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Save more, spend smarter, and make your money go further

Finances are often talked about like some enigma that can’t be cracked unless you’re an accountant, investor, or a CFO. In fact, according to a study from Statista, only 25% of respondents said they considered themselves to be very financially literate, while 4% said they were not financially literate at all.

But the stigma around financial expertise has got to go! By using your resources and taking charge of your own financial standing, you can make a difference in your own life and even inform friends and family who are struggling to manage their own finances.

One of the best ways to glean financial knowledge is to read about it. From financial news and our #RealMoneyTalk series, to the best finance books of all time, there are plenty of opportunities to learn more about your money. Whether you’re looking to boost your budgeting skills, try your hand at investing, or want to learn how to save for retirement, you’re in the right place.

In this post, we’re discussing the 16 best financial books of all time. From books by spunky financial advisor Suze Orman to finance books specifically for millennials, there’s something in here for anyone who wants to strengthen their financial prowess.

Looking for a quick book recommendation? Use the links below to skip ahead, or read end to end to get the most out of our comprehensive list of the best finance books of all time.

Best financial books by category

To help you find the right book for your financial needs, we’ve broken this list down into 7 categories, with some of the best book selections in each.

Best financial books for all readers

Whether you’re just opening your first credit card or you’re trying to figure out how to start a budget, there’s a lot to learn in the finance world. But pick up the most recent issue of the Wall Street Journal as a finance novice, and you might feel a little lost, to say the least.

Before you dive into market trends and economic policy, it’s a good idea to establish some foundational knowledge first. Our list of the best financial books of all time in the general category include titles that encourage changing your perspective on money, to a book that gives a cynical yet informative run-down of the top financial terms consumers need to know.

Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness

In addition to providing advice on finances and wealth, Nobel Prize winning author, Richard H. Thaler tells readers how they can shift their decision-making skills in all facets of life including health and happiness.

Thaler and co-author Cass R. Sunstein include rich behavioral data to look at how humans make decisions and how they can improve their “choice architecture” to avoid investment mistakes, unhealthy habits, and even relationship faux pas. If you’re in search of a new perspective to help you better manage your finances and related decisions, Nudge could be just the push you need to take hold of your personal finances and start meeting your financial goals.

The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business

If you’ve tried budgeting before and you just can’t get it to stick, it could be time to take a closer look at your habits. In his New York Times bestselling book, author Charles Duhigg examines how people create habits and how we can change them.

Duhigg backs his methodology in The Power of Habit with scientific research and anecdotes that readers can apply to their own lives, whether it’s changing financial habits or learning how to be more productive in work and in life.

The Devil’s Financial Dictionary

One of the biggest roadblocks in financial literacy can be connected to the complexity of the financial jargon and processes we see on the news and in blogs. But in the name of readability, author Jason Zweig brings these convoluted terms back to earth with witty definitions that Wall Street executives and financial amateurs alike can appreciate.

If you’ve ever felt like the finance world is too pompous or complex for your liking, you’re certainly not alone. The Devil’s Financial Dictionary demystifies everything from Wall Street lingo to general terms you can apply to your everyday life.

Best financial books for retirement

Preparing for retirement is an exciting time. You’ve worked much of your life building your career and saving up money, and now it’s time to start catching sunsets instead of chasing deadlines. But as you’re preparing for your sunset years, a lot of questions tend to arise.

How much money should I have in my 401k? Can I really afford to retire? When can I access the money in my retirement fund?

Sound familiar? You’re not alone—a lot of new and upcoming retirees have experienced the same woes as they plan for life after work. But the good news is, some of the most successful finance experts and authors in the world have taken to this topic to provide consumers with the answers they need as they approach retirement.

With that said, here are some of the top finance books for retirement planning:

You’ve Earned It, Don’t Lose It

You probably recognize her spunky personality and hard-hitting financial advice from the Oprah Show and Dr. Oz, but applying her advice directly to your personal finances is a revelation all on its own. In her book You’ve Earned It, Don’t Lose It, author and financial advisor Suze Orman discusses exactly what consumers need to know as they’re prepping their finances for their upcoming retirement.

From choosing trusts vs. wills  to maximizing retirement income, Orman’s national bestseller is nothing short of a complete guide to retirement planning.

How to Retire with Enough Money: And How to Know What Enough Is

Ever wondered how much money you need to retire or how much longer you’ll have to work to get there? In her book, How to Retire with Enough Money: And How to Know What Enough Is, retirement planning specialist Teresa Ghilarducci levels with upcoming retirees to tell them how much is enough and how to make your retirement savings grow all in a quick 144-page read.

Ghilarducci also discusses the external factors that might impact your retirement, including politics and the healthcare systems we currently have in place. If you’re looking for a way to ramp up your retirement savings, even if you’re still in college, this book is among the best financial books of all time…at least in our book.

Best financial books for millennials

If you’re a millennial in 2019, you’re likely in a more complicated financial position than people your age in past generations. Perhaps you’re a recent college grad trying to navigate the workforce on your own and you haven’t quite found a balance between entry level experience and a livable wage. Or, maybe you’ve reached the most exciting moment of your financial history thus far and you’re ready to meet another financial milestone such as buying a house or starting to invest in the stock market.

No matter where you’re at with your finances at the moment, it’s an exciting time to learn more about your money. If you’re looking for knowledge and advice specifically designed for millennials, check out these finance books.

Broke Millennial

Ever heard of #GYFLT? Author and personal finance expert Erin Lowry developed the hashtag to send millennials an important message: “get your financial life together!”. Whether you’ve started saving money or you’re living paycheck-to-paycheck , Lowry’s Broke Millennial book series acts as a guide as you prepare to tackle financial milestones such as getting married, buying a house, having kids, or trying your hand at investing.

So far, Lowry has two books in the Broke Millennial lineup: Broke Millennial: Strop Scraping By and Get Your Financial Life Together and Broke Millennial: A Beginner’s Guide to Leveling Up Your Money. Did we mention she’s also a contributor to our blog? Click here to read more from Erin Lowry.

Your Money or Your Life: 9 Steps to Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence

Many of us need a step-by-step guide to help us get our habits in order—whether it’s revamping your personal finances or getting back on your fitness game. With their book Your Money or Your Life, authors Vicki Robin, Joe Dominguez, and Mr. Money Mustache team up to give readers 9 simple steps to help them shift how they deal with money to make progress toward financial independence.

If you want to learn the basics of managing money, figure out how to fund your dreams, and start taking control of your financial future, this book comes highly recommended as one of our favorite personal finance books for millennials.

Millennial Money: How Young Investors Can Build a Fortune

If you’ve been considering investing your money, congratulations! That’s a huge step to take in your financial future, and it’s an exciting time to learn about how the finance world really works, first-hand. In his guide, Millennial Money, author Patrick O’Shaughnessy discusses how young people can cash-in on the global stock market to make up for potentially limited access to pension plans and Social Security.

O’Shaughnessy recommends investing early to reap the most reward and provides a basic strategy to help you develop your stock portfolio.

Best financial books for women

From career paths and finances to family structures, women in the 21st century lead very different lifestyles now than they ever have in the past. But along with their triumphs and new opportunities, women today may find themselves facing unique challenges when it comes to managing their own money.

Whether you’re looking for help learning how to balance your family life or financial life, or you’re looking to take over the investment world, there are plenty of empowering finance books for women to boost their financial knowledge.

Here are some of the best finance books for women:

You Are a Badass® at Making Money: Master the Mindset of Wealth

You may have heard some buzz about author Jen Sincero’s premiere novel, You Are a Badass® , also informally known as the young person’s guide to self-worth and stability. Well, the first edition was so successful that Sincero has since released two other books in the series: You Are a Badass®  Every Day and You Are a Badass® at Making Money.

In each of her books, Jen Sincero offers empowering advice to readers, along with real strategies to make your personal goals actually happen. In You Are a Badass® at Making Money, Sincero uses humorous personal experiences as the backbone of her monetary manifesto, while teaching readers to:

  • Find out what’s holding them back from making money
  • Generate wealth according to their own standards, rather than societal norms
  • Curate their own financial future instead of waiting for things to happen

If you’re in search of a modern take on money that’s relatable instead of intimidating, look no further than this one.

Smart Mom, Rich Mom

Finding a healthy financial balance can be tough when you’re raising a family…or getting ready to start one. From diapers to diplomas, having kids can end up taking a toll on your finances if you’re not armed with the right resources to keep things in check.

In her book, Smart Mom, Rich Mom, Kimberly Palmer explores different ways women can shape their financial future while raising a family. Palmer covers everything from career growth to creating budgets to help ease the stress on moms juggling household and financial responsibilities. If you’re curious about how you can prepare your budget for kids, or want to know how to repair your current financial situation, this book could be just the financial read you need.

Best financial books for budgeting

Budgeting can be one of the trickiest things to master when it comes to achieving financial wellness, but as you probably know, budgeting is an important skill to learn. Whether you’re wondering why you need a budget in the first place or where to begin, these budget-specific books are here to help.

How to Manage Your Money When You Don’t Have Any

One of the most frustrating roadblocks to saving money is feeling like you don’t even have enough money to cover your bills, let alone save. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, approximately 12.3% of Americans were living in poverty in 2017. With that statistic in mind, it’s easy to see that financial challenges are widespread across the country.

If you’ve ever been in a scenario where you’re scraping by to pay your bills but you want to save money, Erik Wecks’ How to Manage Your Money When You Don’t Have Any could give you the insight and inspiration you need to optimize your financial situation. Wecks speaks from his personal experience struggling to make ends meet in order to give context and provide readers with suggestions that might work for them, too.

The Financial Diet

Feeling lost at the thought of crunching numbers or developing a budget? Author Chelsea Fagan’s been there. In her book/life guide, The Financial Diet, Fagan gives millennials and Gen Zers the tools to take over their finances and build a better future. From budgeting to investing and slimming down spending, Fagan’s got your finance questions answered.

Best financial books for entrepreneurs

Are you planning your next business venture or world takeover as you’re reading this? You might want to take a moment to learn from the experts first. In these finance books for entrepreneurs, you can learn from their mistakes, find out how to optimize your business plan, and discover new strategies to boost your business.

You Are a Mogul

Entrepreneur Tiffany Pham has had to adapt to life fast—and she’s done more than just adapt. From attending business school at Harvard to founding her own company, Pham’s had a lot of experience building her empire from the ground up. In her book You Are a Mogul, Pham tells readers all about how she got to where she is and how they too can make their own entrepreneurial dreams come to fruition.

Whether you’re looking for guidance in identifying your passions or want to know how to “Crush it in Corporate Life,” You Are a Mogul includes the resources and real-life advice you need to jumpstart your career.

Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Others Don’t

Have you ever wondered what really differentiates two competing companies when it comes to success? They entered the market at the same time and both have strong branding, but why is one so much more successful than the other?

In his book Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Others Don’t, author Jim Collins analyzes what makes a company go from good to great, and why some companies are able to achieve success despite their mediocre reputation. Collins focuses on 4 key findings to support his theory:

  • Leadership structure
  • The Hedgehog Concept
  • Discipline
  • The Flywheel and the Doom Loop

If you’re thinking about starting your own business or what to optimize your current structure, consider using Collins’ book as your guide toward entrepreneurial success.

Best financial books for investors

Navigating the stock market as a beginner is no simple task. To help you learn the ropes, investment experts such as Warren Buffet and Burton G. Malkiel are spilling their secrets in these financial books for new and seasoned investors.

The Essays of Warren Buffet

As one of the most successful businessmen of all time, chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffet, is one of the most influential figures in the investment world. Lawrence A. Cunningham’s curation of Warren Buffet’s essays include topics from wealth management to investment strategy.

If you’ve considered investing in the stock market but you’re not sure where to start, The Essays of Warren Buffet could be the introductory guide you need to take the leap.

A Random Walk Down Wall Street

Jumping into the investment world can be intimidating, to say the least. But having a lay of the land, working knowledge of the terminology, and some insight on investment strategy, you could be cashing-in on Wall Street in no time.

In his investment guide, A Random Walk Down Wall Street, Burton G. Malkiel educates readers on a variety of investment topics that can easily be applied to the modern marketplace, thanks to updated editions. Malkiel covers just about everything consumers need to know about successful investing—from 401ks  to digital currency trends.

More ways to learn about finance

In addition to reading some of the best financial books of all time, there are plenty of other resources out there to help you diversify and expand upon your financial knowledge. Try incorporating some of these strategies to become a self-taught financial expert:

  • Speak to a financial advisor
  • Learn more about your credit score by getting a free credit report
  • Listen to finance-related podcasts
  • Read financial news and blogs
  • Participate in conversations about finances with family and friends
  • Practice managing your personal finances by using a budgeting app
  • Take a class online or at a local college
  • Watch our #RealMoneyTalk series

Key takeaways: Best Finance Books of All Time

The financial world can often seem intimidating, but if you just take a little time to learn about it, you may find that you’ll have a better hold on your own financial standing. Use this list as a guide to help you learn more about how money works in general and as it applies to your personal finances.

Have any financial book recommendations of your own? Let us know in the comment section below!

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Save more, spend smarter, and make your money go further

The temptation to overspend is seemingly everywhere you go. Whether you’re at the grocery store, checking your email, or scrolling on Instagram, ads are everywhere you look. These days, targeted ads are getting better at stealing your attention and your budget. While shopping never goes out of style, you may be wondering how to stop spending money on unnecessary items. Luckily, we have a few tricks up our sleeve. 

From becoming your own chef to creating and sticking to a budget, there are a few ways to avoid temptations to overspend. Not only does overspending impact your finances, it could hinder your chances of meeting your financial goals. Curb your temptation to spend money with our 13 budget savers below. 

1. Know Your Weaknesses 

While you’re gearing up to end overspending, first find out where you spend the most money. Look through your recent statements and highlight any unnecessary expenses. Where are you spending the most on items or services that benefit your finances, or steal from them? Once you’ve recognized your unnecessary expenses, limit your spending. 

Bonus step: Create your ideal budget and set specific financial goals using the Mint app. Enable alerts to notify you anytime you’re nearing your budget’s limit. 

2. Create a Budget and Stick to It

Now that you’ve identified where you overspend, it’s time to create a budget to keep your temptations at bay. As a general rule of thumb, you should follow the 50/30/20 rule — 50 percent of your income going to necessities, 30 percent towards extras, and 20 percent towards your savings. 

After figuring out how much money comes in versus out, set your monthly budget goals. As each month may have different expenses, plan for the adjustments. Sit down at the end of each month to readjust your budget for the next month ahead. 

Bonus step: Schedule budget check-ins once a month to hold yourself accountable. 

3. Give Every Dollar a Purpose

When creating your budget, try budgeting to zero. When you have extra money laying around in your account, you may feel tempted to spend it on things you don’t need. Once you’ve accounted for your necessary expenses like rent, electricity, and WiFi, divide up your leftovers to put towards your savings, extra debt payments, and investments until you reach zero. 

Bonus step: Set up automatic savings contributions to make sure your income is directly deposited where you want it to go. 

4. Only Shop With a List 

Write out a shopping list before you enter the store to ensure you get everything you need without any extras. While you’re shopping, only stick to what’s on your list. If it’s not on the list and you haven’t budgeted for it, put it down and just keep walking. 

Bonus step: To avoid impulse purchases, unsubscribe from all your email newsletters and delete shopping apps from your phone. 

5. Check Your Budget Before You Spend

If you do find yourself eyeing an item that you haven’t budgeted for (it happens!), check in on your bank account before making the purchase. If it fits your budget, ask yourself the hard questions. Do you really need this item? If so, how would it benefit you and your lifestyle? Could it save you time or money? If yes, follow through with the purchase while respecting your budget.

Bonus step: Wait three days before purchasing an unneeded item. After 72 hours, if you’re still interested and it fits your budget, go back and get it. 

6. Invest In Multi-Use Products

While your monthly goal may be to save as much as you can, be open to higher-priced items that could help you reach that goal. For example, buying reusable paper towels means you’ll spend less on disposable ones over time. Another way to save on small expenses is to become your own barista, which can save you between $1,934 to $2,327 a year

Bonus step: Consider adopting some minimalist lifestyle ideas to help spend less and declutter. 

7. Ditch Food Delivery and Cook at Home 

The average American spends $3,459 on eating out every year. Instead of ordering food for lunch every day, meal prep at home. You can work this into your weekly routine by designating a day for meal planning and a day for grocery shopping and cooking. Planning your meals saves you from overspending while still making your favorite gourmet meals. You can save eating out for special occasions. 

Bonus step: Delete all your food delivery apps from your phone to avoid the urge to order a speedy, but expensive, meal. 

8. Pack Leftovers the Night Before

When your calendar’s booked, you’re most likely looking for the easiest way to get food for lunch. Nix your takeout food budget and pack your leftovers from the night before. While some nights you may be booked with events or virtual get-togethers, meal prep once or twice a week to ensure you have food for lunch every day. Simple dishes like chicken and veggies are easy meals to make on a budget.

Bonus step: Organize a “lunch swap” with your coworker so you don’t get bored of eating the same meal. 

9. Squash Sale Shopping

If items on your shopping list aren’t on sale, don’t go looking for unnecessary items on the sale racks. You may walk out of the store buying something you don’t need because “it was only five bucks!” Kick discount shopping to the curb unless the items you need are part of the sale. 

Bonus step: Save time and money by avoiding discount catalogs and sale sections.

10. Opt For Generic Over Name Brand 

While checking off your shopping list, see if there are any generic alternatives to big-name brands. Most big box stores make the same products at a discounted price in exchange for the branded packaging. Compare the ingredients of a generic item against name brand products to see if you can spot a difference. Purchasing generic food products alone could save you 30 to 60 percent

Bonus step: Google online coupons at checkout to see if you can get an added discount. 

11. Cancel Unnecessary Subscriptions

While your gym membership and TV streaming system may have served you a few years ago, it may not now. Audit your expenses each month to see what you’re able to cut out. Instead of paying for a gym membership that costs on average $696 each year, purchase weights and a yoga mat for your own home gym. Not only could it save you money year after year, it could save you the commute to the gym and back. 

 Bonus step: As 65% of people don’t keep track of their monthly spending, schedule budget audits on your calendar every three months. 

12. Challenge Yourself to a No-Spend Challenge

Participate in daily, weekly, or monthly savings challenges to make penny-pinching more fun. Ask your friends and family to join in on a no-spend challenge to up the stakes. Spark some friendly competition while giving back to your bank account. Once the month has come to a wrap, treat yourself to your favorite snack in celebration of your achievements. 

Bonus step: Set an alert on your phone for a no-spend day each week. One New Yorker saved $18,432 in six months from having one no-spend day a week. 

13. Set New Budget Goals and Repeat 

Challenges help keep your eyes on the prize. Set different goals as you audit your budget each month. One month you may want to focus on contributing to your emergency fund, while the other you may want to increase your student loan payments. Get creative with your goals and set up budget alerts to ensure you’re meeting them. 

Bonus step: Tell your friends and family about your goals each month to increase your odds of meeting them. 

Invest Your Time and Money On Things That Help You Save

What else could you do with your money to earn more? Simply investing a hundred dollars in home gym equipment could pay for itself (and more) instead of purchasing an annual gym membership. Below are a few more options that could save you time and money year after year. 

  • Make your coffee at home: Buy yourself a coffee maker and cup that you love. Use your machine and reusable cup every day to save hundreds of dollars on takeout coffee. 
  • Become a beautician: Order hair shears, at-home dye supplies, and nail kits to save on the tremendous beauty industry markup prices. Ask your friend to do your hair or take it upon yourself to learn. 
  • Use reusable products: Reduce your waste and purchase reusable products. Swap your paper towels for reusable towels to save the earth and budget.
  • Shop quality over quantity: For instance, invest in staple clothing pieces over fast fashion. You could save money and time on constantly shopping for new clothes. 
  • Create an at-home gym: Purchase a few weights, a yoga mat, and a water bottle and get a sweaty workout done at home. You may even feel less stressed about beating traffic to make it to your fitness class on time. 
  • Track your spending on the fly: Download our free app to track your spending habits, even when you’re out and about. Set up alerts to ensure you’re always on track with your budget. 
  • Divvy up time for your passion projects: Say no to events that don’t benefit you and use that time to create passive income projects that last a lifetime. 

Even though you may be looking to save more and spend less, you don’t have to cut all your favorite things out of your budget. Instead, practice spending with a purpose. Your weekly dinners out on the town may not as mean as much as they do when you treat yourself to a nice steak made at home. If you’re frequently tempted to spend your money instead of saving, create a budget to ensure you’re always keeping up with and sticking to your savings goals. 

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Save more, spend smarter, and make your money go further

Last month’s average temperatures nationwide were the second highest ever recorded, and July is showing no signs of relief. The hot weather paired with many large utilities already raising customer rates means that Minters could see their highest utility bills ever this year.

Luckily, there are steps you can take now to reduce the cost of cooling your home. So sit back, pour yourself a cold drink and take advantage of these tips to keep your utility bill from heating up.

Replace Your Air Filters

You should be replacing your air filters once a month, especially during the summer. Dirty filters restrict airflow, which means the air conditioner runs longer and uses more energy. Replacing a clogged filter will reduce your energy consumption by up to 15%! Buy several filters at once and create a recurring calendar reminder on your phone.

Cool Down Your Bed, Not The Room

Feeling hot when you try to fall asleep is uncomfortable at best, but running the air conditioning all night is the quickest way to a steep energy bill. Instead of turning down the temperature on your thermostat, consider purchasing a bed fan or cooling mat. Bed fans are special bed-height units that send cool air between your bed sheets, using much less energy than central air or a wall unit. Cooling mats use no energy at all! Just pop it in the refrigerator during the day, and place in your bed when you’re ready to turn in for the night.

Consider a Smart Thermostat

Your thermostat controls half of your energy bill, so any cost savings strategy deserves a long look at that tiny box on your wall. Thermostat innovator Nest reports that a correctly programmed thermostat – ones that make adjustments based on your activity – can save about 20% on your heating and cooling bill. In fact, average annual savings with the Nest Learning Thermostat is $173/year – with units costing around $250, you’ll see a return on your investment in your second year.

You can use Nest’s online tool to calculate how much money you can save based on your location, home size and system specifications. Even if you don’t have a smart thermostat, don’t forget: adjusting your temperature just one degree can cut your energy use up to 5%.

Get an Estimate for Radiant Barriers

If you live in a region with prolonged hot temperatures, updating your home’s insulation is a great option for reducing cooling costs for good. Radiant barriers – also known as reflective insulation – reflect heat away from the home.

Heat travels in three ways: conduction, convection, and radiation. Traditional insulation materials slow conductive and convective heat flow, but do not account for radiant heat that travels through your roof and into your house. Radiant barriers are easiest to install in new construction, but can be installed in your existing house, especially if it has an open attic. Studies show that radiant barriers can reduce cooling costs 5% to 10% when used in a warm, sunny climate.

What are some tips and tricks you use to keep things cool around your house? Share with us in the Comments or on Twitter with #MyMintTips.

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Are you tired of having credit card bills? Do you wish you could get out of debt once and for all?

If you want get out of debt permanently, first consider this: Debt is not a financial problem. Hard to believe, but true.

Debt is actually a personal problem that masquerades in financial clothing. That is why so many people have persistent problems with debt. They look outward for financial solutions, when the true solution is found by looking inward.

Planning a Permanent Debt Solution

Defining your debt problem correctly is critical to solving it.

That is where most debtors run into trouble. They mistakenly define debt as a financial problem and develop financial solutions. That is why their debt returns shortly after paying it off. They fail to identify the root cause of debt, opening the door to repeating the vicious cycle.

For a debt solution to be effective your plan of attack needs to be based on principles that actually work. Unfortunately, when you just pay off your balances you relieve the pain, but the underlying condition that put you in debt in the first place still lurks under the surface, ready to return.

Let’s face it, the real causes of overspending are your personal habits and attitudes. In other words, the true solution is personal — not financial. That is a key, and understanding this principle is what will make or break your success in slaying the debt monster for good.

Masking The Problem

When you get a headache what is the logical response? You reach to the medicine cabinet for immediate pain relief. Unfortunately, the various pills do nothing to cure the underlying disease: they merely treat the symptom. The cause could be excessive stress, brain cancer, dehydration, eye strain, or any number of other issues. By taking a pill you’ve treated the symptom — not the underlying cause.

The same is true with debt. Everyone knows they need to make more and spend less to solve their debt problems. So they pursue financially driven solutions to relieve financial symptoms. It seems logical on the surface.

Whether you choose to consolidate your credit card debt to lower interest rates or you choose any of the quick-payoff strategies (inheritance, gift, sell an asset, bankruptcy, home equity line of credit, or refinancing), the reality is you are treating the symptom and not creating a lasting cure.

Your financial problems are merely the accumulated reflection of the many small financial mistakes you are making on a daily basis — often without knowing any better. That’s why teaching a debtor to spend less and earn more is like telling someone to lose weight by eating less and exercising more. Everyone already knows that is the answer. The difficult part is not knowing what to do, but actually getting it done. The solution lies in your daily habits and attitudes.

[Related Article: 3 People Who Dug Out of Deep Debt]

Money Breakthroughs

I first discovered this approach to debt recovery in my work as a money coach. I started out making the same mistakes as everyone else. I thought debt problems were financial, so I coached my clients to financial solutions. The lackluster results proved it was the wrong approach.

The breakthrough came when I noticed my wealthy clients had mirror opposite attitudes and behaviors compared to my get-out-of-debt clients. For example:

  • My wealthy clients viewed their financial situation from a position of self-responsibility, whereas my debt clients were victims of their finances.
  • My wealthy clients planned their finances, but my debt clients had no plan.
  • My wealthy clients organized their plans around delayed gratification, whereas my debt clients pursued instant gratification.
  • My wealthy clients associated their self-worth with intrinsic values, while my debt clients associated self-worth with extrinsic stuff.

These are just 4 examples from a long list of opposing traits. They are guidelines or tendencies that generally hold true. While there may be personal variation, on the whole the patterns were unmistakable. These mirror opposite attitudes produced mirror opposite financial results in life.

[Related Article: 7 Ways to Avoid a Debt Relapse]

Amazingly,when I applied these principles, coaching habitudes instead of specific financial actions, the debt problems solved themselves over time.

This is obvious when you think about it. Your daily financial decisions result from your habits and attitudes that drive those decisions. For example, consider the following choices and their obvious financial implications:

  • Do you buy fancy coffees throughout the day or do you make a pot of your favorite coffee in the morning and bring it with you?
  • Do you lease a new car every few years or maintain your reliable used car?
  • Do you dine out frequently or cook healthy meals at home?
  • Are you a minimalist or do you desire the latest designer fashions?
  • Do you shop to get what you need or do you shop for pleasure and recreation?

When you focus on financial solutions, you treat the symptom instead of the cause. When you focus on your attitudes and habits, you focus on the cause, and the symptom takes care of itself automatically without any self-discipline.

Let me be clear — this isn’t a quick fix. The results you produce from this approach will occur gradually over time. Just as it took time to accumulate the debt, it takes time to unwind it when you work with root causes.

However, the solutions are as permanent as the new attitudes and habits you adopt — and that makes all the difference.

The truth is the financial results of your life aren’t dependent upon how much money you make. Instead, they depend on how well you manage the money you already have. This article series will show you the easiest way to adopt wealthy habits and attitudes and be smarter with your money so that you can get out of debt — permanently.

[Related Article: 5 Ways to Get Out of Debt: Which Will Work for You?]

Todd Tresidder is a financial coach and consumer advocate. His unconventional take on worn financial topics has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, Investor’s Business Daily, Smart Money magazine, Yahoo Finance, and more. He’s authored 5 financial education books including How Much Money Do I Need To Retire?, Variable Annuity Pros and Cons, and the 4% Rule and Safe Withdrawal Rates In Retirement. 

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Is Facebook the IPO of a generation? The much-anticipated initial public offering of the world’s most popular social networking site, Facebook, took place this morning on the NASDAQ. With it, the dreams and technologies of the millenial generation have taken root as a core part not only of American society – but of its formal economy.

Already, Facebook bears the distinction of having the largest market valuation of any US company at IPO at $104.1 Bn. That’s no small feat for a company that didn’t even exist eight years ago. The offering, which was originally priced at $38 per share, has “popped” to over $42/share as of the time of writing, creating over $16 Bn in value for the company. That could grow to $18.4 Bn, making it also the largest initial share offering in US history.

But all these big numbers aside, the Facebook IPO is also the hallmark of the new economy. Facebook doesn’t make anything, and its users aren’t even buying any products or servics (with the exception of some gaming functions), but most people still believe it has great value. The power of connectedness – and the technologies that enable us to share and display information across our network – has now taken root.

That, some analysts say, explains in part the $1 Bn Facebook paid for photo-sharing startup, Instagram last month: Sure, Facebook could’ve created a competitor, but Instagram was already growing to be hugely popular – and it’s a bit harder to convince an existing social network to migrate. It also helps explain the company’s big gains in advertising revenue (and its price to earnings value). It’s the network itself, that has value. Advertisers can use it to pinpoint people based on preferences in a more targeted fashion. It’s also a place where people are more tuned in; people care more about their friends’ lives than tv, and the power of social networking holds values for individuals and companies, alike. Ever heard of the term “going viral”?

In the end, we’re all part of social networks, whether we use applications like Facebook, or not. But it took a Harvard student in his dorm room to harness that power for the market.

What’s your take? Is Facebook the IPO of a generation? Will you “like” the social network by investing in its stock?

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Consumer financial products are innovating faster than anyone can keep up with them. Every week I hear about dozens of new websites, apps, online pawnshops, and initial public offerings. Most are clunky, scammy, a waste of time. A few, however, are products I’d strongly consider using myself. They’re fairly priced and address a genuine need.

The post Harvest Your Losses and Pay Down Your Mortgage with Two New Services from Wealthfront and MortgageNudge appeared first on MintLife Blog.

Insiders Opting In

It’s good to have options, so the saying goes. For insiders, whose definition of “options” includes tangible instruments of remuneration, not just intangible choices, it’s even better. When insiders exercise their incentive options or other derivative securities, it’s usually so they can immediately sell the shares they acquire at below-market prices for a risk-free profit.

The post Insiders Opting In appeared first on MintLife Blog.