register and attend the “Mastering the Realtor Referral Relationship” presented by Steven Ross, Author of Doors Open When You Knock.

Join Northern Michigan Luncheon, Tuesday, May 2, 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM at Silver Spruce Brewing Company, to hear from a panel of VA Loan Experts and they dive into the specifics of this loan type, any changes that are coming on VA loans and much more. They’ll also be discussing the pending NAR settlement, and what changes that brings to VA loans, sales, and associated realtor fees.

Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with industry peers, gain valuable insights, and elevate your mortgage business. Attend the MMBBA Annual Conference on Thursday, May 2, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Queenstown.

The Maryland Mortgage Bankers and Brokers Association Annual Conference is scheduled for Thursday, May 2, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the picturesque setting of Queenstown, MD. Featuring speaker, Edward Seiler, PhD, Executive Director of the Research Institute for Housing America and Associate VP of Housing Economics at the Mortgage Bankers Association. Edward will provide invaluable insights into the housing market and economic trends.

This year’s OMBA Annual Convention will delve deep into the dynamics of the mortgage industry and explore the current market trends. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just stepping into the mortgage world, this event on Monday, May 6 – Tuesday, May 7 promises valuable insights to navigate the industry’s landscape.

The AEI Housing Center will host five convenings in the week of May 6 in Denver, Colorado; San Francisco, California; Los Angeles, California; Orange County, California; and San Diego, California. These convenings will share insights on using light-touch density (LTD), also known as middle housing, to craft solutions to America’s growing housing supply crisis. Registration is free. Los Angeles is the only location that will offer a livestream.

Register for NALHFA Annual Conference 2024, May 1-4 in Las Vegas. Experience education and connection at NALHFA 2024 with an Affordable Housing Bus Tour, Women in Finance Luncheon & Roundtable, Speaker Sessions, and Networking Opportunities.

Register for the Maryland Mortgage Bankers and Brokers Association Annual Conference, scheduled for Thursday, May 2nd, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the picturesque setting of Queenstown. This year’s conference will delve deep into the dynamics of the mortgage industry and explore the current market trends. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just stepping into the mortgage world, this event promises valuable insights to navigate the industry’s landscape.

In Birmingham, the MBA of Alabama will host its 38th Annual Convention on May 7 & 8.

Registration is open for ACUMA’s FOCALpoint workshops – Join ACUMA in Nashville May 9-10 or Denver June 11-12! Same amazing topics and content in each location – just pick the best city for you! The two-day subject-intensive workshops take deep dives into critical issues affecting the credit union mortgage lending industry. Sign up today! Register here for ACUMA workshops.

The MBA Georgia (MBAG) Conference is coming on May 12-15 at the One Ocean Resort, 1 Ocean Blvd, Atlantic Beach, Florida! For registration visit here.

The Single-Family Housing Guaranteed Loan Program (SFHGLP) Servicing Office in St. Louis, MO announced free, in-person training to lending partners, May 13-17 at the Charles F. Prevedel Federal Building. The training will offer multiple sessions to provide technical training on Loss Claims, Loss Mitigation, and Lender Reporting. USDA will not charge a registration fee. Attendees are responsible for all travel costs. USDA will not be blocking hotel rooms. Attendees may search for hotel accommodations near the training facility located at 9700 Page Ave, St. Louis MO 63132.

Capital Markets

A day after Fed Chair Powell threw cold water on expectations for rate cuts this year by admitting progress against inflation has stalled, Treasury and mortgage security prices rallied yesterday, dropping rates some, aided by excellent demand at a $13 billion 20-year Treasury bond reopening. Remember, even “a dead cat bounces.” There is some chatter out there that Fed Chair Powell’s tonal pivot last year is partly to blame for the lack of recent progress against inflation. Futures are now pricing in a maximum of two 25-basis point rate hikes in 2024, a far cry from the nearly 150-basis points of easing that fed fund futures had anticipated at the beginning of the year.

There was no top-tier data of note yesterday, but the Fed did release its April Beige Book, which noted that the economy has expanded at a slight pace since February. “Price increases were modest, on average,” it said. 10 of the 12 Federal Reserve Districts reported slight or modest growth while two reported no change. Consumer spending edged up slightly, though discretionary spending was pressured in some Districts. Tourism increased modestly but varied widely across the 12 Districts. Residential construction grew a little while nonresidential construction was flat. Employment rose at a slight pace while prices grew modestly, maintaining the pace seen in the last report.

We also learned that single-family home prices increased 7.4 percent from Q1 2023 to Q1 2024, up from the previous quarter’s revised annual growth rate of 6.6 percent, according to Fannie Mae’s latest Home Price Index reading. The national repeat-transaction home price index measures the average, quarterly price change for all single-family properties in the U.S., excluding condos. On a quarterly basis, home prices rose a seasonally adjusted 1.7 percent in Q1 2024, essentially the same as the growth in Q4 2023. On a non-seasonally adjusted basis, home prices also increased by 1.7 percent in Q1 2024.

Today’s economic calendar began with weekly jobless claims (212k, +1k from the prior week, continuing claims 1.812 million, so the labor market continues to do just fine) and Philadelphia Fed manufacturing (15.5, way up!). I did see an interesting report in Bloomberg yesterday that indicated cracks in a U.S. labor market that has been near historic strength for much of the past two years are forming. In five states (CA, CT, NV, NJ, WA), the ratio of jobless people per opening is one or more. Meanwhile Arizona and New York are nearing parity with a rate of 0.9, according to February data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Later today brings March existing home sales and leading indicators, Freddie Mac’s Primary Mortgage Market Survey, and (once again) remarks from multiple Fed speakers. It’s also a busy day for the Treasury, which will both announce month-end supply consisting of $69 billion 2-year, $70 billion 5-year, $44 billion 7-year notes, and $32 billion 2-year FRNs and auction $23 billion 5-year TIPS. After the initial jobless claim’s news, we begin the day with Agency MBS prices marginally worse than Wednesday evening, the 10-year yielding 4.61 after closing yesterday at 4.59 percent, and the 2-year is at 4.95.


“TAYGO INC. presents an enticing new opportunity for a SaaS Sales Representative! This pivotal role is instrumental in propelling the success of TAYGOTM through selling our SaaS solutions to prospective clients. The key focus is comprehending the requirements and challenges of mortgage lenders (as well as mortgage brokers) and adeptly showcasing how our products, WEB-GOTM and RIN-GOTM, can optimize their operations and business performance. You must have a strong understanding of CRM products, their features, and the mortgage industry. You must effectively engage with prospects to understand their needs. You must also carefully monitor existing clients’ activities to identify upsell opportunities. You must have exceptional communication skills for online demos and meetings, cold or warm calls and emails. Your expertise, patience, and ability to build and maintain strong customer relationships will be vital in achieving our sales goals and ensuring customer satisfaction. Please send your resume to us.”

“Citizens has a proven track record of successfully navigating challenging market conditions while our capital, liquidity and funding positions remain strong. Retail loan officers need a diverse product mix, reliable operations, and seasoned leadership to rely on to be able to win. With great pay and generous benefits, along with strong digital tools to help you get the job done, Citizens is looking for talented loan officers in the Northeast, MidAtlantic, Midwest and Florida. Our deep product mix allows loan officers to serve many different customer needs, from affordable loan programs such as HomeReady to a best-in-class one-time close construction-to-permanent product, we have what you need to succeed. Citizens’ recent launch of Freddie Mac’s LPA enhances our vast product journey, driving a more personalized and customer-centric experience. Our specialty programs such as condo/co-op financing, along with an amazing Private Wealth discount value proposition for high net worth banking clients, ensure you have all the tools to win. We know a positive customer experience begins with loan origination but doesn’t end there. Recently the Citizens Mortgage Servicing Team received the prestigious ICE Innovation Award for Best Use of Data to Drive Automation, resulting in a 10 percent increase in our customer satisfaction scores. To learn more about how to join our team contact Carl Minott or visit here.”

 Download our mobile app to get alerts for Rob Chrisman’s Commentary.


Apache is functioning normally

The City of Brotherly Love, Philadelphia, PA, is a historic city with landmarks like the Liberty Bell, Independence Hall, the Betsey Ross House, and Reading Terminal Market. With so much to offer, it’s no wonder about 1.6 million residents call Philadelphia home.

If you’re looking to rent an apartment in Philadelphia, the average rent for a studio is $1,343, while a one-bedroom apartment is $1,722. But those numbers might not fit your budget. ApartmentGuide is here to help. We’ve gathered a list of the most affordable neighborhoods in Philadelphia to rent this year.

11 Affordable Neighborhoods in Philadelphia, PA

From Hartranft to Cedar Park, Philadelphia has affordable neighborhoods that fit in your budget. And the best part is, they’re all under Philadelphia’s average rent for studio and one-bedroom units. Let’s jump in and see what Philadelphia neighborhoods made the list.

1. Hartranft
2. Cedar Park
3. Fox Chase
4. Near Northeast Philadelphia
5. Cobbs Creek
6. North Central
7. Upper North District
8. Oxford Circle
9. Southwest Philadelphia
10. Bustleton
11. Richmond

Read on to see what each neighborhood has to offer its residents.

1. Hartranft

Average studio rent: $850
Average 1-bedroom rent: $1,050
Apartments for rent in Hartranft

Hartranft is the most affordable neighborhood in Philadelphia, as the average rent for a one-bedroom unit is $1,050. There are plenty of reasons to love living in Hartranft, from attractions like Temple University to green spaces like Columbia Field. If you’re looking for a taste of the neighborhood, there are a variety of local restaurants to explore along North Broad Street. For renters living in Philadelphia without a car, there are several train stops in the area.

2. Cedar Park

Average studio rent: $840
Average 1-bedroom rent: $1,075
Apartments for rent in Cedar Park

Cedar Park is a vibrant area that’s just west of downtown Philadelphia. This affordable neighborhood has lots of attractions such as Ben Barkin Park and Malcolm X Memorial Park. Cedar Park is charming with its coffee shops and popular restaurants along Baltimore Avenue. You can also find lots of bus lines and train stops along Baltimore Avenue, so it’s a great area to get around without a car.

3. Fox Chase

Average studio rent: $962
Average 1-bedroom rent: $1,112
Apartments for rent in Fox Chase

With an average one-bedroom rent of $1,112, Fox Chase is the third-most affordable neighborhood in Philadelphia. This neighborhood is an excellent option as it’s near attractions like the Fox Chase Farm and Pennypack Park. Fox Chase is a bit further outside of the downtown area, so it’s a nice area if you’re looking for a suburban feel with access to attractions.

4. Near Northeast Philadelphia

Average studio rent: $990
Average 1-bedroom rent: $1,112
Apartments for rent in Near Northeast Philadelphia

Near Northeast Philadelphia is the fourth-most affordable neighborhood in Philadelphia. This neighborhood is a great option if you’re looking for access to plenty of shops and restaurants, like Philadelphia Mills and Northeast Tower Center. You can also find plenty of green spaces like Lardner’s Point Park, Wissinoming Park, and Benjamin Rush State Park.

5. Cobbs Creek

Average studio rent: $1,100
Average 1-bedroom rent: $1,200
Apartments for rent in Cobbs Creek

Just about 5 miles from downtown, Cobbs Creek is a stellar neighborhood if you want to live close to downtown. It’s also a great area if you’re living in Philadelphia without a car since Cobbs Creek has several bus and train stops. There are also parks nearby, such as Cobbs Creek Park and Sherwood Park. Cobbs Creek also has a lot of local restaurants and shops, like Booker’s Restaurant & Bar and Brown Sugar Bakery & Cafe Inc. Since it’s close to downtown, there are a few historic landmarks like the Paul Robeson House & Museum and Malcolm X Memorial Park.

6. North Central

Average studio rent: $850
Average 1-bedroom rent: $1,215
Apartments for rent in North Central

Next up is North Central, the sixth-most affordable neighborhood in Philadelphia. North Central is full of history and charm with tree-lined streets, historic buildings, and museums, like Wagner Free Institute of Science, Temple University, and Temple Performing Arts Center. This area also has plenty of parks, restaurants, and attractions along Broad Street. There’s something for everyone living in North Central.

7. Upper North District

Average studio rent: $1,062
Average 1-bedroom rent: $1,245
Apartments for rent in Upper North District

Nestled north of downtown, Upper North District is the seventh-most affordable neighborhood in Philadelphia. Upper North District has a bustling atmosphere, with plenty of local cafes and restaurants along Germantown Avenue and Broad Street, such as City View Pizza and Grill and Max’s Steaks. You can also check out some of Upper North District’s green spaces, like Hunting Park, which has trails, sports fields, and a pool.

8. Oxford Circle

Average studio rent: $1,355
Average 1-bedroom rent: $1,250
Apartments for rent in Oxford Circle

Oxford Circle takes the eighth spot on our list of most affordable neighborhoods in Philadelphia. The average rent for a one-bedroom unit is roughly $500 less than the city’s average, making Oxford Circle a great option. It’s about 10 miles from downtown, so you’ll have the best city life without living in the city center. Oxford Circle has plenty of shops and restaurants along Castor Avenue and at the Roosevelt Mall.

9. Southwest Philadelphia

Average studio rent: $900
Average 1-bedroom rent: $1,250
Apartments for rent in Southwest Philadelphia

A well-known Philadelphia neighborhood, Southwest Philadelphia is the next area. Southwest Philadelphia is home to Bartram’s Garden, John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge at Tinicum, and Fort Mifflin, meaning there’s plenty to do throughout the week. You’ll find countless historic buildings and museums in Southwest Philadelphia, like the Simeone Foundation Automotive Museum, so make sure to explore the area’s charm. If you need to commute to work, there are many options, as buses and light rails stop throughout the area. Southwest Philadelphia is also home to the Philadelphia International Airport, so traveling is a breeze.

10. Bustleton

Average studio rent: $1,099
Average 1-bedroom rent: $1,276
Apartments for rent in Bustleton

The tenth neighborhood in Philadelphia is Bustleton. This area has a vibrant feeling with its popular restaurants and quirky shops. You can find parks like Pennypack Park and Lorimer Park, which are perfect for enjoying a sunny day in Philadelphia. Lincoln Highway runs through the area if you’re a renter commuting to work.

11. Richmond

Average studio rent: $750
Average 1-bedroom rent: $1,285
Apartments for rent in Richmond

Number 11 on our list of affordable neighborhoods in Philadelphia is Richmond. This affordable neighborhood is located northeast of downtown Philadelphia and is an awesome area if you’re looking for a neighborhood with a charming main street. Many cozy cafes and lively restaurants are on Aramingo Avenue and Richmond Street. Richmond is also close to parks like Campbell Square and Powers Park.

Methodology: Affordability based on whether a neighborhood has average studio and 1-bedroom rent prices under the city’s average. Average rental data from in March 2024.

Apache is functioning normally

Reverse mortgage industry professionals have spoken for months about the consequences of high interest rates on their ability to pursue business, and now AARP has taken a closer look at the impacts.

While higher rates are bad news for the mortgage industry in a broad sense, the impact on reverse lending is more nuanced, Bruce Simmons of American Liberty Mortgage in the Denver area explained to AARP.

“If a reverse mortgage can help your situation, it still makes sense for a lot of people,” Simmons told the organization. “There are so many people who can benefit from this today, even with the rates the way they are.”

These sentiments echo what Simmons shared with RMD at the beginning of this year when asked about how business is progressing after the general tumult observed in 2023. Inconsistent interest rate forecasts have made things challenging in his business, but different kinds of marketing — including a refocusing exercise on his existing marketing efforts — have helped to improve things, Simmons told RMD in February.

But a rise in interest rates also impacts the amount of money owed on the negatively amortizing loan, observed Stephanie Moulton, a longtime reverse mortgage academic researcher from Ohio State University.

“It might accelerate the growth of the balance and reduce, potentially, the equity when your heirs go to sell the home, because your balance is going to grow faster,” she told AARP.

But the utility of eliminating a forward mortgage payment still has the potential to add value for reverse mortgage borrowers, along with a raft of disbursement options such as a standby line of credit or monthly term payments, Simmons added.

Bruce McClary, senior vice president of the National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC) also shared that while reverse mortgages can add value for borrowers in certain situations, the fee structure of a home equity line of credit (HELOC) could potentially make more sense for some seniors. But certain situations may make a reverse mortgage a better idea for some individual borrowers.

“[It] depends on an individual’s capacity to borrow, the reasons for borrowing and what they’re going to use the money for,” McClary told AARP. “The answers will be different depending on people’s financial circumstances and their goals.”


Apache is functioning normally

Are you looking for ways to get paid to walk? Getting paid to walk is a side hustle with the benefits of getting daily exercise and even getting paid for it. There are tons of ways to get paid to walk including getting paid for steps, losing weight, and even picking up trash. I have…

Are you looking for ways to get paid to walk?

Getting paid to walk is a side hustle with the benefits of getting daily exercise and even getting paid for it. There are tons of ways to get paid to walk including getting paid for steps, losing weight, and even picking up trash.

I have personally been paid to walk, and it’s great!

How To Get Paid To Walk

Below are 19 ways to get paid to walk.

Recommended reading: 19 Ways To Get Paid To Workout

1. CashWalk

CashWalk is a free app that pays you to earn money just for running or walking outside or on a treadmill. You earn coins and can exchange them for gift cards to places like Amazon, Walmart, Apple, Starbucks, and more.

This pedometer app is designed to motivate you to achieve fitness goals and help build healthy exercise habits.

You won’t get rich with CashWalk, but it’s an easy way to make money by doing what you already do, which is walking.

You can sign up for CashWalk by clicking here. Also, you can get a free 100 points by using the referral code ESPU5.

2. Sweatcoin

Sweatcoin is a free app that helps motivate you to walk by rewarding your daily steps. This pedometer app only counts outdoor steps right from your phone (such as your iPhone or Android device), so if you’re a treadmill walker, those steps will not count in the app.

Once you accumulate enough coins, you can redeem them for products or donate to charity. The products that can be redeemed change regularly. You may see things such as Amazon credits, electronics, and other popular products. If you’re feeling generous, you can donate your earnings to charities like Save The Children, The African Wildlife Foundation, or Cancer Research.

3. Walk dogs

Rover is an app that connects you with pet owners who need help with pet sitting, dog walking, and drop-in visits. If you’re an animal lover, this is a great side hustle to try.

I was a Rover dog walker for several pet owners and it’s still one of my favorite side hustles to date. The app works on both Android and iOS devices.

How much money you earn on the Rover app varies on how many pets you’re walking, your experience, and what you set your rates at. Some pet sitters make $40,000 a year, while the top dog walkers in the field earn $100,000+. You can expect to earn between $15 and $25 per hour on Rover, with that rate being more depending on how many dogs you’re walking at one time.

Finding jobs is relatively easy because there are so many pet parents out there looking for a pet sitter or someone to walk their dog.

Click here to sign up for Rover.

Learn more at 7 Best Dog Walking Apps To Make Extra Money (another popular pet walking app that you can learn about is Wag!).

4. Get paid to pick up trash

A great way to help clean the environment, get exercise in, and get paid is by picking up trash. Many businesses want their property and parking lots to be clean so customers are shopping at a clean property.

Getting paid to pick up trash is a small business that you can start entirely on your own. Picking up trash can pay between $30-$50 an hour. There is a ton of trash to pick up in the world. Tools you will need include a broom, dustpan, and grabber tools.

You can learn more at Get Paid $30 – $50 Per Hour To Pick Up Trash.

5. Stepbet 

Stepbet is a popular fitness app that pays you for walking. The app is user-friendly and even lets you connect your fitness tracker (such as your Fitbit, Google Fit, Samsung Health, or Apple Watch). Stepbet is a great way to stay motivated to complete your daily step goal and even get paid for doing this.

This is how the app works:

  • You choose a game to set your step goals
  • Bet a certain amount of money into the pot to join the game
  • If you meet the weekly step goal, you can split the pot with others who also completed their goals and get your bet back plus more.

6. HealthyWage 

HealthyWage is a popular fitness app that pays you to lose weight. To get started, go to HealthyWage and enter how much weight you want to lose, how long you’ll have to complete the weight loss goal, and how much money you want to bet.

Let’s say I wanted to lose 30 pounds in 9 months or less and I bet $60 of my own money. The website shows my prize range would be between $588 and $1,116.

HealthyWage has weekly weigh-ins and support from other people who are also trying to lose weight. The purpose of HealthyWage is to motivate you to lose weight by using a financial incentive, which makes it more motivating to complete your weight loss goal.

7. DietBet

DietBet is a fun and unique app that makes fitness fun and motivating. DietBet works by you choosing a game/challenge to complete. For example, there are current weight loss challenges where you bet $40 and have to lose 10% of your body weight within 6 months to win the shared pot of money.

This is how it works:

  • You get started by choosing a challenge and betting money into the pot
  • Two days before the challenge begins, you must weigh in which involves taking two photos (one of you standing on the scale with lightweight clothing, and the second photo of the scale and weight)
  • The challenge will share how much weight you have to lose to win the pot of money at the end of the challenge.

8. Fit For Bucks 

Fit For Bucks is an app that lets you earn rewards for being active. You can earn points by doing things like walking to the grocery store, hitting the gym, going for a hike, dancing, and more.

Rewards you can redeem include things like coffee, fitness classes, massages, haircuts, wine, and more. Using this app is a fantastic way to stay motivated to get more movement in while also getting rewarded for your hard work.

9. Charity Miles 

Charity Miles is the app for you if you love giving back and being generous. Instead of giving rewards to you, the app lets you give your rewards to a charity of your choice. Every mile you walk earns a credit to be used as a donation to a charity.

One of my favorite charities, Save The Children, is on Charity Miles. So my daily walking that I already do helps me donate more money to my charity of choice.

10. Guided walking tours 

If you’re an extrovert and have knowledge about your local town, you may want to become a walking tour guide. As a guided walking tour operator, you can create your own unique walking route and showcase special landmarks and sites to tourists. You must have in-depth knowledge of the area and provide excellent customer service.

I recommend researching what similar tours are charging to get an idea of what you should charge. You should also think about factors such as the duration of the tour, the experience you have, and any additional services you’ll include when deciding how much the walking tour will cost.

Having a website and/or social presence for your tour company is a great way to get new customers interested in your tours. Network with local hotels, travel websites, and tourism organizations to promote your tours. You may even want to offer a special discount or promotion to attract new customers.

11. Evidation 

Evidation is an app that lets you earn points and rewards for actions like walking, sleeping, and more. Participating in this app helps contribute to research and new health findings that will benefit everyone.

For example, one of the current programs in the Evidation app gives you 300 points for joining a program focused on the flu. The app monitors your activity and can alert you when it sees a change that suggests you may be feeling under the weather.

You can connect all kinds of fitness electronics to the Evidation app, including but not limited to Fitbit, Garmin, Google Fit, and Dexcom.

12. MyWalgreens (Walgreens Balance Rewards)

MyWalgreens is a program run by Walgreens with the purpose of getting people to make healthier decisions.

You can earn points in the program by walking and tracking other fitness activities. You can even earn points for tracking your blood pressure, blood glucose, sleep, and other health markers.

13. Gigwalk

Gigwalk is an app that connects gig workers with quick tasks like going to a store, reviewing product displays, checking prices, availability of products, and conditions. You get to choose which gigs you choose and get to decide your schedule and how often you work.

Here’s how Gigwalk works:

  1. First, you download the app on your phone.
  2. Then, you look for gigs nearby.
  3. Choose a gig that you like.
  4. After you finish the job, you get paid.

Money is sent directly to your PayPal account and each gig pays differently. It typically can range anywhere from $3 to over $100 – the time to complete a gig can vary from 5 minutes to a few hours.

14. Runtopia 

Runtopia pays you to get fit by providing a motivational incentive to get moving.

The app has benefits like letting you record activities with GPS, data analysis to improve your performance, connecting with friends, and getting rewarded for various activities.

15. PK Rewards 

PK Rewards is an app that rewards you for tracking all kinds of workouts. Your workouts get converted into coins which can be redeemed for cool prizes from brands like Lululemon, Nike, Amazon, and more. You earn coins based on the effort you put in.

Workouts can include pretty much anything from going to the gym, cycling, dancing, walking, and more. You can set personal goals in the app, compete with friends, and track your progress all within the app. You can even see your effort over time as you use the app.

16. Instacart 

Instacart is a platform that connects customers with Instacart Shoppers who grocery shop and deliver food to customers. This job requires a lot of walking and physical activity and allows you to control your schedule and how often you work.

Signing up to become an Instacart Shopper is straightforward. Download the Instacart Shopper app and apply as a Shopper. Once your application is accepted, you can use the app to find orders, pick an order you like, and go to the store and start grocery shopping for the customer. When you’re done grocery shopping, deliver the groceries to the customer.

You earn money with each delivery and the more you deliver, the more job opportunities you’ll have available. Giving great service to your customers can lead to better tips, so customer service is important.

You can click here to sign up to be an Instacart Shopper.

Learn more at Instacart Shopper Review: How much do Instacart Shoppers earn?

17. DoorDash 

Working for DoorDash is an active gig job that requires you to deliver restaurant meals to customers. This side hustle can require a lot of walking and physical activity depending on how you’re delivering food. You may decide to deliver food by car or by bike.

The benefits of working for DoorDash include choosing the hours you work and deciding where you want to work. The app is user-friendly and allows you to take orders, where to go, and how to get there. Each delivery earns between $2-$10, plus tips.

Please click here to sign up for DoorDash.

18. Distribute flyers 

A side hustle that requires a lot of walking is getting paid to distribute flyers. To find jobs distributing flyers, check online job platforms like Indeed or Craigslist, and also search for jobs in newspapers, and community bulletin boards. Search for jobs using the keywords “flyer distribution”, or “leaflet distribution”.

You can also create a profile on gig platforms like TaskRabbit, Gigwalk, or Thumbtack and post or search for flyer distribution jobs. Make sure to check local events, trade shows, and festivals as these events always need promotional material to be distributed.

Before accepting any jobs, make sure to clarify pay rates and the schedule from the employer. This job is likely going to take a lot of daily steps and physical activity.

19. Mystery shopping

Mystery shopping is a tool companies use to learn ways to improve their customer experience. Mystery shoppers can get jobs in person, online, or on the phone. Jobs are different and may require you to buy something, sit down at a restaurant and eat, or even get your hair done in a salon. If you are required to buy something, make sure to keep your receipts as you will need them to complete your questionnaire.

My sister was a mystery shopper and I got to go with her on one of her gigs. We got to visit a restaurant for free as long as she gave her honest opinion after. Mystery shopping also involves going to stores such as Best Buy, salons, car dealerships, movie theaters, makeup counters, and more.

BestMark is a popular mystery shopping website that connects you with opportunities to earn money while helping companies improve their customer service.

Recommended reading: How To Become A Mystery Shopper

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are answers to common questions about ways to get paid to walk.

Can I get paid for walking? 

There are tons of ways to get paid for walking including via fitness apps like SweatCoin and CashWalk that reward you for meeting daily step goals or participating in walking challenges. Rewards include things like gift cards, discounts, cash, and free stuff.

Besides using fitness apps that reward you for walking, you can also make money walking by working as a gig worker for TaskRabbit and DoorDash. These jobs include tasks like delivering food, running errands, and other jobs that require walking.

One of my favorite ways to make money walking is working as a Rover dog walker. If you love spending time with animals, you should consider becoming a dog walker.

What is the best app that pays you to walk?

Many activity tracker apps pay you to walk and each has its pros and cons. The most popular walking apps include CashWalk, Sweatcoin, Charity Miles, and StepBet. Each of these apps is user-friendly, easy to use, and rewards people for their movement. You get to choose from many rewards including gift cards, fitness gear, or donating your money to the chosen charity of your choice.

Is Sweatcoin real money?

Sweatcoin is not real money, but instead digital currency used in the Sweatcoin app. Sweatcoin users earn Sweatcoins based on how much they walk per day. As you take steps, digital coins are accumulated and can be redeemed for different rewards in the app like products, services, and discounts.

Can you earn money with a Fitbit?

While you can’t earn any rewards or money on the Fitbit app, you can connect your Fitbit to fitness apps that reward you for daily movement. Programs and apps like MyWalgreens, StepBet, and others allow you to easily connect your Fitbit to the app.

Why do apps pay you to walk?

Apps pay users to walk because they make money from advertisements when users use their apps.

19 Ways To Get Paid To Walk – Summary

I hope you enjoyed this article on how to get paid to walk.

There are many ways to make extra money and get free stuff by walking, dancing, cycling, sleeping, and other health-related activities. Take advantage of these free apps and keep your motivation up by earning points and rewards toward free things like gift cards, fitness classes, food, and more.

The walking side hustles above have health benefits and even mental health positives, plus you may be able to earn an income, cash rewards, or even money for charity donations.

Have you ever tried any of these side hustles or walking apps that pay you for steps?

Recommended reading:


Apache is functioning normally

Legislation targeting LGBTQ+ communities is intensifying across U.S. states. Since 2022, the number of states banning gender-affirming care has risen from four to 23, and 21 states banned or restricted abortion. Two-thirds of states also currently have laws on the books that criminally penalize certain activities based on a person’s HIV-positive status.

Recent Washington Post analysis of FBI crime data reveals that hate crimes in K-12 schools have more than quadrupled in response to restrictive laws.

In 2017, long before the most recent legislation, a survey by National Public Radio, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health found more than half of the LGBTQ+ community regularly reported experiencing threats, harassment or violence due to their sexuality or gender identity.

It stands to reason that community members may wonder how to plan for their safety and well-being. If you need to move due to safety concerns — and have some time to prepare for the move — any financial planning you can do beforehand will go a long way. Consider the following six tips from financial and LGBTQ+ experts around the country.

How to financially prepare for a move (if you can)

1. Evaluate your assets and expenses

Taking stock of your income, expenses and assets can help you figure out what it will take to make your move a reality. Lindsey Young, a certified financial planner in Baltimore, says reviewing regular expenses, moving expenses and any costs you may face from temporary unemployment can help you understand where your money is going and plan where you want it to go.

Moving is expensive, and the LGBTQ+ community already tends to earn less than straight and cisgender workers on average, according to a Human Rights Campaign analysis of full-time LGBTQ+ workers and Bureau of Labor Statistics data. Transgender men and women, LGBTQ+ people of color and LGBTQ+ women face even more pronounced pay gaps and discrimination.

However, the LGBTQ+ community also has a rich history of supporting one another through mutual aid. So, check with your support network to see what’s available. Be aware that seeking help and support is normal, especially during challenging political moments.

2. Acquire cash on hand

Once you know how much money you need, consider how you might get it and create cash flow, says Young. For example, can you take on extra shifts at work? A second job? Can your chosen family or a GoFundMe make up the difference?

If you need to move but don’t have cash, says Young, consider what existing lines of credit you can access, such as a home equity line of credit, or HELOC, or credit card.

Also, consider whether you would want — or be able — to take on repaying new debt over the next several months or years. Are you more comfortable taking on debt to make a move happen, or would you prefer to tough it out where you are? Young says there is no correct answer, and it’s a matter of “understanding what their priorities are to really figure out what the right path forward is.”

3. Assemble your documents and back them up 

Wherever you are, it’s always helpful to get your important documents together in one place. Make photocopies of anything important, such as medical records and personal IDs, and upload them to a safe cloud location so you can access them anywhere.

4. Specify your power of attorney 

Officially designating who will make medical and financial decisions on your behalf is essential to putting someone you trust in charge if something happens to you. Make your will and choose your power of attorney so one isn’t chosen for you.

This step is crucial for anyone concerned that their biological family members (or the state) might try to challenge their wishes, even if they’re married. If your situation is complicated, finding an attorney who specializes in LGBTQ+ clients can help ensure that your wishes are followed despite any contentious family relationships you may have.

The risk of not planning can include that your wishes and loved ones aren’t honored, says Frank Summers, a certified financial planner in Charlotte, North Carolina. “I know of situations in which the estate of somebody who passed away went to a family member who did not approve of their relationship, who didn’t like gay people and proceeded to make the life of the surviving partner extraordinarily difficult when that person is dealing with a tremendous and profound grief,” says Summers.

5. Connect to members of your community, old and new

Connecting to an LGBTQ+ organization or group in a new city might make you feel safer, as well as possibly open up connections to new jobs, health care providers and relationships.

As director of transgender services at The Center on Colfax in Denver, Sable Schultz has seen a significant uptick in people connecting to peer support group services in person and online as they prepare to move to Colorado. Considered a “refugee” state, Colorado has sheltered thousands of newcomers in 2024, and its Medicaid coverage includes gender-affirming services.

Summers sees particular groups of people impacted by legislation — trans and nonbinary people, people wanting to start families, people with children and people who require ongoing care. Needing to access care and not knowing if you’ll be able to get it (or, if you can get access, not knowing if you’ll receive care with respect) can be overwhelming and scary, especially in a state like North Carolina that recently banned gender-affirming care and severely restricted abortion.

So wherever you’re headed, identify a support group, Queer Exchange, Facebook affinity group, or a social service provider that can connect you with housing, medical care, community or other support nearby.

6. Plan a safe travel route

If you’re getting on the road, consider how you can safely get from one place to another, including where you can use the restroom. Be sure to check in with local queer groups to identify where travelers have successfully stopped and stayed in the past.

If moving or traveling requires you to go through states targeting the LGBTQ+ community, particularly trans and nonbinary people, make a plan for how you can drive along large interstates and stop in larger towns and cities, or at least places that identify themselves as allies to the community.

What to do if you have to move and can’t prepare

Conversations about money aren’t usually related to an immediate life or death scenario, but for too many members of the LGBTQ+ community, that is the current reality. Safety is top of mind, especially given the ongoing rise in hate crimes.

Schultz describes Colorado as a refugee state because it mandates health care protections — including requiring gender-affirming care of Medicaid services — as well as general protections around gender identity and gender expression.

Other states where gender-affirming care is practiced include Alaska, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, and Wyoming; and Washington, D.C.

If you’d feel safer in any of these states, it’s possible even a lack of financial planning shouldn’t keep you from making the move. For those who are currently unhoused or living out of their car, says Schultz, sometimes “it’s at least safer to be unhoused here [in Colorado] than it would be to be wherever they were. And they can at least get the health care that they need.”

There’s no shame in doing what you must to get to a safer place where you are valued and wanted. And if you’re an ally to the LGBTQ+ community, check in on your loved one. Consider what emotional, financial or other support you can offer them during this challenging time.
