Mortgage rates pushed further into the 7% range as the Federal Reserve seems unlikely to reverse its restrictive policy stance anytime soon, according to Freddie Mac.

The average 30-year fixed-rate mortgage was 7.22% for the week ending May 2, according to Freddie Mac’s latest Primary Mortgage Market Survey. That’s an increase from the previous week when it averaged 7.17%. A year ago, the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage averaged 6.39%. 

The average rate for a 15-year mortgage was 6.47%, up from 6.44% last week and up from  5.76% last year.

On Wednesday, the Fed announced it would maintain the federal funds rate at 5.25% to 5.5%, where rates have held steady since last July. Fed officials have said in past meetings that they anticipated rate cuts for 2024 but need more confidence that inflation is heading toward the 2% target rate. Fed Chair Jerome Powell reiterated this sentiment on Wednesday and said it would likely take longer for the central bank to gain this confidence when speaking with reporters.

The delay in rate cuts means mortgage rates will likely stay high longer. With no ease in sight, affordability will continue to be a challenge for homebuyers, who also contend with high home prices. 

“The 30-year fixed-rate mortgage increased for the fifth consecutive week as we enter the heart of Spring Homebuying Season,” Freddie Mac’s Chief Economist Sam Khater said. “On average, more than one-third of home sales for the entire year occur between March and June. With two months left of this historically busy period, potential homebuyers will likely not see relief from rising rates anytime soon.”

If you are ready to shop for the best rate on a new mortgage, consider visiting an online marketplace like Credible to compare rates and get preapproved with multiple lenders at once.


How higher rates are impacting housing

Homebuyers are looking for ways to lower their costs as high mortgage rates persist. Recently, there have been an increase in proptech solutions, down payment assistance and even rate buydowns, Percy.AI Founder and CEO Charles Williams said. 

“Homebuyers are looking to use whatever incentives they can score,” Williams said. “We expect some of these initiatives to remain even after rates start heading down meaningfully, which is unlikely this year.”

Buyers have also increasingly turned to adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs) for a discount. Compared to more traditional mortgage products, ARMs offer lower initial interest rates before adjusting to higher rates in the future. 

“With affordability remaining a challenge, more prospective buyers are turning to adjustable-rate mortgages to lower their monthly payments in the short-term,” Bob Broeksmit, the Mortgage Bankers Association president and CEO, said. “The ARM share of applications last week reached 7.8% – the highest level this year.”

If you’re looking to become a homeowner, you could still find the best mortgage rates by shopping around. Visit Credible to compare your options without affecting your credit score.


Home prices increase

Buyers waiting for relief from high home prices will have to wait longer. Home prices are now 6.4% above their level last year, up from the 6% increase registered in January, according to the latest S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller national home price index report.  

Fannie Mae readjusted its home price projection and forecasts upward, forecasting prices to increase 4.8% annually in 2024 and 1.5% in 2025.

“Buyers are mainly waiting to see if prices go down, too, to balance things out,” Williams said. “That is not likely to happen soon. So, buyers who can afford a home are buying, but only if they can outcompete in this crazy market.”

One way to use your home’s equity is through a cash-out refinance to help you pay down debt or fund home improvement projects. Visit Credible to find your personalized interest rate without affecting your credit score. 


Have a finance-related question, but don’t know who to ask? Email The Credible Money Expert at [email protected] and your question might be answered by Credible in our Money Expert column.


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Fannie Mae says home prices could drop as inventory builds and if borrowing rates stay higher for longer.  (iStock)

There’s no relief in sight for high borrowing costs as interest rate cuts are pushed further into the distance. Still, a surge in housing inventory could give buyers more options, Fannie Mae said in a report.

Mortgage rates have ticked above 7% in recent weeks and that, combined with high home prices, has rendered housing unaffordable for many. Fannie Mae is still forecasting for mortgage rates to decrease later this year to 6.6%, but borrowing costs will only drop meaningfully once the Fed dials back interest rates. That won’t come until the central bank is confident that inflation will reach a 2% target rate. 

The inflation data registered this year has been higher than the Fed expected. The latest reading of the personal consumption expenditures (PCE) price index, excluding food and energy prices—a key metric the Federal Reserve tracks to measure inflation—increased by 3.7% after rising to 2% in the fourth quarter, raising concerns that inflation may be headed in the wrong direction. Fannie Mae has readjusted its expectations on inflation and now expects the Consumer Price Index to end 2024 at a 3.1% annual rate, compared to the previously projected 2.5%.   

“While we still expect economic growth and inflation to moderate going forward – and, thus, for mortgage rates to drift downward – interest rates existing in a ‘higher for longer’ state seems to be an increasingly real possibility in the eyes of market participants, as well as some homebuyers and sellers,” Fannie Mae Vice President, Economic and Strategic Research Hamilton Fout said. “While we’ve recently seen evidence that some potential home sellers are becoming more acclimated to the higher mortgage rate environment and putting their homes on the market, the recent move upward in rates is yet another headwind to the recovery of home sales, and it intensifies long-standing affordability challenges for consumers.”

The silver lining for the housing market is that supply is expected to build as home sales lag, which “should help gradually thaw housing inventory and contribute to decelerating home price growth,” Fannie Mae said. 

Homebuyers can find the best mortgage rate by shopping around and comparing your options. You can visit an online marketplace like Credible to compare rates, choose your loan term and get preapproved with multiple lenders at once.


Home prices forecasted to keep rising

Fannie Mae has readjusted its home price projection and forecasts upwards, but there are signs that gains are slowing. Home prices are forecasted to increase 4.8% annually in 2024 and 1.5% in 2025.

Home prices are now 6.4% above their level this time last year, up from the 6% increase registered in January, according to the latest S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller national home price index report.  Across the nation, home prices increased 0.6% month-over-month after dipping the previous month. This annual and monthly growth in home prices comes as homebuyers struggle with affordability issues caused by high mortgage rates and a lack of housing supply.  

“Home price growth pivoted in February, as the impact of the January 2023 Home Price Index bottom finally faded,” CoreLogic Chief Economist Selma Hepp said in a statement. “As a result, the U.S. should begin to see slowing annual home price gains moving forward.”  

If you’re looking to become a homeowner, you could still find the best mortgage rates by shopping around. Visit Credible to compare your options without affecting your credit score.


Here’s how much homebuyers need to earn 

Homebuyers need to earn more today to afford a home. Based on the current interest rate of 7.22% over a 30-year mortgage, buyers today would need to earn an annual income of roughly $120,000, plus a 10% down payment, to afford a home, according to the Clever Real Estate report. However, the average American household earns about $45,000 less than that, and most first-time buyers can’t afford a 10% down payment.

Based on the median annual salary and a 10% down payment, most first-time buyers can afford a home priced at about $207,529 — 38% less than the current median-priced home. Increasing the down payment to 20% lowers the salary threshold to $98,202, but saving that amount could take years, the Clever report said. 

Moreover, higher mortgage rates and home prices mean that 20% of Americans spend roughly 30% of their paychecks on monthly home loan payments, and 10% spend more than half of their pay, according to a recent survey. Homeownership is considered affordable if households spend at most 28% of their monthly income on housing costs. The survey said those ready to take the plunge have had to sink a larger portion of their paychecks into mortgage payments and make significant cuts to everyday spending.  

If you’re considering becoming a homeowner, it could help to shop around to find the best mortgage rate. Visit Credible to compare options from different lenders and choose the one with the best rate for you.


Have a finance-related question, but don’t know who to ask? Email The Credible Money Expert at [email protected] and your question might be answered by Credible in our Money Expert column.


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MSR Execution, VOI, Post-Closing Audit, Client Acquisition Tools; May Training and Events

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MSR Execution, VOI, Post-Closing Audit, Client Acquisition Tools; May Training and Events


Thu, Apr 18 2024, 11:12 AM

What loan officer hasn’t had a memorable co-signing experience? Some more so than others. Along those lines, if you head to Disneyland or Disneyworld, and find bone chips or ashes on the floor of your favorite ride, it is probably not an accident. Nor is eking out a gain, or at least breaking even, in residential lending an accident. At the Great River Conference in Memphis, much of the information being presented is about how to do things more efficiently. And for good reason, as the MBA’s calculations for IMBs and mortgage subsidiaries of chartered banks last showed that total loan production expenses (commissions, compensation, occupancy, equipment, and other production expenses and corporate allocations) increased to $12,485 per loan in the fourth quarter. On the income side of things, borrowers who obtained adjustable-rate mortgage loans (ARMs, for lack of a better acronym) 3 or 5 or 7 years ago have popped up on LO screens for refinances, and you can bet that the companies who own that servicing are all over those borrowers “like hounds on a meat wagon.” (Found here, this week’s podcasts are sponsored by Optimal Blue. OB’s smart solutions automate critical functions like pricing, hedging, trading, and social media. More originators and investors rely upon Optimal Blue’s integrated solutions, data, and connections to support their unique business strategies, no matter how complex. Hear an interview with Optimal Blue’s Mike Vough on refining margin management to improve loan profitability and reduce risk.)

Lender and Broker Products, Software, and Services

For many non-QM lenders, real estate investors make up nearly half of their pipeline. Despite stubbornly high interest rates and low inventory, these borrowers continue to transact in this market, opening up an opportunity for lenders to capture this business. However, capturing this business with traditional marketing and sales efforts is not easy. Unless you have Privy. With Privy, you can now automate real estate investor and borrower acquisition and retention. With just a click of a button, borrowers are able to engage with you at any stage of the transaction process, from just browsing to ready to transact. Let effective technology help drive your DSCR, asset depletion, and fix and flip loan volume. Contact Brad Bieber (803-730-5032) to learn more about Privy’s Enterprise Solutions.

A 30-minute meeting with Planet Home Lending’s Correspondent sales team at the MBA Secondary & Capital Markets Conference could be the catalyst for a year-round boost in your business. Join us in the Gotham III Ballroom at the InterContinental New York Times Square. Don’t wait: secure your spot now before they’re all booked! Get in touch with your Regional Sales Manager or SVP Correspondent Sales, Jim Loving (414-270-0027) to explore our continually refined product lineup spanning vanilla to niche products all tailored to your unique needs: Best effort, mandatory AOT, delegated, or non-delegated.

“Regional Credit Union Attributes Successful Audit Process to QC Ally Partnership! In a world where integrity is everything, QC Ally prides itself on building a foundation of trust with each client partner. Recently, we sat down with Bill James, Chief Risk Officer at Marine Credit Union, to discuss how QC Ally helped them achieve a formalized, unbiased pre-fund and post-close audit process with custom loan sampling. As Bill put it, ‘We’ve been very happy with QC Ally. We stacked QC Ally up against very strong competition, and they really won hands down. The service levels you provide and your own staff with very deep, rich experience are unmatched.’ Learn more here.”

As certain wines age, their tannins bind together in a process called polymerization, creating a smoother, rounder flavor that’s more desirable, and, often, more valuable, than when first vinted. Are your mortgage technology partners improving like fine wine? That’s been the experience of Lake Michigan Credit Union, which just shared new success metrics regarding its use of income and employment verification from Argyle. It’s been about a year since LMCU switched to Argyle for VOIE, and the credit union can now quantify its time and cost savings at a whopping 3 weeks and $100 per closed loan. Read the updated case study findings here.

Mortgage Capital Trading, the de facto leader in innovative mortgage capital markets technology, introduces a game-changing best execution technology for MSR retain and release decisions all in one platform. With this groundbreaking development, MCT’s Enhanced Best Execution (EBX) solution emerges as a real-time bridge between MCTlive! (live whole loan/SRP execution) and MSRlive! (loan level MSR valuation), revolutionizing the landscape of best execution strategies in the mortgage industry. MCT clients now have accurate insight into how loans are trading and what investors are paying along with the intrinsic servicing value to enhance the retained vs. released decisioning process. What was once a manual, time-consuming exercise is now completely automated with EBX, making all of the essential execution data elements accessible with the click of a button. Read the latest press release or join MCT’s upcoming webinar to learn more about their latest innovation.

Events and Training

A good place for longer term conference planning is to start is here, and click on “Conference List” for in-person events in the future. Yes, there’s plenty ahead in April, but I thought for travel planning purposes it would be to glance ahead to May as vendors and lenders take a critical look at travel & entertainment budgets.

National MI University’s May Webinars: Leading With Style ​​with Andrew Oxley – May 7th at 2pm ET. Income Analysis for Conventional Loans with Marianne Collins – May 9th at 1pm ET.

How to Make Accountability Cool and KPIs Fun Again ​​​​​with Dr. Bruce Lund – May 14th at 2pm ET. Screen Savvy: Mastering Virtual Influence for Lenders with Julie Hansen – May 15th at 2pm ET. Understanding the Personalities of Your Clients and Partners ​​​​​with Rebecca Lorenz – May 16th at 1pm ET. Your Event Playbook to Network and Form Referral Partnerships with Kendra Lee – May 21st at 1pm ET.

Great things are happening around the 2024 Fair Lending Forum, April 29 – May 1 in Charlotte, NC! Asurity is thrilled to announce that Josh Stein, North Carolina Attorney General, will be joining us! He will share his perspectives on fair lending during a fireside chat with our Founder and CEO, Andy Sandler titled The Role of State Attorney Generals in Fair Lending Enforcement. Other prominent speakers are Bob Broeksmit, President and CEO of MBA; Lindsey Johnson, President and CEO of CBA: Grovetta Gardineer, Sr. Deputy Comptroller for Bank Supervision Policy, OCC; Ben Olson, Senior Associate Director for Consumer Protection & Supervision, FRB; Varda Hussain, Principal Deputy Chief for Fair Lending in the Civil Rights Division, Housing and Civil Enforcement Section, DOJ; and Frank Vespa-Papaleo, Principal Deputy Director of Fair Lending, CFPB. Register at

If you’re in Minnesota on May 1st, 10:00am – 12:00pm and a Loan Originator, are you interested in creating and building strong realtor relationships? If so, register and attend the “Mastering the Realtor Referral Relationship” presented by Steven Ross, Author of Doors Open When You Knock.

Join Northern Michigan Luncheon, Tuesday, May 2, 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM at Silver Spruce Brewing Company, to hear from a panel of VA Loan Experts and they dive into the specifics of this loan type, any changes that are coming on VA loans and much more. They’ll also be discussing the pending NAR settlement, and what changes that brings to VA loans, sales, and associated realtor fees.

Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with industry peers, gain valuable insights, and elevate your mortgage business. Attend the MMBBA Annual Conference on Thursday, May 2, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Queenstown.

The Maryland Mortgage Bankers and Brokers Association Annual Conference is scheduled for Thursday, May 2, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the picturesque setting of Queenstown, MD. Featuring speaker, Edward Seiler, PhD, Executive Director of the Research Institute for Housing America and Associate VP of Housing Economics at the Mortgage Bankers Association. Edward will provide invaluable insights into the housing market and economic trends.

This year’s OMBA Annual Convention will delve deep into the dynamics of the mortgage industry and explore the current market trends. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just stepping into the mortgage world, this event on Monday, May 6 – Tuesday, May 7 promises valuable insights to navigate the industry’s landscape.

The AEI Housing Center will host five convenings in the week of May 6 in Denver, Colorado; San Francisco, California; Los Angeles, California; Orange County, California; and San Diego, California. These convenings will share insights on using light-touch density (LTD), also known as middle housing, to craft solutions to America’s growing housing supply crisis. Registration is free. Los Angeles is the only location that will offer a livestream.

Register for NALHFA Annual Conference 2024, May 1-4 in Las Vegas. Experience education and connection at NALHFA 2024 with an Affordable Housing Bus Tour, Women in Finance Luncheon & Roundtable, Speaker Sessions, and Networking Opportunities.

Register for the Maryland Mortgage Bankers and Brokers Association Annual Conference, scheduled for Thursday, May 2nd, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the picturesque setting of Queenstown. This year’s conference will delve deep into the dynamics of the mortgage industry and explore the current market trends. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just stepping into the mortgage world, this event promises valuable insights to navigate the industry’s landscape.

In Birmingham, the MBA of Alabama will host its 38th Annual Convention on May 7 & 8.

Registration is open for ACUMA’s FOCALpoint workshops – Join ACUMA in Nashville May 9-10 or Denver June 11-12! Same amazing topics and content in each location – just pick the best city for you! The two-day subject-intensive workshops take deep dives into critical issues affecting the credit union mortgage lending industry. Sign up today! Register here for ACUMA workshops.

The MBA Georgia (MBAG) Conference is coming on May 12-15 at the One Ocean Resort, 1 Ocean Blvd, Atlantic Beach, Florida! For registration visit here.

The Single-Family Housing Guaranteed Loan Program (SFHGLP) Servicing Office in St. Louis, MO announced free, in-person training to lending partners, May 13-17 at the Charles F. Prevedel Federal Building. The training will offer multiple sessions to provide technical training on Loss Claims, Loss Mitigation, and Lender Reporting. USDA will not charge a registration fee. Attendees are responsible for all travel costs. USDA will not be blocking hotel rooms. Attendees may search for hotel accommodations near the training facility located at 9700 Page Ave, St. Louis MO 63132.

Capital Markets

A day after Fed Chair Powell threw cold water on expectations for rate cuts this year by admitting progress against inflation has stalled, Treasury and mortgage security prices rallied yesterday, dropping rates some, aided by excellent demand at a $13 billion 20-year Treasury bond reopening. Remember, even “a dead cat bounces.” There is some chatter out there that Fed Chair Powell’s tonal pivot last year is partly to blame for the lack of recent progress against inflation. Futures are now pricing in a maximum of two 25-basis point rate hikes in 2024, a far cry from the nearly 150-basis points of easing that fed fund futures had anticipated at the beginning of the year.

There was no top-tier data of note yesterday, but the Fed did release its April Beige Book, which noted that the economy has expanded at a slight pace since February. “Price increases were modest, on average,” it said. 10 of the 12 Federal Reserve Districts reported slight or modest growth while two reported no change. Consumer spending edged up slightly, though discretionary spending was pressured in some Districts. Tourism increased modestly but varied widely across the 12 Districts. Residential construction grew a little while nonresidential construction was flat. Employment rose at a slight pace while prices grew modestly, maintaining the pace seen in the last report.

We also learned that single-family home prices increased 7.4 percent from Q1 2023 to Q1 2024, up from the previous quarter’s revised annual growth rate of 6.6 percent, according to Fannie Mae’s latest Home Price Index reading. The national repeat-transaction home price index measures the average, quarterly price change for all single-family properties in the U.S., excluding condos. On a quarterly basis, home prices rose a seasonally adjusted 1.7 percent in Q1 2024, essentially the same as the growth in Q4 2023. On a non-seasonally adjusted basis, home prices also increased by 1.7 percent in Q1 2024.

Today’s economic calendar began with weekly jobless claims (212k, +1k from the prior week, continuing claims 1.812 million, so the labor market continues to do just fine) and Philadelphia Fed manufacturing (15.5, way up!). I did see an interesting report in Bloomberg yesterday that indicated cracks in a U.S. labor market that has been near historic strength for much of the past two years are forming. In five states (CA, CT, NV, NJ, WA), the ratio of jobless people per opening is one or more. Meanwhile Arizona and New York are nearing parity with a rate of 0.9, according to February data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Later today brings March existing home sales and leading indicators, Freddie Mac’s Primary Mortgage Market Survey, and (once again) remarks from multiple Fed speakers. It’s also a busy day for the Treasury, which will both announce month-end supply consisting of $69 billion 2-year, $70 billion 5-year, $44 billion 7-year notes, and $32 billion 2-year FRNs and auction $23 billion 5-year TIPS. After the initial jobless claim’s news, we begin the day with Agency MBS prices marginally worse than Wednesday evening, the 10-year yielding 4.61 after closing yesterday at 4.59 percent, and the 2-year is at 4.95.


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“Citizens has a proven track record of successfully navigating challenging market conditions while our capital, liquidity and funding positions remain strong. Retail loan officers need a diverse product mix, reliable operations, and seasoned leadership to rely on to be able to win. With great pay and generous benefits, along with strong digital tools to help you get the job done, Citizens is looking for talented loan officers in the Northeast, MidAtlantic, Midwest and Florida. Our deep product mix allows loan officers to serve many different customer needs, from affordable loan programs such as HomeReady to a best-in-class one-time close construction-to-permanent product, we have what you need to succeed. Citizens’ recent launch of Freddie Mac’s LPA enhances our vast product journey, driving a more personalized and customer-centric experience. Our specialty programs such as condo/co-op financing, along with an amazing Private Wealth discount value proposition for high net worth banking clients, ensure you have all the tools to win. We know a positive customer experience begins with loan origination but doesn’t end there. Recently the Citizens Mortgage Servicing Team received the prestigious ICE Innovation Award for Best Use of Data to Drive Automation, resulting in a 10 percent increase in our customer satisfaction scores. To learn more about how to join our team contact Carl Minott or visit here.”

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Editorial Note: We earn a commission from partner links on Forbes Advisor. Commissions do not affect our editors’ opinions or evaluations.

As we head into peak home-buying season, signs of life have begun to spring up in the housing market.

Even so, still-high mortgage rates and home prices amid historically low housing stock continue to put homeownership out of reach for many.

Moreover, the National Association of Realtors agreed to a monumental $418 million settlement on March 15 following a verdict favoring home sellers in a class action lawsuit. Still subject to court approval, the settlement requires changes to broker commissions that will upend the buying and selling model that has been in place for years.

Housing Market Forecast for 2024

Elevated mortgage rates, out-of-reach home prices and record-low housing stock are the perennial weeds that experts say hopeful home buyers can expect to contend with this spring—and beyond.

“The housing market is likely to continue to face the dual affordability constraints of high home prices and elevated interest rates in 2024,” said Doug Duncan, senior vice president and chief economist at Fannie Mae, in an emailed statement. “Hotter-than-expected inflation data and strong payroll numbers are likely to apply more upward pressure to mortgage rates this year than we’d previously forecast.”

Despite ongoing affordability hurdles, Fannie Mae forecasts an increase in home sales transactions compared to last year. Experts also anticipate a slower rise in home prices this year compared to recent years, but price fluctuations will continue to vary regionally and depend strongly on local market supply.

U.S. home prices declined in January for the third consecutive month due to high borrowing costs, according to the latest S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller Home Price Index. But prices year-over-year jumped 6%—the fastest annual rate since 2022.

Chief economist at First American Financial Corporation Mark Fleming predicts a “flat stretch” ahead.

“If the 2020-2021 housing market was too hot, then the 2023 market was probably too cold, but 2024 won’t yet be just right,” Fleming said in his 2024 forecast.

Will the Housing Market Finally Recover in 2024?

For a housing recovery to occur, several conditions must unfold.

“For the best possible outcome, we’d first need to see inventories of homes for sale turn considerably higher,” says Keith Gumbinger, vice president at online mortgage company “This additional inventory, in turn, would ease the upward pressure on home prices, leveling them off or perhaps helping them to settle back somewhat from peak or near-peak levels.”

And, of course, mortgage rates would need to cool off—which experts say is imminent despite rates edging back up toward 7%. For the week ending April 11, the 30-year fixed mortgage rate stood at 6.88%, according to Freddie Mac.

However, when mortgage rates finally go on the descent, Gumbinger says don’t hope they cool too quickly. Rapidly falling rates could create a surge of demand that wipes away any inventory gains, causing home prices to rebound.

“Better that rate reductions happen at a metered pace, incrementally improving buyer opportunities over a stretch of time, rather than all at once,” Gumbinger says.

He adds that mortgage rates returning to a more “normal” upper 4% to lower 5% range would also help the housing market, over time, return to 2014-2019 levels. Yet, Gumbinger predicts it could be a while before we return to those rates.

Nonetheless, Kuba Jewgieniew, CEO of Realty ONE Group, a real estate brokerage company, is optimistic about a recovery this year.

“[W]e’re definitely looking forward to a better housing market in 2024 as interest rates start to settle around 6% or even lower,” says Jewgieniew.

NAR Settlement Rocks the Residential Real Estate Industry

Following years of litigation, the National Association of Realtors (NAR) has agreed to pay $418 million to settle a series of antitrust lawsuits filed in 2019 on behalf of home sellers.

The plaintiffs claimed that the leading national trade association for real estate brokers and agents “conspired to require home sellers to pay the broker representing the buyer of their homes in violation of federal antitrust law.”

Though the landmark settlement is subject to court approval, most consider it a done deal.

The settlement requires NAR to enact new rules, including prohibiting offers of broker compensation on multiple listing services (MLS), the private databases that allow local real estate brokers to publish and share information about residential property listings. The rule is set to take effect in mid-July, once the settlement receives judge approval.

Moreover, sellers will no longer be required to pay buyer broker commissions and real estate agents participating in the MLS must establish written representation agreements with their buyer clients.

NAR denies any wrongdoing and maintains that its current policies benefit buyers and sellers. The organization believes it’s not liable for seller claims related to broker commissions, stating that it has never set commissions and that commissions have always been negotiable.

How Will the New Rules Impact the Buying and Selling Process?

Per the settlement’s terms, the costs associated with buying and selling a home are set to change dramatically.

“The primary things that will change are the decoupling of the seller commission and the buyer commission in the MLS,” says Rita Gibbs, a Realtor at Realty One Group Integrity in Tucson. “It’s gonna cause some chaos.”

While sellers will no longer be able to offer broker compensation in the MLS, there’s no rule prohibiting off-MLS negotiations. Because of this, Gibbs suspects buyers and sellers will continue offering broker compensation off the MLS.

The Department of Justice confirmed it will permit listing brokers to display compensation details on their websites. However, buyer agents will need to undergo the tedious task of visiting countless broker websites to find who’s offering what.

Michael Gorkowski, a Virginia-based real estate agent with Compass, is also trying to figure out how to manage the potential ruling.

“We often work with buyers for many months and sometimes years before they find exactly what they’re looking for,” Gorkowski says. “So in a case where a seller isn’t offering a co-broker commission, we will have to negotiate that the buyer pays an agreed-upon commission prior to starting their search.”

The Changes Will Impact These Home Buyers Most

“In the short term, it is absolutely going to injure buyers, especially FHA and VA buyers,” Gibbs says. “With rare exception, these buyers are not in a position to pay for their own agent.”

Gibbs says that if sellers don’t offer compensation, many buyers who can’t otherwise afford to pay a broker will choose to go unrepresented.

Gorkowski notes that veterans taking out VA loans face a unique challenge under the new rules. “[P]er the VA requirements, buyers cannot pay so it must be negotiated with the seller for now.”

As a result, NAR is calling on the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to revise its policies prohibiting VA buyers from paying broker commissions. Even so, there’s skepticism that the federal government will be able to implement changes in time for the July deadline.

Gibbs and Gorkowski are among the many agents especially concerned about first-time home buyers. After July, first-time and VA buyers will be required to sign a buyer-broker agreement stating that they will compensate their broker—but Gibbs says many won’t have the means to do so.

In this situation, agents would likely only show buyers homes where sellers are offering compensation.

“This is a very troubling situation,” Gorkowski says.

Housing Inventory Forecast for 2024

With many homeowners “locked in” at ultra-low interest rates or unwilling to sell due to high home prices, demand continues to outpace housing supply—and likely will for a while—even as some homeowners may finally be forced to sell due to major life events such as divorce, job changes or a growing family.

“I don’t expect to see a meaningful increase in the supply of existing homes for sale until mortgage rates are back down in the low 5% range, so probably not in 2024,” says Rick Sharga, founder and CEO of CJ Patrick Company, a market intelligence and business advisory firm.

Housing stock remains near historic lows—especially entry-level supply—which has propped up demand and sustained ultra-high home prices. Here’s what the latest home values look like around the country.

Yet, some hopeful housing stock signs have begun to sprout:

  • Existing inventory is showing signs of loosening as impatient buyers and sellers have begun to accept the reality of mortgage rates oscillating between 6% and 7%.
  • Home-builder outlook also continues to get sunnier, trending back up amid declining mortgage rates and better building conditions.

The most recent National Association of Home Builders (NAHB)/Wells Fargo Housing Market Index (HMI), which tracks builder sentiment, saw a fourth consecutive monthly rise, surpassing a crucial threshold with an increase from 48 to 51 in March. A reading of 50 or above means more builders see good conditions ahead for new construction.

At the same time, new single-family building permits ticked up 1% in February—the 13th consecutive monthly increase—according to the latest data from the U.S. Census Bureau and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

Residential Real Estate Stats: Existing, New and Pending Home Sales

Though some housing market data indicates signs of growth are in store this spring home-buying season, persistently high mortgage rates may hinder activity from fully flourishing.

Here’s what the latest home sales data has to say.

Existing-Home Sales

Existing-home sales came to life in February, shooting up 9.5% from the month before, according to the latest data from the NAR. Sales dipped 3.3% from a year ago.

Experts attribute the monthly jump to a bump in inventory.

“Additional housing supply is helping to satisfy market demand,” said Lawrence Yun, chief economist at NAR, in the report.

Existing inventory rose 5.9%—logging 1.07 million unsold homes at the end of February. However, there are still only 2.9 months of inventory at the current sales pace. Most experts consider a balanced market falling between four and six months.

Meanwhile, existing home prices continue to soar to unprecedented heights, reaching $384,500, which marks the eighth consecutive month of yearly price increases and a February median home price record.

New Home Sales

Sales of newly constructed single-family houses ticked down by a nominal 0.3% compared to January, but outpaced February 2023 sales by 5.9%, according to the latest U.S. Census Bureau and HUD data.

Amid a high percentage of homeowners still locked in to low mortgage rates, home builders have been picking up the slack.

“New construction continues to be an outsized share of the housing inventory,” said Dr. Lisa Sturtevant, chief economist at Bright MLS, in an emailed statement.

Sturtevant notes that declining new home prices are coming amid a recent trend of builders introducing smaller and more affordable homes to the market.

The median price for a new home in February was $400,500, down 7.6% from a year ago.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

Pending Home Sales

NAR’s Pending Homes Sales Index rose 1.6% in February from the month prior even as mortgage rates approached 7% by the end of the month. Pending transactions declined 7% year-over-year.

A pending home sale marks the point in the home sales transaction when the buyer and seller agree on price and terms. Pending home sales are considered a leading indicator of future closed sales.

The Midwest and South saw monthly transaction gains while the Northeast and West saw declines due to affordability challenges in those higher-cost regions.

“While modest sales growth might not stir excitement, it shows slow and steady progress from the lows of late last year,” said Yun, in the report.

Ongoing Affordability Challenges Could Throw Cold Water on Spring Home-Buying Hopes

Though down from its 2023 high of 7.79%, the average 30-year fixed mortgage rate in 2024 remains well over 6% amid rising home values. As a result, home buyers continue to face affordability challenges.

According to data from its first-quarter 2024 U.S. Home Affordability Report, property data provider Attom found that median-priced single-family homes remain less affordable than the historical average in over 95% of U.S. counties.

For one, the data uncovered that expenses are eating up more than 32% of the average national wage. Common lending guidelines require monthly mortgage payments, property taxes and homeowners insurance to comprise 28% or less of your gross income.

At the same time, home prices and homeownership expenses continue to outpace wage growth.

Consequently, the latest expense-to-wage ratio is hovering at one of the highest points over the past decade, according to the Attom report, despite some slight affordability improvements over the last two quarters.

“Affording a home remains a financial stretch, or a pipe dream, for so many households,” said Rob Barber, CEO at Attom.

Pro Tips for Buyers and Sellers

Here are some expert tips to increase your chances for an optimal outcome in this tight housing market.

Pro Tips for Buying in Today’s Real Estate Market

Hannah Jones, a senior economic research analyst at, offers this expert advice to aspiring buyers:

  • Know your budget. Instead of focusing on price, figure out how much you can afford as a monthly payment. Your monthly housing payment is influenced by the price of the home, your down payment, mortgage rate, loan term, home insurance and property taxes.
  • Be flexible about home size and location. Perhaps your budget is sufficient for a small home in your perfect neighborhood, or a larger, newer home further out. Understanding your priorities and having some flexibility can help you move quickly when a suitable home enters the market.
  • Keep an eye on the market where you hope to buy. Determine the area’s available inventory and price levels. Also, pay attention to how quickly homes sell. Not only will you be tuned in when something great hits the market, you can feel more confident moving forward with purchasing a well-priced home. A real estate agent can help with this.
  • Don’t be discouraged. Purchasing a home is one of the largest financial decisions you’ll ever make. Approaching the market confidently, armed with good information and grounded expectations will take you far. Don’t let the hustle of the market convince you to buy something that’s not in your budget, or not right for your lifestyle.

Pro Tips for Selling in Today’s Real Estate Market

Gary Ashton, founder of The Ashton Real Estate Group of RE/MAX Advantage, has this expert advice for sellers:

  • Research comparable home prices in your area. Sellers need to have the most up-to-date pricing intel on comparable homes selling in their market. Know the market competition and price the home competitively. In addition, understand that in some price points it’s a buyer’s market—you’ll need to be prepared to make some concessions.
  • Make sure your home is in top-notch shape. Homes need to be in great condition to compete and create a strong “online curb appeal.” Well-maintained homes and attractive front yards are major features that buyers look for.
  • Work with a local real estate agent. A real estate agent or team with a strong local marketing presence and access to major real estate portals can offer significant value and help you land a great deal.
  • Don’t put off issues that require attention. Prepare the home by making any repairs or improvements. Removing any objections that buyers may see helps focus the buyer on the positive attributes of the home.

Will the Housing Market Crash in 2024?

Despite some areas of the country experiencing monthly price declines, the likelihood of a housing market crash—a rapid drop in unsustainably high home prices due to waning demand—remains low for 2024.

“[T]he record low supply of houses on the market protects against a market crash,” says Tom Hutchens, executive vice president of production at Angel Oak Mortgage Solutions, a non-QM lender.

Moreover, experts point out that today’s homeowners stand on much more secure footing than those coming out of the 2008 financial crisis, with many borrowers having substantial home equity.

“In 2024, I expect we’ll see home appreciation take a step back but not plummet,” says Orphe Divounguy, senior macroeconomist at Zillow Home Loans.

This outlook aligns with what other housing market watchers expect.

“Comerica forecasts that national house prices will rise 2.9% in 2024,” said Bill Adams, chief economist at Comerica Bank, in an emailed statement.

Divounguy also notes that several factors, including Millennials entering their prime home-buying years, wage growth and financial wealth are tailwinds that will sustain housing demand in 2024.

Even so, with fewer homes selling, Dan Hnatkovskyy, co-founder and CEO of NewHomesMate, a marketplace for new construction homes, sees a price collapse within the realm of possibility, especially in markets where real estate investors scooped up numerous properties.

“If something pushes that over the edge, the consequences could be severe,” said Hnatkovskyy, in an emailed statement.

Will Foreclosures Increase in 2024?

In February, total foreclosure filings were down 1% from the previous month but up 8% from a year ago, according to Attom.

“These trends could signify evolving financial landscapes for homeowners, prompting adjustments in market strategies and lending practices,” said Barber, in a report.

Lenders began foreclosure on 22,575 properties in February, up 4% from the previous month and 11% from a year ago. Meanwhile, real estate-owned properties, or REOs, which are homes unsold at foreclosure auctions and taken over by lenders, spiked year-over-year in three states: South Carolina (up 51%), Missouri (up 50%) and Pennsylvania (up 46%).

Despite foreclosure activity trending up nationally and certain areas of the country seeing notable annual increases in REOs, experts generally don’t expect to see a wave of foreclosures in 2024.

“Foreclosure activity is still only at about 60% of pre-pandemic levels … and isn’t likely to be back to 2019 numbers until sometime in mid-to-late 2024,” says Sharga.

The biggest reasons for this, Sharga explains, are the strength of the economy—we’re still seeing low unemployment and steady wage growth—along with excellent loan quality.

Massive home price growth in homeowner equity over the past few years has also helped reduce foreclosures.

Sharga says that some 80% of today’s homeowners have more than 20% equity in their property. So, while there may be more foreclosure starts in 2024—due in part to Covid-era mortgage relief programs phasing out—foreclosure auctions and lender repossessions should remain below 2019 levels.

When Will Be the Best Time To Buy a Home in 2024?

Buying a house—in any market—is a highly personal decision. Because homes represent the largest single purchase most people will make in their lifetime, it’s crucial to be in a solid financial position before diving in.

Use a mortgage calculator to estimate your monthly housing costs based on your down. But if you’re trying to predict what might happen next year, experts say this is probably not the best home-buying strategy.

“The housing market—like so many other markets—is almost impossible to time,“ Divounguy says. “The best time for prospective buyers is when they find a home that they like, that meets their family’s current and foreseeable needs and that they can afford.”

Gumbinger agrees it’s hard to tell would-be homeowners to wait for better conditions.

“More often, it seems the case that home prices generally keep rising, so the goalposts for amassing a down payment keep moving, and there’s no guarantee that tomorrow’s conditions will be all that much better in the aggregate than today’s.”

Divounguy says “getting on the housing ladder” is worthwhile to begin building equity and net worth.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Will declining mortgage rates cause home prices to rise?

Declining mortgage rates will likely incentivize would-be buyers anxious to own a home to jump into the market. Expect this increased demand amid today’s tight housing supply to put upward pressure on home prices.

What will happen if the housing market crashes?

Most experts do not expect a housing market crash in 2024 since many homeowners have built up significant equity in their homes. The issue is primarily an affordability crisis. High interest rates and inflated home values have made purchasing a home challenging for first-time homebuyers.

Is it smart to buy real estate before a recession?

If you’re in a financial position to buy a home you plan to live in for the long term, it won’t matter when you buy it because you will live in it through economic highs and lows. However, if you are looking to buy real estate as a short-term investment, it will come with more risk if you buy at the height before a recession.


Apache is functioning normally

Even moving into a similarly priced home across the street would mean a 40% average jump in principal and interest payments – about $500 extra per month – according to Walden. This “lock-in effect” heavily discourages homeowners from selling and is a significant reason behind the persistently low inventory of homes for sale. “You’d be … [Read more…]

Apache is functioning normally

The year-over-year comparisons in Redfin’s analysis followed a similar pattern, with February data revealing a 6.7% rise in home prices compared to the same month last year, closely approximating the pre-pandemic average annual gain of 6.9%. In contrast, pandemic data had year-over-year price increases peaking at 22.9% in March 2022 and dipping to a low … [Read more…]

Apache is functioning normally

Mortgage rates had a chance to break to new highs this year, but the Federal Reserve took a moderate tone at the last Fed meeting. We saw the benefit of lower mortgage rates with the last two existing home sales reports, which showed growth. Then mortgage rates rose, facilitating five weeks of negative purchase application data.

As rates were hitting year-to-date highs, the fear was that the Fed would go hawkish in their March meeting, which could push mortgage rates toward 8% and tank 2024 demand. Thankfully, that didn’t happen, and — as I said on the HousingWire Daily podcast last week —we dodged a bullet.

Let’s look at the tracker data to see how mortgage rates are impacting the housing data as we settle into spring.

10-year yield and mortgage rate talk

For those of you who have me for the last 12 months, you know how important the 4.34% level on the 10-year yield is for my economic work. A break of this level could send mortgage rates toward 7.5%-8% for spring 2024. Not only did this not happen last week, but bond yields fell during the week. As we can see below, we have held the line once again, but we aren’t out of the dark forest yet.

As we can see in the chart below, the 10-year yield and mortgage rates have made a massive move higher since 2022. However, whenever the 10-year yield falls with duration, as we saw toward the end of 2022 and into 2023, it sends mortgage rates lower, and we can grow sales from these record-low levels.

Purchase application data

Purchase application data really moves on mortgage rates — something we saw in late 2022 and into 2023. As rates ticked up recently, purchase apps were down 1% week to week and down 14% year over year. 

Since November 2023, we have had 10 positive and six negative purchase application prints after making holiday adjustments. Year to date, we have had four positive prints versus six negative prints. What have 2022, 2023, and 2024 shown us? When mortgage rates fall, demand picks up. Imagine a housing market with just 6% mortgage rates or lower — it would be growing like what we see in the new home sales market.

Weekly housing inventory data

The best housing story for 2024 so far is that inventory is growing yearly. The growth isn’t just in active inventory but also new listings. We’re not seeing seller stress in the inventory data but just a typical increase in inventory when rates are higher, which looks perfectly normal. 

Here is a look at the inventory last week:

  • Weekly inventory change (March 15-22): Inventory rose from 507,160 to 512,759
  • The same week last year (March 16-23): Inventory fell from 414,967 to 413,883
  • The all-time inventory bottom was in 2022 at 240,194
  • The inventory peak for 2023 was 569,898
  • For some context, active listings for this week in 2015 were 985,141

New listings data

New listing data is growing! This data line is slightly lower than I hoped for for 2024, but we are still growing. Right now we are a tad below the levels we saw in 2022 before mortgage rates spiked over 6%. Here’s the weekly new listing data for last week over several previous years:

  • 2024: 60,328
  • 2023: 49,933
  • 2022: 61,862

For some historical context, in 2011, new listings this week were at 362,339 .

Price-cut percentage

Every year, one-third of all homes take a price cut before selling — this is regular housing activity and this data line is very seasonal. The price-cut percentage can grow when mortgage rates move higher and demand gets hit. When rates fall, they go lower than an average year.

Keep it simple here, folks: inventory is growing year over year; if demand stays weaker with higher rates, the price-cut percentage data should increase faster, and if demand picks up with lower rates, it shouldn’t. As we can see below, the data line is very seasonal, like most housing data.  

  • 2024: 31.4%
  • 2023: 30.4%
  • 2022: 17%

The week ahead: Housing and inflation data

Next week, we have new home sales, pending home sales and the national home price index data. I will be on CNBC Monday morning to discuss the new home sales report. Of course, the Fed’s main inflation indicator, the PCE, will come out on Friday, which is a trading holiday, which will be key for rates short-term until we have the next Fed meeting. So, we have a lot of data to work with this week.


Apache is functioning normally

Pre-Qual, TPO, Lead Gen Tools; STRATMOR on Vendor Relationships; Disaster News; HECM, Ginnie, FHA News

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Pre-Qual, TPO, Lead Gen Tools; STRATMOR on Vendor Relationships; Disaster News; HECM, Ginnie, FHA News


Wed, Feb 28 2024, 11:09 AM

At the TMBA’s Secondary Conference in Houston a topic is obviously interest rates and the economy… And the fact that the nation’s interest payment expense now exceeds our defense expense! It’s also a fact that Texas’ business climate is very friendly for companies. The #1 state in the nation for residential lending, California, not so much. Overheard here in the hallway: “California is a blue state wrapped up in red tape.” That said, permit process aside, California gets a lot of flak for its high cost of living, but that is for income tax rather than property tax, as exhibited in “Property Taxes by State in 2024” comparing home and vehicle taxes across the nation. Californians pay the 34th highest annual taxes on homes priced at state median value. New Jersey, Illinois, and Connecticut have the highest annual taxes on homes. Each year, the average American household spends $2,869 on real-estate property taxes plus another $448 for residents of the 26 states with vehicle property taxes. (Found here after 8:30AM ET, this week’s podcast is brought to you by nCino, makers of the nCino Mortgage Suite for the modern mortgage lender. nCino Mortgage Suite’s three core products – nCino Mortgage, nCino Incentive Compensation, and nCino Mortgage Analytics – unite the people, systems, and stages of the mortgage process. Interview with SoFi’s Liz Young on the need for Treasury auctions and how supply and demand at those auctions impacts consumer interest rates.)

Lender and Broker Services, Products, and Software

“If you’re heading to ICE Experience, there’s never been a better time to catch up with the Optimal Blue team. Our PPE clients are actively upgrading to the Encompass Partner Connect integration and enjoying new features and benefits. On average, loan officers experience a 60% reduction in the time it takes to request a lock and see it auto-confirmed within Encompass through this upgraded integration. This means users can continue with disclosures and other loan-processing activities faster, which shortens turnaround times and increases efficiencies. If you’re an existing Optimal Blue client and interested in hearing about the other benefits of upgrading, or if you’d like to further discuss your business strategy, consider scheduling a meeting with the Optimal Blue team at our private poolside cabana. We will also be set up at the Optimal Blue booth throughout the event and ready to chat at your leisure. See you in Vegas!”

Compliance Experts Report on 2024 Mortgage Servicing Outlook! Watch the 30-minute webinar that recently launched with ACES’ EVP of Compliance, Amanda Phillips and Reid Herlihy of Ballard Spahr as they discuss the most recent mortgage servicing news, CFPB Supervisory Highlights, and expectations and predictions for 2024 and beyond. Watch the recording.

Guaranteed Rate has chosen Evocalize to enhance the digital marketing capabilities of its mortgage loan officers. Evocalize, renowned for powering leading mortgage and real estate industry tech platforms, is partnering with Guaranteed Rate to revolutionize lead generation and referral partner engagement. Through Evocalize, loan officers can execute targeted digital marketing campaigns across various platforms including Google, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Gmail, and YouTube instantaneously. This collaboration empowers loan officers to leverage local data for lead generation amidst changing regulatory landscapes. Evocalize will leverage real-time data and machine learning algorithms to optimize ad management. Guaranteed Rate anticipates significant benefits from this partnership, including enhanced lead generation, reduced marketing costs, and streamlined compliance efforts, ultimately improving the overall customer experience. Learn more here.

“Welcome to the new AFR Wholesale® (AFR)! Change can be good. Our team has been relentlessly pursuing better execution. This exercise has led to great program enhancements, operational improvements and of course, better pricing. Non-Delegated and Wholesale clients have commented on our aggressive pricing across all programs. Notably our new expanded note rate adjusters in conventional and government. We’ve also revised pricing for our Down Payment Assistance Program going into purchase season. AFR is dedicated to offering not only competitive rates but also a customer-centric approach, ensuring that you and your borrowers have the tools and options needed for a beneficial experience. Delegated Correspondents have also seen sharper pricing and incredible turn times (under 48 hours). Ensure you’re leveraging all AFR benefits by reaching out to our Account Executives, 1-800-375-6071, or explore our enhancements through our Quick Pricer tool. Not a client? Partner with AFR today!”

When Al Gore invented the internet, he envisioned a world where borrowers and Realtors could stand in a home, pull out their phones, and update pre-approval letters on demand. Make him proud and check out QuickQual by LenderLogix.

STRATMOR on Lender-Vendor Communication

We in the industry know that there is often a massive disconnect between mortgage lenders and their technology partners, so why isn’t “business relationship therapist” a thing? In STRATMOR Group’s February Insights Report, Senior Advisor Sue Woodard takes on the role of “therapist” to help both lenders and vendors unpack the key areas of disconnect. If you need guidance in breaking down these communication barriers, contact STRATMOR and don’t miss “Step into Our Office: Couples Therapy for Mortgage Lenders and Tech Vendors” for suggestions for both parties and to learn how STRATMOR is already working with technology providers to hear, understand and better respond to the needs of the lending community.

Disaster News

Given that 20-25 percent of the nation’s mortgages come from California, exposed to earthquakes, fires, and flooding, seeing a disaster declared there is worth noting for lenders and servicers alike. FEMA announced that federal disaster assistance has been made available to the state of California to supplement recovery efforts in the areas affected by severe storms and flooding, January 21-23, 2024. The President’s action makes federal funding available to affected individuals in San Diego County.

“Assistance can include grants for temporary housing and home repairs, low-interest loans to cover uninsured property losses and other programs to help individuals and business owners recover from the effects of the disaster. Federal funding is also available on a cost-sharing basis for hazard mitigation measures statewide. Individuals and business owners who sustained losses in the designated areas can begin applying for assistance by registering online at, by calling 1-800-621-3362 or by using the FEMA App.”

But up in Washington we have wildfires: FEMA DR-4759-WA.

On 2/19/2024, with DR-4758, Release Number HQ-24-024, FEMA declared federal disaster aid with individual assistance has been made available to San Diego County California affected by severe storms and flooding from 1/21/2024 to 1/23/2024. See AmeriHome Mortgage Disaster Announcement 20240206-CL for inspection requirements.

On 2/15/2024, with DR-4759, Release Number HQ-25-025, FEMA declared federal disaster aid with individual assistance has been made available to a county affected by wildfires from 8/18/2023 to 8/25/2023. See AmeriHome Mortgage Disaster Announcement 20240208-CL for inspection requirements.

FHA, VA, Ginnie Mae, HECM, and USDA Developments

Ginnie Mae’s mortgage-backed securities (MBS) portfolio outstanding grew to $2.53 trillion in January, including $28.1 billion of total MBS issuance, leading to $10.8 billion of net growth. January’s new MBS issuance supports financing for more than 91,000 households, including more than 46,000 first-time homebuyers. Approximately 77.6 percent of the January MBS issuance reflects new mortgages that support home purchases, because refinance activity remained low due to higher interest rates.

The January issuance includes $27.4 billion of Ginnie Mae II MBS and more than $674 million of Ginnie Mae I MBS, including nearly $558 million in loans for multifamily housing. For the 2024 calendar year to date, Ginnie Mae supported the pooling and securitization of more than 46,000 first-time homebuyer loans. For more information on monthly MBS issuance, unpaid principal balance (UPB), real estate investment conduit (REMIC) monthly issuance, and global market analysis, visit Ginnie Mae Disclosure.

In USDA news, an Unnumbered Letter (UL) dated February 13, 2024, has been issued which increases the appraisal fee to $775 and the conditional commitment fee to $850 under the rural development direct programs. The fee increases are effective March 14, 2024. The increased fees reflect market research for origination appraisals in rural areas and incorporates the average cost of appraisals under the programs’ nationwide contract with the Appraisal Management Companies.

With the current market trends of rising interest rates, the Single-Family Housing Guaranteed Loan Program (SFHGLP) Rural Development announced a Stand-Alone MRA ratio waiver; to remove the 55 percent and 31 percent limitations from the requirements in the regulation for the Stand-Alone MRA.

FHA published Frequently Asked Questions, FHA (FAQs), that address inquiries received from stakeholders regarding its final rule, Changes in Branch Office Registration Requirements published in the Federal Register on February 2, 2024. This regulation eliminated the current requirement for lenders and mortgagees to register branch offices where they originate FHA Title I or Title II loans. This new rule, which becomes effective on March 4, 20 is not applicable for those institutions whose fiscal year ended on December 31, 2023, and are required to recertify by March 31, 2024. Recertification fees for those lenders will be calculated based on the number of registered branches as of the last business day of their fiscal year-end certification period. Refer to the rule and accompanying FHA INFO 2024-01 dated February 2, 2024, for information on the rule.

Effectively immediately, AmeriHome is removing the existing $100,000 maximum cash-to-borrower overlay on VA Cash-Out Refinance transactions, to align with VA guidelines. For additional information, see Product Announcement 20240207-CL.

Big news for the “Empire State” of New York! Plaza Home Mortgage excitedly shared that borrowers can now utilize a reverse mortgage for purchasing a home. This is a great option for “buying up” or keeping key cash liquidity vs paying all cash. Plus, FHA now allows borrower concessions up to 6% of the Principal Limit. So, what does that mean for your borrower? When discussing the HECM product, these interested party contributions [or concessions] may include REALTORS®, builders, developers, lenders, and others with an interest in the transaction. Now, interested parties may contribute up to 6% of the sales price toward the borrower’s origination fees, closing costs, prepaid items, and more.

Weary about adding reverse mortgages into your business plan? Although there are lower LTVs caused by the higher rates, keep in mind that the acceleration of equity often offsets all of that. While your senior borrowers may get 47 percent instead of 57 percent LTV, their house may have appreciated $150K or more. Contact Plaza Home Mortgage for more information.

Pennymac Announcement 24-07 provides updates to Government LLPAs effective for all Best-Efforts Commitments taken on or after Friday, February 09, 2024.

The Single-Family Housing Guaranteed Loan Program (SFHGLP) announced upcoming revisions to technical Handbook 1-3555, Chapter 12, Property and Appraisal Requirements. Changes are expected to be implemented on April 1, 2024. View USDA Rural Development Bulletin for more information.

Per Pennymac Announcement 24-13, Government LLPAs were updated, effective for all Best-Efforts Commitments taken on or after Friday, February 23, 2024, as follows: Improve values on the ‘Government FICO Price Adjustments’ LLPA Grid.

Capital Markets

There are competing narratives emerging around the strength of the U.S. economy. Weaker consumer spending of late calls into question whether the economy can avoid a recession, consumer confidence has fallen and remains shaky, economic activity pulled back in January as storms and cold weather disrupted day-to-day activity, and markets received a disappointing Durable Orders report yesterday. However, employment has remained resilient, homebuilder confidence has improved, and Treasury auctions this week have not indicated any sort of flight to quality. On balance, the data suggests that the economy should pick up as the weather improves.

Home prices continue to hold steady as demand greatly exceeds supply. The FHFA Housing Price Index rose 0.1 percent month-over-month in December after increasing a revised 0.4 percent in November, while the S&P Case-Shiller Home Price Index was up 6.1 percent in December after being up 5.4 percent in November. However, local markets are seeing some price easing. Supply and demand may be a greater determinant: Despite high rates, home prices rose 5.1 percent in January, year over year, and while still painfully low, inventory is up 3.1 percent year over year and new listings rose year over year for the fourth straight month.

Today’s economic calendar kicked off with mortgage applications from MBA decreasing 5.6 percent from one week earlier. Later today brings the second look at Q4 GDP and January advanced indicators: the goods trade deficit, retail inventories, and wholesale inventories. Three Fed speakers are currently scheduled: Atlanta President Bostic, Boston President Collins, and New York President Williams. We begin the day (an early travel day for me) with Agency MBS prices, the 10-year yielding 4.28 after closing yesterday at 4.32 percent, and the 2-year at 4.67.

Jobs and Transitions

Looking to expand in CA or NV? Licensing in both states is now taking nearly a year. Opportunity for immediate licensing in either or both states. New established small Mini-Corr/Broker shop located in Northern NV for sale. The operation was established by an industry veteran with two immediate family members. Some circumstances with the family have changed and the principal believes it would be better to continue forward becoming a part of a larger entity. The company is licensed in NV, CO, TX, FL, and CA; banking license should be completed within 6 – 8 weeks. If interested, please contact Chrisman LLC’s Anjelica Nixt to forward your note to the owner.

Movement is providing its loan officers, and the agents they work with, a unique way to highlight their impact. Powered by the company’s new proprietary sales and marketing tool MORE, every Movement LO and the agents they closed loans with in 2023 recently received a personalized “Highlight Reel,” featuring an email, web page, and social media content showcasing the work they did together last year and how that work impacted their respective communities. Movement has also released its annual Impact Report, which also looks back on the previous 12 months. Check out all the ways Movement helps its loan officers stand out with unique storytelling, content, technology, and yes, MORE, at

New American Funding is pleased to announce the addition of industry leader Mosi Gatling as SVP Strategic Growth and Expansion. Gatling is renowned for her expertise in serving previously underserved communities and her commitment to increasing Black homeownership in the U.S. and will help to reshape the industry’s approach towards minority communities and effect positive change across the mortgage industry.

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