Adriane Brown, an associate professor of gender, sexuality and women’s studies at Augsburg University in Minneapolis. The “Disney renaissance” refers to the decade between 1989 to 1999 in which Disney’s animated films took on more Broadway-like qualities and sharper animation, with films like “Aladdin,” “The Little Mermaid” and “Tarzan.” Notably, the era produced Beauty and the Beast” which, in 1991, became the first animated film to receive a Best Picture nomination by the Academy Awards.

experienced growth beyond the films: The brand expanded into the cruise industry, purchased Broadway’s New Amsterdam Theatre, and saw the Disney Channel become a central part of youth culture.

“I think the nostalgia millennials in particular have for Disney comes from growing up in a Disney-saturated media culture,” Professor Brown said. The television element was particularly instrumental in introducing children at home to Disney characters. “After Disney bought ABC in 1995, characters on ABC sitcoms — particularly the TGIF comedy block, which was popular with families — started visiting Disneyland and Disney World,” she said. “For many ’90s kids, this was their first real look inside the parks.”

Golden Oak, a development in the Walt Disney World Resort in Lake Buena Vista, Fla., home prices start in the low millions (a 6,756-square-foot house currently on the market in the community is available for just shy of $12,000,000) and that’s not counting the décor.

Toni Sims, an interior designer in Orlando, worked on the Magic Kingdom’s design team before opening Toni Sims Design Studio and now has clients all over the country. For her clients in Golden Oak, she designs immersive Disney-themed rooms. “It’s like this challenge of, how can we give park-level-quality experience for our clients in their homes,” she said.

Galactic Garden Arts.

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Knightvest, a real estate investment and management company, has published its inaugural annual Multifamily Renter Sentiment Report findings. The survey offers insights into the decision between renting and buying, the consequences of high mortgage interest rates, and variations in rental preferences across different generations.

  • Most renters (59%) choose to rent rather than feel forced to rent.
  • Among the respondents, 51% of Millennials and 54% of Gen Z individuals have actively chosen to rent.
  • A surprisingly high number of renters (31%) feel ambivalent or uninterested in home ownership.
  • 74% of renters report that their timeline to purchase a home has significantly lengthened due to increased mortgage rates
  • Older Americans are selling homes to live in apartments.
  • 73% of people say that social interaction is essential in an apartment community
  • Baby Boomers value social interaction more than Millennials (78% versus 71%)
  • On the whole, Gen Z respondents are slightly more enthusiastic about the idea of owning a home compared to Millennials (29% vs. 25%).
2023 Knightvest Multifamily Renter Sentiment Report Infographic

The rent-versus-buy decision is increasingly nuanced given this dynamic macroeconomic environment, and it’s interesting to see the data support what we’re hearing anecdotally from residents: if you create communities built on quality, service and care, then apartments can become sought-after destinations where residents thrive through multiple seasons of their lives.

David Moore, Knightvest Founder and CEO

Top Reasons Why People Rent

  • The high cost of owning a home is a concern for 62% of people.
  • The reduced responsibility for maintenance and repairs is a factor for 51% of individuals.
  • 35% of renters cite the increased flexibility to relocate as a reason they choose renting instead of buying.

Also, it is interesting to note that:

  • 29% of renters have previously owned a home.
  • 71% of Baby Boomer renters have owned a home before, and their primary reason for renting is to have fewer maintenance and repair responsibilities.

Finally, The surge in mortgage rates has caused a significant delay in decision-making for those looking to buy a home.

  • An overwhelming 74% of survey participants have indicated that the timeline for their home purchase consideration has been prolonged due to the substantial increase in mortgage rates.
  • Within this group, a staggering 79% have reported that this extension ranges from a few years to indefinite.
  • Millennials and Gen Z individuals have expressed similar salary expectations required to afford a home.
  • On average, Millennials have stated a need for a salary of $139,000 to purchase their desired home, while Gen Z has mentioned a requirement of $137,000.

As we head into 2024, this data underscores the enduring demand for apartments and reveals insights that will continue to shape the real estate landscape for years to come. At Knightvest, we remain focused on executing our strategy to renovate and reposition apartment communities to create compelling, modern living environments at an extraordinary value. With people staying in apartments longer, this work has never been more important than it is today.

David Moore, Knightvest Founder and CEO.

Knightvest conducted the survey in the Multifamily Renter Sentiment Report from November 20 to November 30, 2023, on an online platform. 4,100 U.S. apartment renters participated voluntarily and did not receive payment for their opinions.

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Mihaela Lica Butler is senior partner at Pamil Visions PR. She is a widely cited authority on public relations issues, with an experience of over 25 years in online PR, marketing, and SEO.She covers startups, online marketing, social media, SEO, and other topics of interest for Realty Biz News.

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Are you looking for the best books about budgeting? Learning how to budget can change your life – you may be able to improve your finances, stop living paycheck to paycheck, start living debt-free, improve your net worth, and so much more. All from learning how to budget. To get good at budgeting, I think…

Are you looking for the best books about budgeting?

Learning how to budget can change your life – you may be able to improve your finances, stop living paycheck to paycheck, start living debt-free, improve your net worth, and so much more.

All from learning how to budget.

To get good at budgeting, I think it’s a great idea to learn from people who know a lot about it, which includes reading the best money books. There are all different kinds of budgeting books out there that cater to different people and their unique financial situations, so you are sure to find one that fits what you are looking for.

Key Takeaways

Best Books About Budgeting

Below are the best books about budgeting.

1. The Millionaire Next Door

The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America’s Wealthy written by Thomas J. Stanley is a favorite personal finance book for many people and is a great first budgeting book to read.

This book helps you to better understand the habits and mindset of millionaires in an easy-to-understand way (and it’s so interesting to read as well!). You will learn about the importance of living below your means and avoiding lifestyle inflation to achieve financial success and build real wealth.

You’ll find out that many millionaires live real simple lives, spending wisely and doing things differently, like how they use their time and raise their kids. It’s surprising to see what being rich really means, and some people who seem rich might actually have a lot of debt.

This is one of the best budgeting books because it teaches you that anyone can retire with wealth.

Please click here to learn more about The Millionaire Next Door.

2. The Simple Path To Wealth

The Simple Path To Wealth was written by J.L. Collins, and it’s one of the best books on money management, especially if you want to retire early.

This highly recommended book makes building wealth easy to understand, and it’s the book to go to if you want to make your finances better but don’t want to spend a lot of time on it.

In his book, Collins talks about important money topics, like staying away from debt, building wealth, understanding the 4% rule, and much more.

Please click here to learn more about The Simple Path To Wealth.

3. Broke Millennial

Broke Millennial: Stop Scraping By and Get Your Financial Life Together was written by Erin Lowry, and is one of the must-read best money books for young adults. The author makes talking about money fun and interesting, especially for young adults.

This book is made for millennials (and young adults!) who want to manage their money well.

Erin writes about how to have a clear plan to stop being broke and gives a step-by-step guide where she covers many different topics, including tricky ones like managing student loans and talking about money with your partner.

I like to give this book as a graduation gift to those finishing high school or college. It’s one of the best personal finance books for beginners because it helps young adults better understand money.

Please click here to learn more about Broke Millennial.

4. The No-Spend Challenge Guide: How to Stop Spending Money Impulsively, Pay off Debt Fast, and Make Your Finances Fit Your Dreams

The No-Spend Challenge Guide by Jen Smith is the perfect book for those struggling with spending. This guide has actionable steps to stop impulsive spending, pay off debt, and align your financial decisions with your dreams.

Jen Smith went from struggling to stay on a budget for more than two weeks to paying off $78,000 of debt in under two years. In her book, she shares experiences and strategies, including using No-Spend Challenges to shift her money mindset and budget more effectively.

Please click here to learn more about The No-Spend Challenge Guide.

5. The One Week Budget: Learn to Create Your Money Management System in 7 Days or Less!

The One Week Budget by Tiffany Aliche (The Budgetnista) is a great book to read if you want to create a better money management system that takes less of your time. So many people are afraid to manage their money because they think it will be hard or take a lot of time, so this is a great book to read to overcome that.

In just one week, this book will help you create a budgeting system to manage your money effectively. This is a great read for anyone new to budgeting or looking for a more simple approach to managing their money.

Please click here to learn more about The One Week Budget.

6. We Should All Be Millionaires: A Woman’s Guide to Earning More, Building Wealth, and Gaining Economic Power

We Should All Be Millionaires by Rachel Rodgers is an inspiring book that teaches women how to build wealth and achieve financial independence.

You will learn how to make better money decisions, strategies to bring in more income, and how to change your attitude about money.

This book will also show you how to overcome obstacles in your life (such as lack of confidence or knowledge) so that you can build wealth.

Please click here to learn more about We Should All Be Millionaires.

7. How to Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck (2nd Edition): A Proven Path to Money Mastery in Only 15 Minutes a Week!

How to Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck by Avery Breyer is a practical guide that helps readers break the cycle of living paycheck to paycheck, and it gives tips on budgeting, saving, and investing.

You will learn how to build an emergency fund, get out of debt, avoid budget traps, and more.

This book teaches a complete budget system for beginners and takes only 15 minutes per week to do.

Please click here to learn more about How to Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck.

8. How To Pay Off Your Mortgage In Five Years: Slash Your Mortgage with a Proven System the Banks Don’t Want You to Know About

How To Pay Off Your Mortgage In Five Years by Clayton Morris and Natali Morris is a great book for anyone looking to pay off their mortgage fast.

This is a helpful read for homeowners looking to shorten their mortgage term and save money on interest in the long run. This is a step-by-step system with a strategic plan to pay off your mortgage fast.

Please click here to learn more about How To Pay Off Your Mortgage In Five Years.

9. You Need A Budget

You Need A Budget: The Proven System for Breaking the Paycheck-to-Paycheck Cycle, Getting Out of Debt, and Living the Life You Want by Jesse Mecham is a great personal finance book that teaches you a step-by-step budgeting system for managing your money more effectively.

You will learn things such as how to pick your priorities for your money, how to not let expenses sneak up on you, how to handle an unexpected expense, and how to get your money to last.

Please click here to learn more about You Need A Budget.

10. The Automatic Millionaire

The Automatic Millionaire: A Powerful One-Step Plan to Live and Finish Rich by David Bach is a book that simplifies the process of becoming financially independent, emphasizing the power of automating your savings and investments.

The Automatic Millionaire begins with the inspiring tale of an ordinary American couple — a low-level manager and a beautician — whose combined income never surpasses $55,000 per year. Remarkably, they achieve debt-free homeownership of two houses, put both kids through college, and retire at 55 with over $1 million in savings.

Please click here to learn more about The Automatic Millionaire.

11. I Will Teach You To Be Rich

I Will Teach You To Be Rich was written by Ramit Sethi and is a great first personal finance book to read. This has been a popular money book for years and for good reason!

This book is full of very helpful lessons presented in a fun way, and he covers the basics of personal finance, including budgeting, saving money, investing, and more.

Please click here to learn more about I Will Teach You To Be Rich.

12. The One Page Financial Plan

The One-Page Financial Plan: A Simple Way to Be Smart About Your Money by Carl Richards is a book that will help you create a single-page plan based on your personal financial goals.

This book will help you figure out how much money to invest each year, how much life insurance you need, how to handle unexpected costs (or a job loss), and more.

If you are looking for more of a visual way to manage your money, then this is the book to read.

Please click here to learn more about The One Page Financial Plan.

13. Your Money or Your Life

Your Money or Your Life: 9 Steps to Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence by Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez has sold more than one million copies and is one of the most popular and best money books ever.

This book has been popular for over 25 years (but don’t let that stop you from reading it!), and it’s been updated with more recent topics like side hustles, new investment options, how to track your money online, and more.

This book focuses on mindful spending and helps you reevaluate your relationship with money. This book will guide you in getting out of debt, saving money with mindfulness and good habits, building wealth, contributing to saving the planet, and so much more.

Please click here to learn more about Your Money Or Your Life.

14. The Financial Diet

The Financial Diet (same name as the very popular blog!) by Chelsea Fagan is a guide to managing money, including tips on budgeting, saving, and investing so that you can make smart financial decisions.

This book will teach you how to get good with money, how to stick to a budget, how to invest, how to save money on food, and more.

The Financial Diet is the personal finance book for someone who doesn’t care about personal finance but is looking for a beginner’s guide to improve their financial situation. The writing style of this book will keep you interested and actually want to learn about personal finance.

Please click here to learn more about The Financial Diet.

Frequently Asked Questions About Budgeting Books

Below are common questions about finding the best budgeting books.

What are the best budgeting books for young adults?

My favorite budgeting book for young adults is Broke Millennial, and I personally buy this book and give it as a gift to anyone I know who is graduating from high school or college.

There are many other budgeting books that people love such as How To Manage Your Money When You Don’t Have Any by Erik Wecks, The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey, Money Honey by Rachel Richards, Spend Well, Live Rich by Michelle Singletary, and so many others.

What’s the best budgeting book planner?

A budgeting book planner is a tool that you can use to organize your finances in one place and stick to your budget. You can find many different budgeting book planners here.

Best Budgeting Books – Summary

I hope you enjoyed this list of the best books on budgeting.

As you can see, there are many different budgeting books that can fit your personal situation.

These books talk about different parts of budgeting, like making a basic plan or handling money when you don’t have much. Whether you’re just starting or want to get better at budgeting, there is probably a book above that has something for you to learn.

Here’s a quick list of the best budgeting books listed above:

What’s your favorite book about budgeting?

Recommended reading:


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CRM, MSR Valuation, QC Trends Products; STRATMOR Strategy Report; Lower/Thrive M&A Deal; Renegotiations

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CRM, MSR Valuation, QC Trends Products; STRATMOR Strategy Report; Lower/Thrive M&A Deal; Renegotiations


Thu, Dec 14 2023, 11:21 AM

Everyone’s above average, right? This morning I head to Chicago where residents have the dubious honor of being the worst when it comes to estimating home values. Homes are expensive… Who knew? Apparently not the vast majority of Americans, which reminds me of the saying, “Never underestimate the intelligence of the average person.” All Star Home surveyed Americans in the most populous U.S. cities, prompting them to guess home prices in their communities to determine where people have the best and worst home value intuition, and 86 percent of people were surprised at how high home prices are in their area. Boomers (91 percent) are most surprised by high home prices, followed by millennials (87 percent), Gen X (85 percent), and Gen Z (84 percent). San Francisco locals excel in home price intuition, but Chicago residents fare the worst. (Today’s podcast can be found here, and this week’s is sponsored by Richey May, a recognized leader in providing specialized advisory, audit, tax, technology and other services to the mortgage industry for almost four decades. Today’s has an Interview with Xactus’ Greg Holmes and Shelley Leonard on advancing the modern mortgage through data-driven insights.)

Lender and Broker Products, Programs, and Services

Are you curious about the strategic insights that could shape a successful 2024 in the mortgage industry? As the holiday season unfolds, consider whether optimizing your tech stack could be the key to operational excellence in the coming year. Read the latest blog by DarkMatter Technologies for an in-depth look at addressing common tech stack pain points, identifying success indicators, and exploring solutions like the Empower® LOS. Take a moment amidst the holiday warmth to reflect on how a well-optimized tech stack may be the missing piece for a prosperous 2024. Ready to unlock these strategic secrets? Check out Empower and all Dark Matter Technologies has to offer.

Holiday fun fact: Santa’s sleigh is actually led by female reindeer because they’re the only ones with antlers this time of year. Seemingly minor details like this can make a big difference, just like lender production trends revealed in MMI’s Benchmark Reports. The latest edition shows that lenders in the Prime (>$5B in production volume) and Capital tiers ($500M-$5B) experienced a nearly 9% decrease in production in October compared to September. However, lenders in the Select tier ($50-500M) only saw a 4.4% decline and gained an edge over the Capital tier regarding average deal size ($354.1K v. $352K). Sign up for the MMI Benchmark Report today to receive valuable industry insights like these in your inbox each month.

As we approach the final weeks of 2023, AmeriHome Correspondent would like thank clients and partners for supporting AmeriHome through its first 10 years and making it the #2 Correspondent Lender in the country! Looking ahead to 2024, AmeriHome, backed by the strength of Western Alliance Bank, wants to speak to you about how a relationship with AmeriHome will help you navigate the coming year. Combining Western Alliance’s Warehouse Lending, MSR Financing, and Treasury Management services with AmeriHome’s industry leading loan purchase platform, makes this is a “must-have” relationship for mortgage bankers of all sizes. Financial institutions, IMBs, and Emerging Bankers alike benefit from AmeriHome’s Delegated and Non-Delegated options, full suite of conventional and government products, and Bulk, Bulk/AOT, and Best-Efforts delivery options. Check out Upcoming Events for details on where they’ll be in 2024, find your sales rep here, or send them an email to learn more about partnering with AmeriHome! They wish a happy and healthy holiday season to all!

Tis’ the season of giving! Click n’ Close has been helping lenders and brokers deliver the gift of homeownership to borrowers through its down payment assistance (DPA) program faster than you can say ‘Happy Holidays’ all year long. With more than 1.5 billion dollars in DPA-related financing to over 6,000 borrowers through its SmartBuy suite of products, with an average of nearly $12,500 in assistance per transaction, Click n’ Close is feeling pretty good about being on the nice list this year. Unlike state or municipal DPA programs, SmartBuy isn’t subject to budgetary shortfalls and offers tremendous flexibility to accommodate a wider range of borrower scenarios, making it ready to help your borrowers achieve homeownership. Reach out to our wholesale (Adam Rieke, Kerry Webb and Soliman Martinez) or correspondent team (Julas Hollie) to learn more.

What if your fee collection process wasn’t a “process” at all? Click button. Borrower gets text. Borrower pays fee. LOS updated. Easy Fee-sy with Fee Chaser!

“One Year. One Tool. $10B in Additional Loan Applications. We’ve spent the past year trying to explain everything Total Expert Customer Intelligence can do and all the ways it’s changing the game for modern financial institutions. But there’s one thing that doesn’t need an explanation: results. Lenders, banks, and credit unions across the country are generating incredible ROI for their businesses while building deeper, lifelong relationships with borrowers by using Customer Intelligence to enrich their contact profiles and engage them at the moments that matter. Let us show you how to stop playing hide and seek with high-quality loan opportunities and start driving exponential growth. Explore Customer Intelligence.“

ACES Q2 2023 Mortgage QC Trends Report finds Critical Defect Rate declines for the third consecutive quarter! Summary of findings include the overall critical defect rate declined 3.37% ending the quarter at 1.72 percent, defects in Credit & Liabilities categories increased for the 2nd straight quarter, FHA defect increased significantly, and the majority of defect categories experienced improvement this quarter. “Q2 2023 proved to be better than expected, as the critical defect rate continued to decline in the face of a surge in origination volume over the previous quarter. However, deteriorating quality in the core underwriting categories remains of concern and should be an area in which lenders increase their focus in the coming months. We implore all lenders to keep quality at the center of their operations to ensure a safe, sound, and prosperous new year.” – Nick Volpe, EVP of ACES Quality Management. Read the report.

Do you have a servicing portfolio? Do you understand how it is being valued? With the decline in overall production in 2023, the MSR asset has become more critical than ever and effectively managing that asset demands ongoing oversight. MCT offers portfolio valuations that are accurate and easy to understand, with built-in safeguards focused on client and borrower data security. MCT’s fair value analysis and reports are customized to support servicer’s internal requirements and objectives. Their extensive number of clients and MSR market knowledge keep your valuations timely, accurate, and reliable. Schedule a phone call with the MCT MSR experts to discuss a customized approach for valuing your MSR portfolio.

‘Twas the holiday season, just two weeks to go, loan officers in town faced a challenging low. But behold, in the distance, a solution did gleam, Velma CRM appeared like a holiday dream. Tailor-made for small lenders, banks, and credit unions, no more complexity, no more costly intrusions. Automated drip emails are sent in a flash, customized flyers for your next open house bash! Plug-n-play convenience, a breeze to employ, with all tools in one place, your business primed to deploy! Loan officers can thrive, their work takes flight, with Velma’s assistance, everything’s right. So, join the Velma revolution, don’t delay, transform your lending business this holiday!

STRATMOR on Strategies for 2024

What’s the moral of the story for the mortgage industry in 2023? In STRATMOR Group’s December Insights Report, STRATMOR reviews the plot and moral of each InFocus article from the year and summarizes them to provide key takeaways that will help lenders think outside the box, evaluate new strategies, take risks and survive the downturn that is likely to continue into the first quarter of 2024. Lenders, and vendors who serve the mortgage industry, if you need guidance in developing your business strategies for 2024, contact STRATMOR, and don’t miss “The Moral of the 2023 Mortgage Industry Story” in the December Insights Report.

Mergers and Acquisitions

Out of Texas and Ohio comes news that Thrive Mortgage, LLC and Lower, LLC have plans to merge the two brands, Thrive Mortgage and Thrive CEO Selene Kellam and production head for Thrive Mortgage, Randell Gillespie, will join the combined executive team with Lower under the leadership of Lower CEO and Co-Founder Dan Snyder, expected in the first quarter of 2024. The STRATMOR Group acted as transaction advisor to Lower.

Lower CEO Dan Snyder stated “we’re building a better approach to mortgage with Lower’s streamlined tech powering multiple channels. Thrive is an award-winning, national lender with the same belief and we’re excited to bring them onto our platform.”

“The commitment of Thrive to our team and our customers has always been to deliver the best mortgage experience with the highest quality resources” said Thrive Mortgage Chairman Roy Jones. “This has driven us to focus on having the best people with the most forward-thinking technology in the industry, all of which is propelled forward with this partnership with Lower.”

Thrive CEO Selene Kellam added, “last year, we acquired AMSCo, a storied Midwest company that added incredible talent to our model. We are now excited to share another amazing opportunity that has presented itself to join” Thrive, licensed in 42 states, was the first company in Texas to close a fully electronic note with a remote notary.

Leadership at Thrive were specifically attracted to Lower’s future-forward path, including five key pillars of differentiation: progressive leadership and vision, cutting-edge marketing strategy, a standout private-label platform, unified technology stack, and the venture capital funding to pioneer new paths.

Lower, LLC is a multi-channel, digital lender ranking as the 30th largest home lender in the country. Backed by top VC firm Accel, Lower operates an online consumer-direct channel, offline retail channel, and third-party origination platform servicing both brokers and other fintechs like Opendoor.

M&A is not confined to lenders. Out of Arlington, VA, news came out that Titleworks, Inc., founded in 1995 and led by industry veteran Becky Taylor, and Cobalt Settlements, LLC founded in 2014 and led by Jeff Nowak, Esq., have announced a strategic merger. “This union will carry the name of Cobalt Settlements, LLC and marks a pivotal moment, combining Cobalt’s innovative resources and attorney-backed capabilities with the deep-rooted client relationships and industry expertise of Titleworks.”

Capital Markets

Renegotiations and early pay off penalties will now occupy capital markets staffs as those hoping for a holiday gift from the Fed in the form of projected rate cuts in 2024 finally found something in their stocking. In a unanimous decision, the FOMC agreed to leave the target range for benchmark federal funds rate at 5.25 percent to 5.5 percent yesterday, and while the door was left for additional tightening beyond what is currently the highest federal funds rate since 2001, the updated forecast projects at least three rate cuts over the next 12 months. After a period of nearly two years of rapid monetary policy tightening, and pauses at the most recent three FOMC meetings, a pivot to cuts next year filled investors with joy and caused a massive rally in the bond markets. Fed Chair Powell also acknowledged that the FOMC discussed when it will become appropriate to begin dialing back its policy restraint.

While the Fed kept rates unchanged, something entirely expected, it was the shift from a hawkish pause, one with a rate hike bias, as was the case after the last two meetings, to a dovish pause, a pause with a future rate reduction bias due to the declining inflation rate, that led to a record Dow Jones close. Discussion will now focus on the date of the first cut.

The Fed has spent recent months attempting to dampen expectations that it is about to reverse course and lower rates. Changes in the policy statement from this meeting, however, made clear that the pace of rate reductions in 2024 is now the focus as inflation concerns continue to fade. Fed Chair Powell had previously said that pain, traditionally in the form of millions of lost jobs, would be necessary to quell inflation. But at 3.7 percent, the unemployment rate is about where it was when the Fed began raising rates in March 2022. Meanwhile, the pace of inflation’s decline leaves it only one percentage point above the central bank’s 2 percent target. An updated Summary of Economic Projections also featured an improved growth outlook for 2023, and a lowered inflation outlook for 2023 and 2024.

In addition to any ongoing response to the FOMC today, markets will also be dealing with monetary policy decisions from the SNB, Norges Bank, the BoE (still fearing inflation), and the ECB with the post-meeting press conference from President Lagarde. No changes were expected nor delivered. Domestically, yesterday’s Fed news overshadowed this morning’s import and export prices for November, jobless claims, and retail sales for November. Later today brings Business inventories for October follows, Treasury announcing sizes for next week’s reopened 20-year bonds and 5-year TIPS auctions, and Freddie Mac’s latest Primary Mortgage Market Survey. We begin the day with Agency MBS prices better by a solid .250 than Wednesday’s close as prepayment fears continue to creep into the market. The 10-year is yielding 3.94 after closing yesterday at 4.02 percent; the 2-year is down to 4.30.


It’s clear that new construction homes will be a primary driver of originations in 2024. Picture yourself as a Planet Home Lending MLO with this product lineup: Purchase Edge, a game-changer with benefits for borrowers looking to move; One Time Close construction loans, the traditional powerhouse; and purchase and renovation loans for Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADUs). As you move into this niche, an experienced construction lending team supports you by unlocking the secrets of construction lending success. The path to your 2024 breakthrough begins when you contact Talent VP Peter Briggs or 435-709-6287; all inquiries will be held in strict confidence.

 Download our mobile app to get alerts for Rob Chrisman’s Commentary.


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LO Technology, Broker PPE Products; Training and Webinars This Week; 3.7% Unemployment

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LO Technology, Broker PPE Products; Training and Webinars This Week; 3.7% Unemployment


7 Hours, 19 Min ago

“What do you call James Bond having a bath? Bubble 07.” In different bond matters, mortgage rates will always be higher than Treasury rates, in part because of the prepayment risk in mortgages that doesn’t exist with Treasury bonds. With the drop in rates, sales management personnel at lenders are busy figuring out how best to remind the staff about EPO (early payoff) penalties levied by investors while at the same time working on ways to save money besides furloughing, cutting staff, outsourcing, and re-doing vendor contracts. The recent decline in rates and increase in applications is welcome: According to Curinos, November 2023 funded mortgage volume decreased 11 percent YoY and 10 percent MoM. In the Retail channel, funded volume was down 22 percent YoY and 10% MoM. The average 30-year conforming retail funded rate in November was 7.45 percent, 25bps higher than October and 85bps higher than the same month last year. (Curinos sources a statistically significant data set directly from lenders to produce these benchmark figures, and drills into this data further here.) Today’s podcast can be found here, and this week’s is sponsored by nCino, makers of the nCino Mortgage Suite for the modern mortgage lender. nCino Mortgage Suite’s three core products, nCino Mortgage, nCino Incentive Compensation, and nCino Mortgage Analytics, unite the people, systems, and stages of the mortgage process. Hear an Interview with nCino’s Ben Miller on incentive compensation data and origination cost reductions that are separating profitable from unprofitable companies in the mortgage industry.

Lender and Broker Products, Programs, and Services

Loan Vision exclusively serves the mortgage industry by providing software built by the mortgage industry for the mortgage industry. With Loan Vision, customers see improvements of 30%+ decrease in days to close the books, 20%+ reduction in accounting headcount, complete LOS to G/L automation, and improved reporting and visibility. Interested in learning how Loan Vision can help you run a more efficient and profitable company? Contact Carl Wooloff to schedule a call today.

When Encompass Lending Group set out to reimagine its borrower experience, it chose LiteSpeed by LenderLogix. “We understand every borrower is different. Our services are custom-tailored to every borrower, and we thought our technology should reflect that,” said Encompass Lending Group’s Paul Marsh, EVP of National Sales. Read more about their implementation here.

Seems like there is “AI” everything now. Washing machines, clothing, cookie dough? One place you should deploy AI is in helping your customers find their best opportunity. LoanCraft now offers its ViLO technology via an API (patent pending). ViLO is a virtual loan officer technology that asks your customers questions about their goals and needs, and provides offers along with tailored English-language recommendations. The API lets you easily incorporate this into your consumer facing technology, or LoanCraft will build your front end for you. Regents Financial is using ViLO, so you can see how it works here. Contact Jessica West at LoanCraft for more information.

In this market, hustle is everything. You can’t afford to waste a single deal, or a single minute. That’s why ReadyPrice has launched Shop, Lock, Deliver, an innovative platform designed to help independent mortgage brokers and their lenders save time and money. Now you can shop competitive loan offerings from multiple lenders, get rate lock guarantees in real time, receive underwriting findings, and deliver the borrower’s complete loan file to lenders, all on a single platform, at no cost to brokers. It’s already helping brokers around the country thrive and compete in the toughest market. Multiple lenders. One platform. Zero b.s. Come check us out today. ReadyPrice gives you the ability to manage your lenders, search loan product pricing across the wholesale channel, and deliver loans to the lender of your choice.

Events, Training, and Webinars

A good place for longer term conference planning is to start is here, and click on “events” for conferences in the future.

Today, December 8, is the next episode of The Mortgage Collaborative’s Rundown covering current events in the mortgage market for 30-45 minutes starting at noon PT, 3PM ET, in “The Rundown”. Listen to Rich Kuegler with Stewart Title!

Chief Sales Officer at Deephaven Tom Davis will join Rob Chrisman on a webinar you won’t want to miss. In today’s market, originators need Non-QM to fully serve borrowers and to stay competitive. Learning how to utilize and market Non-QM isn’t difficult when you partner with the right lender. Please find out how easy it is by joining the webinar on December 12th! Register now.

Tuesday, 12/12, is the next Mortgages with Millennials with Kristin Messerli and Robbie Chrisman. Tune in every Tuesday at 1PM ET to the weekly video show designed to empower mortgage professionals to tap into the millennial market. This show demystifies the psychology of first-time homebuyers and offers strategies to win more market share with a key segment of the market. Sign up for a weekly reminder with the link to join and a sneak peek into the next episode. Next week’s guest is Catalina Kaiyoorawongs, Founder and CEO of LoanSense.

Have you registered yet for LIRC23? Discover the newest developments in legal and regulatory compliance for residential lenders. Join California MBA at the Irvine Marriott Hotel on December 11 – 12 for the 2023 Legal Issues and Regulatory Compliance Conference. This is your opportunity to hear from some of the nation’s top industry experts and learn about the hottest topics. You’ll be informed and empowered, don’t miss out.

What are the forces that will shape the 2024 economy and real estate market? Find out at the Real Estate Forecast Summit: The Year Ahead on December 12, 1-2 p.m. ET. NAR’s Dr. Lawrence Yun and Dr. Jessica Lautz are teaming with expert economists and thought leaders to review 2023 and discuss their expectations for 2024. They will cover the residential and commercial markets, plus demographic and market outlook data. There is no cost to attend, but you must register in advance.

“As 2023 comes to a close, empower your financial strategy with insights tailored for lenders. Join CWDL for a webinar on Tuesday, December 12 as we recap the year in accounting and tax and identify what action you need to take before the year ends. Our mortgage banking experts will review tax legislation passed in 2023 and what’s coming for 2024, share tips to get year-end financials closed accurately and efficiently, discuss preparing for your audit, review HUD and GNMA reporting requirements, address going concern analysis, and more. Reach out to Kasey English to register for this free webinar, and emerge with actionable insights to take advantage of these last few weeks of 2023.”

Vince Furey, SVP of Sales for MeridianLink, has some valuable market insights and strategies that can help your credit union not only survive but also thrive in this changing landscape. Don’t miss the upcoming ACUMA Inside Track webinar on December 12th at 1 pm CST, where you can learn how to capture and serve this important market segment and take your mortgage loan program to new heights.

Wednesday the 13th, looking for more in-depth commentary on weekly mortgage news? Register here for “Mortgage Matters: The Weekly Roundup” presented by Lenders One. Every Wednesday at 2:00 PM EST/11:00 AM PT is a dive into a range of mortgage-related topics, including market trends, interest rate fluctuations, innovative mortgage products, and industry advancements. Listen to a unique mix of age perspective, expertise, and charisma to the screen, ensuring that the information is not only educational but also entertaining. Next week’s guest is.

Dec 13, at 12:00 PM PT, will be a webinar to learn about innovative approaches to recruiting loan officers in the mortgage industry. Heidi Iverson and NAMBA’s Tony Thompson will explore data-driven recruitment strategies with Mobility Market Intelligence (MMI), a powerful tool for Mortgage Lenders.

Join Curinos home equity experts Richard Martin, Ken Flaherty and Kinley Hicks on December 13th as they debut their new national home equity market forecast and discuss how home equity could impact growth initiatives and balance sheets in 2024. Register now.

Our very own MBA has some webinars, including California’s Corporate Climate Data Accountability Act, MBA on December 14.

For a deeper dive into Pennymac TPO’s new product and how to position it with your borrowers, contact your Account Executive, and register for their Power Your Business Webinar, “Home Equity Seconds Product Overview,” on December 14 at 10am PT/1 pm ET.

The Knowledge Coop’s new membership platform offers all state and federal Continuing Education courses in an engaging and exciting video format that you’re sure to actually enjoy. Want to give yourself a sharper competitive edge? They also offer in-depth training on specific topics like VA Loans and FHA within their Coop Academy. Get access to industry experts and connect with other mortgage professionals all in one space. Use Code Chrisman10 for 10 percent off your first year of membership here.

Join in for “Hot Topics” with the Single-Family Housing Guaranteed Loan Program. Free, Live, virtual training for all USDA lenders and real estate agents. Don’t pass up the opportunity to say YES to more potential clients. Embrace the GUS recommendation, Thursday, December 14, 2-3 PM ET.

National MI posted its upcoming December 2023 webinar sessions. December options include the following: Income Case Studies ​​​​​with Marianne Collins – December 12th at 1pm ET. 2024 Business Planning for Purchase Business with Bruce Lund – December 13th at 2pm ET. Maximize Your Relationships: The Art of Annual Mortgage Reviews with Rebecca Lorenz – December 14th at 1pm ET.

This month, catch up on the latest underwriting and processing trends at your convenience with Arch MI’s online videos and podcasts. Choose Arch MI’s wide range of course offerings that cover the essentials for mortgage professionals. On the 14th, the co-authors of HaMMR Digest, Arch Chief Economist Parker Ross, and Director of Real Estate Economics Leonidas Mourelatos, present their assessment of the market environment, where rates and home prices are heading, and the implications for mortgage professionals in the new year. Register for Arch MI Housing Update Webinar on December 14 at 1 p.m. ET.

Friday, December 15th, is next week’s episode of The Mortgage Collaborative’s Rundown covering current events in the mortgage market for 30-45 minutes starting at noon PT, 3PM ET, in “The Rundown”. Hear from MGIC’s Terry Aikin!

Capital Markets

As job markets loosen and employers are not as quick to hire, investors are betting on when central banks across the globe will begin rate cutting cycles. Yesterday’s private payrolls from ADP printed lower than analyst expectations ahead of today’s release of the November jobs report. Thoughts that the Fed is done tightening helped mortgage rates drop closer to 7 percent, the lowest level since August, according to this week’s Primary Mortgage Market Survey from Freddie Mac. 30-year fixed mortgage rates have fallen 76 basis points since the end of October.

Today brought the November payrolls report where forecasts didn’t see all that much variability from October. November nonfarm payrolls registered 199k versus 186k expectations. The unemployment rate came in at 3.7 percent when it was seen holding steady at 3.9 percent. Average hourly earnings were when the number was seen increasing 0.4 percent month-over-month and 4.1 percent year-over-year versus 0.2 percent and 4.1 percent previously. Later today brings preliminary December Michigan sentiment, which is expected to tick up modestly. We begin the day with Agency MBS prices and the 10-year yielding 4.25 after closing yesterday at 4.13 percent (the 2-year is up to 4.71) after the employment numbers.


“Freedom Mortgage is seeking the best Account Executives nationwide. We understand the best are not just product experts but, also relationship builders. We seek industry leaders. Freedom Mortgage Wholesale believes Account Executives are vital to our success. Freedom Mortgage has been creating success for 30 years. Our people and processes are time-tested giving us trusted stability, no matter market conditions. Our deep roots throughout the mortgage industry provide confidence for the future. Freedom Mortgage is 4EVER Wholesale. Join our strong group of Account Executives who average 15 years in industry and 10+ years at Freedom Mortgage. If you are the best and want to work with a financially stable company to build your future, contact us.”

Newrez Wholesale is thrilled to announce the appointment of Divisional Vice President John McElhone to the Inaugural Corporate Board of Directors for NAMB (National Association of Mortgage Brokers®). “For 50 years NAMB has been the leading voice for the mortgage industry, and I am proud of the organization for creating its corporate board of governors as it will increase NAMB’s impact on the industry,” said McElhone. “Thank you to NAMB for inviting me to join the board and I am eager to bring my decades of experience I’ve obtained in my professional career to each and every day.” Way to go, John! Learn more about the new corporate board.

“Are you a go-getter who embraces hustle and strives for growth? Are you passionate about helping others on the path to success? If you answered yes, we want you! Kind Lending is seeking knowledgeable Wholesale Account Executives with experience in the mortgage lending space. As one of the fastest growing mortgage lenders in the country, we’re building an upbeat and collaborative team that strives to put people first in everything we do, infusing happiness around every corner. Our people believe kindness matters and a client’s positive experience is everything. Join the #kindmovemovement and come grow your business with an expanded product offering and best in class operational experience! Contact: Delfino Aguilar, SVP TPO Production, 619.726.0377.”

JMAC Lending, an industry-leading TPO lender for more than 25 years, has hired Eric Yang as Executive Vice-President of TPO Sales. Formerly VP of TPO Sales at Pennymac, Yang will lead JMAC’s team of Account Executives for both wholesale and correspondent. “Eric’s business approach aligns with our company mission and values: trust, teamwork and integrity,” JMAC Lending’s President Christina Pham said. “We are excited to have Eric lead our growing sales team, where we will continue to provide excellent support to our lender partners, especially in this unique market environment.” “Eric can navigate complex market landscapes and deliver results,” Pham says. “He has a deep understanding of the industry, and we are confident that his expertise will elevate our sales operations.” Start lending with JMAC today! Click here join JMAC and sign up for marketing and rates, or contact sales. Let’s grow your business and fund more loans in 2024.

Thank you to Julie Cooper who reminded me that, in the Northwest, “State Departments of Commerce Housing Divisions or Housing Departments are hiring folks versed in mortgage, title, escrow and real estate. County and Municipal Departments of Community Development and non-profit housing developers in Washington State are hiring in record numbers, as well, developing affordable multifamily, single-family housing for ownership and rental. Julie observed, “I think one way forward for our industry is private/public partnership. These developments, acquisition and construction projects need mortgage companies to help with homeownership, especially those who can do community land trusts and every transaction needs a title insurance policy and escrow provider. Ultimately, we are all stakeholders in housing and it’s really cool to be part of these innovative programs.”

 Download our mobile app to get alerts for Rob Chrisman’s Commentary.


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As couples prepare holiday marriage proposals, Northwestern Mutual study finds 1 in 3 Americans believe serious discussions about financial dreams – and debt – should happen in the early stages of dating Almost half of Gen Z say financial compatibility is more important than physical compatibility MILWAUKEE, Dec. 5, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — December is, by … [Read more…]

Apache is functioning normally

TPO, Subservicing, Marketing, CRA Products; Training and Webinars; Podcast Interview with Dr. Elliot Eisenberg

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TPO, Subservicing, Marketing, CRA Products; Training and Webinars; Podcast Interview with Dr. Elliot Eisenberg


Mon, Dec 4 2023, 10:43 AM

“People would learn more from their mistakes if they weren’t so busy denying them.” Here’s a little trivia for the compliance folks in the coffee room: The CFPB handles 20,000 consumer complaints per week, and given that financing a home, and then servicing the loan, is the largest financial transaction most individuals go through, you gotta figure a chunk of the 20,000 involve mortgages. While we’re on the CFPB, Director Chopra addressed issues related to refinancing in a hearing on Capitol Hill last Thursday. But the headlines have been grabbed by interest rate improvements in our free market economy, and the economics calendar this week will be highlighted by the U.S. jobs report on Friday, arriving just five days before the Federal Reserve’s December 13 meeting. (Expect payrolls growth will rise to 200K in November from 150k job additions in October, and the unemployment rate to stay steady at 3.9 percent.) Today’s podcast can be found here, and this week’s is sponsored by nCino, makers of the nCino Mortgage Suite for the modern mortgage lender. nCino Mortgage Suite’s three core products, nCino Mortgage, nCino Incentive Compensation, and nCino Mortgage Analytics, unite the people, systems, and stages of the mortgage process. Today’s has a wide-ranging interview with economist Elliot Eisenberg on government spending, the Fed’s balance sheet, and “Eisenbergian Economics.”

Lender and Broker Products, and Services

Servicing transfers are complicated, so it is critically important that you nail down the prep work beforehand. If you don’t, and the servicing transfer goes awry, it’s not only servicers who suffer, their customers do, too. The professional services team at ICE Mortgage Technology break down exactly what’s on the line, and what happens when poorly handled servicing transfers leave customers in a lurch. Read its new blog here to learn just how “high stakes” loan transfers can be, and the steps servicers can take to avoid borrower confusion, retention concerns, and even reputational risk, before they become a problem.

Exclusive data: Maxwell Q3 2023 Mortgage Lending Report reveals trends in interest rates, loan volume, and borrower demographics. Q3 brought continued challenges for home buyers and lenders. Despite 11 Fed rate hikes over the past year and a half, interest rates averaged 7.2 percent in Q3, the highest Maxwell data has recorded within the current market cycle. Still, Maxwell’s new report, which derives insights across more than 300 lenders and $290B in loan volume, shows signs of stabilization in Q3. Motivated borrower groups found creative paths to homeownership despite adversity, flocking to remaining pockets of affordability (hint: West Virginia). For insightful market data along with actionable advice from Maxwell experts on how to form a strong 2024 strategy, click here to get your free copy of Maxwell’s Q3 2023 Mortgage Lending Report.

Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) Final Rule: Preparing Your Bank for CRA Modernization! After years of discussions and false starts, the Federal Reserve, FDIC, and OCC issued their final rule modernizing the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) in October. The almost 1,500-page final rule will take effect on April 1st, 2024. This means banks must comply with all the rule’s provisions by January 1, 2026 (aside from certain requirements taking effect January 1, 2027). How will CRA modernization impact your bank? What do regulators hope to achieve? What are they looking for from banks? What should your bank do to prepare? In this new article, experts from Ncontracts discuss this and more, plus offer insights on how the right resources can ease these regulatory burdens. Read the full article for more information.

Variety is the spice of life, which is why ICE maintains an ever-growing library of multimedia marketing content with its Surefire℠ CRM and Mortgage Marketing Engine. Intelligently automated Blueprints for Success give lenders a leg up with effective marketing workflows without the hassles of A/B testing and complex configuration. Whether a lender launches our Blueprints for Success out-of-the-box or configures them to meet unique goals, these automated campaigns help nurture relationships, improve pull-through and power sales across the entire homeownership lifecycle. Explore how Surefire can power your sales strategy in 2024 and schedule a demo with the ICE team today.

Delinquencies have remained statistically low, but recent market data indicates an uptick in early-stage delinquencies, unemployment, and more Americans relying on credit to make ends meet, so that rate may continue to rise. Computershare Loan Services (CLS) is a highly rated subservicer that can take the heavy lifting of managing high-risk loans off your shoulders. All its services (originations fulfillment, co-issue MSR acquisition, subservicing, and its mortgage cooperative) help keep lenders one step ahead. In this industry, you deserve a partner that has it all. Contact CLS to find out how they can help you reach your goals, in any market.

Broker and Correspondent Programs

Give Your Pipeline a Boost this December with LoanStream’s Winter Specials on Non-QM and Prime! Purchase, Rate/Term & Refi Cash-Out on both. Non-QM, 50bps >65% to <= 75% LTV & 720+ FICO, 75bps >55% to <= 65% LTV & 720+ FICO, 100bps <= 55% LTV & 720+ FICO. These are only here for a limited time so take advantage and Contact your Account Executive for details. For loans locked 12/1/2023 through 12/31/2023. Restrictions apply. Interested in getting approved? Visit our Get Approved page now: Get Approved LoanStream Wholesale – Wholesale Mortgage Lending.

With the holiday season underway, Rocket Pro TPO is kicking off its December to Remember campaign by introducing a series of exciting and valuable wins throughout the month of December to celebrate and support Rocket Pro’s broker partners. On Friday, the first win was introduced: a 25 bps LLPA on 30-year fixed rate conforming VA loans that will be available all month. Check out this video message from EVP Mike Fawaz. And, today, Rocket Pro’s highly popular Fast 15 Loan Guarantee is back now through January 31st! This special offer for brokers guarantees that all eligible loans will be clear to close in 15 business days or they will pay your client $2,500. For correspondent partners, they guarantee that eligible loans will be clear to close in 15 business days, or they will waive the $999 acquisition fee. Requirements and rules apply. Partners are encouraged to watch their inboxes and Rocket Pro TPO’s social media channels for more wins to come. Interested in learning more about a Broker or Non-Delegated Correspondent partnership? Contact Rocket Pro TPO to learn more.

Events, Training, and Webinars in December

TOP CEOs DISCUSS WINNING STRATEGIES FOR THE 2024-25 MORTGAGE CYCLE. Tomorrow, 12/5, at 2 PM ET, tune into HousingWire as Sagent CEO Dan Sogorka digs into this topic with industry leader Mark O’Donovan (Chase), moderated by Julian Hebron of The Basis Point. These 3 mortgage experts will uncover how lenders can thrive through 2025 and beyond, discussing vital topics such as navigating homebuyer affordability, lender priorities, FHFA, CFPB insights, and more. Don’t miss this powerhouse session! Register here to refine your strategies for the upcoming year or catch the recording if you can’t attend live.

A good place for longer term conference planning is to start is here, and click on “events” for conferences in the future.

Tomorrow, 12/5, is the next Mortgages with Millennials with Kristin Messerli and Robbie Chrisman. Tune in every Tuesday at 1PM ET to the weekly video show designed to empower mortgage professionals to tap into the millennial market. This show demystifies the psychology of first-time homebuyers and offers strategies to win more market share with a key segment of the market. Sign up for a weekly reminder with the link to join and a sneak peek into the next episode. This week’s guest is Kayla Gatmaitan, and education-focused LO for first time homebuyers.

If business is slow and you’re looking for new opportunities, register for MBA Eastern Pennsylvania’s upcoming free session with Freddie Mac on Tuesday, December 5 at 11:00 a.m. One of the challenges homebuyers face in today’s market is saving for the down payment. In this session, the benefits and differences between two low down-payment offerings, Home Possible® and HomeOne® will be explored. Additionally, the session will cover Freddie Mac BorrowSmart AccessSM, a program that offers up to $3,000 in down payment and closing cost assistance to help your clients reach homeownership.

The title industry faces many challenges going into 2024 and October Research wants to help you prepare your business. Orrick Partner Sherry-Maria Safchuk and CATIC SVP and National Agency Manager Kyle Rank will share their expertise and address critical issues such as consumer protection, cybersecurity trends, remote online notarizations, updates on the 1033 rule and more on the latest Industry and Regulatory Outlook webinar Dec. 5th. Stay ahead of the competition and start the new year strong. Register today at

2023 Financial Institutions Professionals Webinar Series, presented by the Bonadio Group, December 5th, 6th, and 7th at 8:00 PST. During this complimentary event, industry experts will discuss emerging issues, impacts, insights, & more. Create your own personal agenda by choosing from several sessions, each designed as a roadmap to help you navigate what’s to come in the ever-changing financial services landscape. Each session offers 1 (one) credit of CPE.

Wednesday the 6th, looking for more in-depth commentary on weekly mortgage news? Register here for “Mortgage Matters: The Weekly Roundup” presented by Lenders One. Every Wednesday at 2:00 PM EST/11:00 AM PT is a dive into a range of mortgage-related topics, including market trends, interest rate fluctuations, innovative mortgage products, and industry advancements. Listen to a unique mix of age perspective, expertise, and charisma to the screen, ensuring that the information is not only educational but also entertaining. This week’s guest is Mark Jones, President of Union Home Mortgage and Chairman of the MBA.

Join MBA St. Louis at St. Charles Realtors, Wednesday, December 6th, 8:00 am – 10:30 am, and test your knowledge on Conventional Loans. This engaging and interactive course led by Trainer MaryKay Scully, Enact MI’s Director of Customer Education will review the key areas of Credit, Income, Collateral, Liabilities, Assets, HomeReady and Home Possible. It will inform and engage participants. Assessing knowledge, while reviewing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac guidelines, as well as Desktop Underwriter and Loan Product Adviser. Cost: $20 (covers light snacks and room rental).

Freddie Mac added enhancements to its HFA Advantage® mortgage offering, providing a competitive solution for housing professionals to consider for first-time and repeat homebuyers. In a free webinar, Thursday, December 7th, 2 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. ET, you’ll learn more about HFA Advantage’s features and benefits, eligibility and homebuyer education requirements and new product enhancements.

With a residential real estate market that continues to change and evolve, WMBA has gathered industry professionals that offer different perspectives to give real insight into “Build for Rent” model, an increasing popular approach to residential new construction being built and held as rental properties. Join WMBA for the Income Property Luncheons on Thursday, December 7th, In Person Attendees: 11:30-1:00pm, Virtual Attendees: 12:00pm-1:00pm.

Join Angel Oak Mortgage on Thursday, December 7 at 10:00 PST for a webinar detailing its Investor Cash Flow (DSCR) programs and cover the top 20 broker questions. Learn how easily these loans close and help add to the bottom line.

Success leaves clues. Not surprisingly, many of the traits shared by high achievers are common sense in theory, but not necessarily common practice (otherwise, everyone would be a high achiever, right?). Discover the keys to having your best year ever, the most important (yet often missing) part of the formula for success and disciplines you often don’t think about. Join Hannah J. Barton and Blaine Rada, CSP, to discover these habits and incorporate them into your own life. TMBA Webinar, Habits of High Achievers, Thursday, December 7 at 11:00 am – 12:00 pm.

Join LSEG Academy session Central Bank & Bond market outlook – Insight from IFR Markets,

Thursday, December 7th | 8:00 PST., as industry experts examine recent benchmark interest rate increases and likely changes to the direction of central banks’ monetary policies. They will also look at the commentary and insight provided by IFR Markets and showcase how benchmark rates have been impacting the bond and rates markets utilizing LSEG Workspace tools. The discussion will include expectations for interest rate moves in 2024 and provide an opportunity to ask questions to industry experts.

Friday, December 8, is the next episode of The Mortgage Collaborative’s Rundown covering current events in the mortgage market for 30-45 minutes starting at noon PT, 3PM ET, in “The Rundown”. Listen to Rich Kuegler with Stewart Title!

Capital Markets

As mortgage rates dropped for the fifth consecutive week last week, Federal Reserve Chair Powell said that any speculation of potential rate cuts is still “premature.” Yes, inflation is easing, and the U.S. economy is cooling with Fed policy now well into restrictive territory. The full effect of higher rates is still working its way through the economy and the central bank has noted progress against inflation over the past six months. The hiking cycle is likely over, but the Fed is reluctant to admit as much or discuss any sort of rate cuts.

Economic data over the last week continued to show the U.S. economy is still expanding while inflation trends lower. Real GDP was revised up to 5.2 percent in the second update from 4.9 percent in the advance update. Consumer spending on services increased 0.2 percent in October and spending on nondurable goods increased 0.3 percent. The October PCE deflator was unchanged in October and showed prices were 3.0 percent higher than twelve months ago; the lowest annual reading since March 2021. While prices are still rising faster than the Fed’s preferred rate, the pace continues to slow and bodes well for a soft landing for the U.S. economy.

This can also be seen in housing prices which rose 0.7 percent in September and 3.9 percent from one year ago, according to the S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller Home Price Index. While elevated mortgage rates helped the slowdown, limited available for sale inventory has kept prices from outright declines. As a result of the continued progress on inflation and recent Fed comments around being well into restrictive territory, the markets expect the Fed is done hiking and will begin to cut rates in 2024.

This week’s economic calendar contains several higher tiered releases including the November payrolls report and preliminary December consumer sentiment on Friday. Between now and then, we will receive ISM Services for November, some labor market indicators, wholesale trade, and consumer credit. The week kicks off with just factory orders for October, due out later this morning. We begin Monday with Agency MBS prices roughly unchanged from Friday evening, the 10-year yielding 4.25 after closing last week at 4.23 percent, and the 2-year at 4.61.

 Download our mobile app to get alerts for Rob Chrisman’s Commentary.


Apache is functioning normally

Looking to start your own business? You’re not alone. Some 76% of Gen Z and millennials dream of being their own boss, according to a 2022 Microsoft report.

While launching your own business allows you plenty of professional freedom, it can also be expensive. As you’re creating your business plan, one question you’ll likely face early on is, how much does it cost to start a business?

The average small business owner spends around $40,000 in their first full year. But that amount can vary based on a number of factors, including the size, type and location of your business.

Let’s take a closer look at the startup costs of different types of businesses and common ways to cover the expenses.

Typical Small Business Startup Costs

The old adage is true: You have to spend money to make money. And unfortunately, some of the biggest business costs can come during the startup phase, when you are defining your business goals, finding a location, purchasing domain names, and generally investing in the infrastructure.

In order to make sure your business is on firm financial footing, it’s important to estimate your small business startup costs in advance. Here are some common ones to keep in mind:


Many small businesses start out as a company of one. But if you’re planning on having employees, salary will likely be one of the biggest costs you’ll have. After all, offering an attractive pay and benefits package can help you recruit and retain top talent.

In addition to wages, you might also want to budget for other types of payroll costs, such as overtime, vacation pay, bonuses, commissions, and benefits.

Office Space

No matter what your business is, you’ll need somewhere to work. Are you leasing a storefront, or will you buy a membership to a co-working space or startup incubator? If you’re planning to work from home, consider whether your new business will increase your internet or utility bills.

And don’t forget about the supplies you’ll need to do the work. Depending on your business, this could include things like computers, phones, chairs and desks, paper supplies, or filing cabinets.
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If you’re starting a business that sells products, you’ll need to have some inventory ready to go. Calculating stock as part of your start-up costs ensures that you can buy your product in advance, so that you’re ready to serve customers from day one.

Licenses, Permits, and Insurance

Some businesses, especially storefronts and restaurants, require more legal leg work than others.

For example, if you’re starting a native-plants landscaping business, will you need a permit? If you’re starting a new bar, will you need a liquor license? Licenses and permits vary by city and state, but most come with an application fee.

Likewise, your new business may require one or more insurance policies to protect you in case of future litigation, so be sure to factor in the cost of monthly premiums.

And don’t forget about the costs associated with registering your business. Whether you plan to set up shop as a sole proprietorship, corporation, limited liability corporation or other business entity, you’ll need to pay a nominal fee. The amount will depend on the state where you operate.

And if you plan on enlisting the help of a lawyer, accountant or tax professional to get your business up and running, add those potential costs to your budget as well.


Getting the word out about your new business is one of the most important things you can do to ensure that business starts off strong. Whether you want to advertise on social media or take out a billboard, your startup costs should reflect money you plan to put toward taking out ads for your business.

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Differences in Startup Costs Based on Industry

The actual cost of starting a small business can vary by business and industry. Here’s what you might be looking at if you want to start a few common types of small businesses.

Online Business Startup Costs

Like brick and mortar stores, the cost of doing business online varies depending on the type of business you have. But in general, you’ll need to budget for things like:

•   Web hosting service and domain name

•   Web design and optimization

•   E-commerce software

•   Payment processing

•   Content creation and social media

If you’re selling products, you will need to invest in inventory and shipping. If you’re providing services, you may need to hire employees. All of these costs can be significant.

However, one benefit of starting your small business online is that you may be able to keep other costs low. For example, if you can conduct business from home, you may not need to rent office space, which can be a major savings. If you’re able to do the work without purchasing inventory or hiring employees, the startup costs can be even lower.

Average startup cost: $500 to $20,000 or more (depending on your business)

Storefront Startup Costs

If your business idea requires a physical space, your startup costs might range from $1,000 for a small kiosk inside a mall or park to more than $69,000 for something like a home goods store.

Although $69,000 might seem like a daunting number, remember that many smaller, independently owned stores began with a much smaller budget.

Average retail startup cost: $39,210

Restaurant Startup Costs

If you’re betting on bringing in bank by selling your grandma’s famous bánh mì, you could be looking at startup costs of anywhere from $40,000 for a used food truck or cart to up to $3.7 million to buy a franchise restaurant. Typically, small restaurant costs, including coffee shops, fall somewhere in the $80,000 to $3000,000 range.

Average startup cost: $375,000

How to Finance Your Startup Business

Many who want to start a business are overwhelmed by the initial costs, but there are several ways to fund your passion project.

Friends and Family

Perhaps one of the most common ways to raise money for your small business is to ask friends and family to invest in you.

Friends and family loans can be ideal for financing a new small business because you can negotiate low-interest rates, flexible pay-back schedules, and avoid bank fees. Of course, borrowing money from friends and family can quickly become complicated by family drama, so make sure to agree on conditions before taking out a family loan.

Outside Investors

When we hear about startup companies, we frequently hear about so-called “angel investors” sweeping in to fully fund new businesses. But there are other practical ways to fund your small business with outside investors.

Some small businesses use crowdfunding platforms to find investors who each contribute a small amount, and others use startup funding networks to find investors looking to fund their specific type of business. Outside investors want to know that your business is likely to succeed, so you’ll need a solid business plan to land outside funders.

Personal Savings and Investments

Most people end up covering some of their small business start-up costs out of their own pocket. Self-funding your new business venture can be the most convenient option. After all, if you’re your own funder, you don’t have to worry about family drama or picky investors. And putting your own money on the line can be an extra motivation to make sure that your business is set up to succeed.

Of course, it can seem overwhelming to save up enough money to fund your small business. Luckily, there are simple strategies to effectively manage your money.

Business Loans

If you’re looking to purchase equipment, inventory, or pay for other business expenses, a business loan might make sense for you.

There are various types of small business loans available, each with different rates and repayment terms. Note that in some cases, lenders may be reluctant to give loans to a brand-new business. You might need to put up some type of collateral to qualify for funding.

Personal Loans

A personal loan can be used for just about any purpose, which can make it attractive for entrepreneurs who want to turn their passion project into a reality. These loans are usually unsecured, which means they’re not backed by collateral, like a home, car, or bank account balance.

Personal loan amounts vary. However, some lenders offer personal loans for as much as $100,000. Most personal loans have shorter repayment terms, though the length of a loan can vary from a few months to several years.

While there’s a great deal of latitude with how you use the funds, you might need to get your lender’s approval first if you intend on using the money directly for your business.
💡 Quick Tip: Before choosing a personal loan, ask about the lender’s fees: origination, prepayment, late fees, etc. One question can save you many dollars.

The Takeaway

Going into business for yourself can be personally and professionally fulfilling. But it can also be expensive, especially if you’re starting from scratch. Estimating your startup costs early on can help ensure you’re on solid financial ground from the get-go. Labor, office space, and equipment are among the biggest expenses facing many entrepreneurs, but there are smaller fees and charges you’ll likely need to consider.

Fortunately, small business owners have no shortage of options when it comes to covering startup costs. Dipping into personal savings, or asking friends and family to invest are popular choices. Taking out a business loan or personal loan is another way to help finance a new business. The money can be used for a variety of purposes, and that flexibility can be especially useful when you’re just starting out.

Think twice before turning to high-interest credit cards. Consider a SoFi personal loan instead. SoFi offers competitive fixed rates and same-day funding. Checking your rate takes just a minute.

SoFi’s Personal Loan was named NerdWallet’s 2023 winner for Best Online Personal Loan overall.

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SoFi loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A., NMLS #696891 (Member FDIC). For additional product-specific legal and licensing information, see Equal Housing Lender.

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SoFi members with direct deposit activity can earn 4.60% annual percentage yield (APY) on savings balances (including Vaults) and 0.50% APY on checking balances. Direct Deposit means a deposit to an account holder’s SoFi Checking or Savings account, including payroll, pension, or government payments (e.g., Social Security), made by the account holder’s employer, payroll or benefits provider or government agency (“Direct Deposit”) via the Automated Clearing House (“ACH”) Network during a 30-day Evaluation Period (as defined below). Deposits that are not from an employer or government agency, including but not limited to check deposits, peer-to-peer transfers (e.g., transfers from PayPal, Venmo, etc.), merchant transactions (e.g., transactions from PayPal, Stripe, Square, etc.), and bank ACH funds transfers and wire transfers from external accounts, do not constitute Direct Deposit activity. There is no minimum Direct Deposit amount required to qualify for the stated interest rate.

SoFi members with Qualifying Deposits can earn 4.60% APY on savings balances (including Vaults) and 0.50% APY on checking balances. Qualifying Deposits means one or more deposits that, in the aggregate, are equal to or greater than $5,000 to an account holder’s SoFi Checking and Savings account (“Qualifying Deposits”) during a 30-day Evaluation Period (as defined below). Qualifying Deposits only include those deposits from the following eligible sources: (i) ACH transfers, (ii) inbound wire transfers, (iii) peer-to-peer transfers (i.e., external transfers from PayPal, Venmo, etc. and internal peer-to-peer transfers from a SoFi account belonging to another account holder), (iv) check deposits, (v) instant funding to your SoFi Bank Debit Card, (vi) push payments to your SoFi Bank Debit Card, and (vii) cash deposits. Qualifying Deposits do not include: (i) transfers between an account holder’s Checking account, Savings account, and/or Vaults; (ii) interest payments; (iii) bonuses issued by SoFi Bank or its affiliates; or (iv) credits, reversals, and refunds from SoFi Bank, N.A. (“SoFi Bank”) or from a merchant.

SoFi Bank shall, in its sole discretion, assess each account holder’s Direct Deposit activity and Qualifying Deposits throughout each 30-Day Evaluation Period to determine the applicability of rates and may request additional documentation for verification of eligibility. The 30-Day Evaluation Period refers to the “Start Date” and “End Date” set forth on the APY Details page of your account, which comprises a period of 30 calendar days (the “30-Day Evaluation Period”). You can access the APY Details page at any time by logging into your SoFi account on the SoFi mobile app or SoFi website and selecting either (i) Banking > Savings > Current APY or (ii) Banking > Checking > Current APY. Upon receiving a Direct Deposit or $5,000 in Qualifying Deposits to your account, you will begin earning 4.60% APY on savings balances (including Vaults) and 0.50% on checking balances on or before the following calendar day. You will continue to earn these APYs for (i) the remainder of the current 30-Day Evaluation Period and through the end of the subsequent 30-Day Evaluation Period and (ii) any following 30-day Evaluation Periods during which SoFi Bank determines you to have Direct Deposit activity or $5,000 in Qualifying Deposits without interruption.

SoFi Bank reserves the right to grant a grace period to account holders following a change in Direct Deposit activity or Qualifying Deposits activity before adjusting rates. If SoFi Bank grants you a grace period, the dates for such grace period will be reflected on the APY Details page of your account. If SoFi Bank determines that you did not have Direct Deposit activity or $5,000 in Qualifying Deposits during the current 30-day Evaluation Period and, if applicable, the grace period, then you will begin earning the rates earned by account holders without either Direct Deposit or Qualifying Deposits until you have Direct Deposit activity or $5,000 in Qualifying Deposits in a subsequent 30-Day Evaluation Period. For the avoidance of doubt, an account holder with both Direct Deposit activity and Qualifying Deposits will earn the rates earned by account holders with Direct Deposit.

Members without either Direct Deposit activity or Qualifying Deposits, as determined by SoFi Bank, during a 30-Day Evaluation Period and, if applicable, the grace period, will earn 1.20% APY on savings balances (including Vaults) and 0.50% APY on checking balances.

Interest rates are variable and subject to change at any time. These rates are current as of 10/24/2023. There is no minimum balance requirement. Additional information can be found at

Financial Tips & Strategies: The tips provided on this website are of a general nature and do not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. You should always consider their appropriateness given your own circumstances.



Apache is functioning normally

If you’re on the hunt for the best apartments in Orlando, you’re in good company. Orlando ranks as the fourth-largest city in Florida, and the population continues to boom.

Known as “The City Beautiful” and “Amusement Park Capital of the World,” Orlando sports eclectic apartment communities with poolside villas, social scenes and palm tree views for millennials and retirees alike.

Whether you’re seeking an apartment to return to after work or tan poolside during retirement, there’s something on this list of the 25 most popular apartments in Orlando for everyone.

The 14-story Julian kicks off our list. Located in the heart of Downtown Orlando, this community is by the Orlando Science Center, Executive Airport and tree-lined Baldwin Park. Apartments feature newly renovated interiors and open floor plans, resulting in plenty of spaces to kick up your feet and relax.

Need a studio, one-, two- or three-bedroom apartment? The 403-unit Julian has them all, so you’ll easily find an accommodating space for your Florida lifestyle.

Translating to “The Beautiful Life,” the apartments at La Bella Vida offer crown molding, elegant granite countertops and sliding glass doors leading to the balcony’s lovely views. Other perks include the light fixtures, tall cabinets and tiled showers — all comforting touches.

You’ll gawk at La Bella Vida’s location near banks, gas stations and medical centers. Plus, minutes away lies College Park, perfect for your morning stroll.

These spacious apartments are conveniently located off the turnpike close to many of Orlando’s theme parks, including Universal Studios and Walt Disney World. And, for medical needs, AdventHealth Celebration hospital is just minutes away.

Tenants enjoy the vaulted ceilings, walk-in closets and energy-efficient washers and dryers available in the units, too.

Last but not least, architecture with elongated archways and views overlooking a pond and fountain make Pinnacle Point a popular Orlando apartment.

With a resident coffee bar, lounge, clubhouse, valet trash and high-speed internet, the trendy University Park ranks high for Orlando apartment seekers.

These one-to-three-bedroom apartments feature oversized tubs, a tiled backsplash and upgraded cabinets and ceiling fans.

Living up to its name, the complex resides only minutes away from University Park, Full Sail University, Rollins College, Valencia College and the University of Florida, making it a top choice for millennials.

In the market for a one-four bedroom apartment or townhouse? The Amara community in the bustling, artsy Metro West neighborhood is a catch.

Here you’ll find an upscale $1,759 one-bedroom apartment worth every penny — stacked with modern open floor plans, accent walls, large windows and ceiling fans.

All in all, Amara’s amenities will have you drooling: Relax at the resort-like pool, lay around in a hammock or pump some iron at the state-of-the-art fitness center. If you can fork up the cash, consider this hip community.

Located at 14200 Colonial Grand Boulevard, the newly remodeled interior of Parkway at Hunter’s Creek sports vaulted ceilings, pickled oak and cherry wood cabinets and quartz countertops.

This complex even boasts a walking path to Hunter’s Creek Elementary School, convenient for families.

Finally, don’t forget its detached, remote-controlled garages, fitness center and gate access, too. Residents enjoy the neighborhood, too, which provides access to hiking, jogging and biking trails as well as a pet park.

With a tip-top maintenance team, exceptionally groomed landscape and a massive swimming pool, Avesta Forest Oaks fills our list at No. 19. Renters love the newly remodeled interior, complete with walk-in closets and vinyl hardwood-themed floors.

No doubt, Avesta Forest Hills is a must-see for Orlando apartment seekers due to its updated kitchen appliances and recently upgraded bathrooms.

Offering two to three bedrooms and two baths from 1,278 to 1,492 square feet, Village Townhomes come equipped with a fireplace and breakfast nook. The complex also provides guests with extra storage, a media center, playground and more. And, for the golfer, the Rosemont Country Club sits only minutes away.

Whether you wish to kick back at the pool or visit the onsite fitness center, Village townhomes aim to impress with private entry, upscale floor plans and resort-like amenities.

What do dual master bedrooms, granite countertops and split floor plans have in common? The Crest at Waterford Lakes apartments, that’s what. Here, you can peer off your balcony and view the Florida sunsets over palm trees and a reflective pond.

Don’t have furniture? No problem, the furnishing option is just one of many perks at this popular Orlando apartment complex.

This thoughtful community provides housing to adults with disabilities while encouraging independent living.

Perks include light housework, grocery pickup, meal prep and prescription refill services. Residents also appreciate the top-notch disability access, fitness center and high-speed wireless internet.

So, if you need some extra, kind support, Quest Village’s tagline says it all: “Welcome home.”

The 150-unit Veranda Club complex is reminiscent of European architecture and courtyards. It offers one-two bedroom apartments overlooking golf courses and an elegant fountain.

Located in the hub of Orlando near multiple restaurants and shops, apartments feature large archways, tall windows and walk-in showers.

Featuring one- to three-bedroom apartments starting at $1,840, East Orlando’s Pine Harbour mixes luxury, elegance and convenience.

Tenants love the 24-hour emergency maintenance, unique auto detailing center and clubhouse.

Inside you’ll find ceiling fans in every room, along with custom-designed cabinetry and a mosaic tile backsplash. The upscale kitchen with modern fixtures is no joke and balconies and screened-in patios are available.

Conveniently located near Orlando’s downtown, Pine Harbor also sports views of a lagoon pool and reflective water.

Near highways 417 and 418, River Park lives up to its name. The community is comfortably nestled by the Econ River, so you’ll often see residents out for a stroll. Tenants even receive their own private access to Blanchard Park and the serene duck pond on the premises.

With onsite parking for renters and guests, plus loads of planned social activities, the pet-friendly and classy River Park is a lovely place to call home.

Picture sitting under an umbrella by a massive pool; this could be you at Grove Apartments.

Not the relaxing type? Hit up the business center, playground or onsite clubhouse. Grove also offers short-term availability, all-electric kitchens and is conveniently located near Fashion Square and Colonial Plaza.

Lancaster Villas feature 145 units located near the Florida Mall. Residents look on from their balconies onto elegant landscaping, a swimming pool and a clubhouse.

Inside, you’ll find oversized closets, a laundry facility and open floor plans.

The District on Baldwin Park resembles a majestic mansion next to a large lagoon pool.

Whether you crave a studio, two-bedroom townhome or a three-bedroom apartment, you’ll appreciate the newly renovated interior, tall doors and stainless steel appliances inside.

Fitness fanatics will love Orlando’s Cricket Club community featuring a basketball court, fitness center, swimming pool, playground and dog park.

Safety is another highlight since you’ll find gated access, an alarm and onsite patrol. Plus, apartments are spacious and luxurious, with entertaining outdoor spaces.

If you’re searching for an apartment close to schools, shopping and restaurants, look no further than the energy-efficient single-story Blossom Corners Apartments.

Close to highway 408, Blossom Corners sports ample storage with large closets, attic space and a utility room. Head outside to the private fenced patio while viewing the manicured lawn.

At $943 for a one-bedroom, Blossom Corners is an affordable space behind its trademark, enticing blue doors.

Love the water? Check out Gulfstream Harbor — complete with catch and release fishing, boat and RV storage and a harbor patio.

Work up a sweat on the basketball, tennis, shuffleboard or pickleball courts and visit one of the three swimming pools. Georgeous units come equipped with a kitchen island, ceiling lighting and plenty of windows.

Orlando apartment searchers should consider Kara West’s smoke-free one- to three-bedroom, one-two bath apartments with water, trash and a pest service included. Ultimately, the apartments themselves feature large open floor plans, a balcony and a kitchen window nook.

Residents also appreciate the social events and the pet-friendly spaces.

Residents go ga ga for Pinnacle Cove’s vaulted ceilings and luxurious, pet-friendly 644 to 1,344 square-foot apartments with access to a playground and fitness center.

So, if the balcony views of the boardwalk to the gazebo and swimming pool aren’t dreamy enough, the palm trees and the pond are just as lovely too.

Finding an Orlando apartment furnished with a washer, dryer and dishwasher is no easy feat. But you’ll find all three in your pet-friendly Mosaic at Millenia unit.

Located near the Mall at Millenia, this gated community with intrusion alarms has safety covered.

Bonus amenities include a media room with surround sound, a resort pool, barbecues, billiards, volleyball/tennis courts and picnic areas. Another perk — the complex is within walking distance of public transit.

Located off Kingsgate Drive, Woodhollow is a hop and skip to Universal Studios and nearby Orlando entertainment.

Woodhollow units come cable-ready and equipped with a balcony, dishwasher and beautiful hardwood floors.

Plus, this community features quality spaces for both families and retirees.

First, this small apartment complex only has 28 units. Second, this complex boasts new interiors as well as top-of-the-line stainless-steel appliances.

You’ll love the hardwood flooring, sliding entrance ways and patio/balcony, too. A trendy close-knit community, Ava at Sodo is only eight minutes from Downtown Orlando.

Topping our list as the most popular Orlando apartment is Club at Millenia, with prices starting at $1,216.

Located near loads of golf courses, shopping and nightlife, boredom doesn’t exist here.

The apartments themselves feature upgraded kitchens with tiled backsplashes, open floor plans and various windows.

Other perks include the friendly staff and the resort-like pool.

The best apartments in Orlando

So what are you waiting for? Find apartments for rent in Orlando near the heart of entertainment, where you can also relax and enjoy Florida’s sunny views in no time. While living it up in the Florida sun, enjoy these Orlando apartments with amenities galore.

We looked at all available multifamily rental property inventory from January to June 2021 on Rent. to determine which properties with an Orlando mailing address are most viewed by organic internet searches. The information included in this article is used for illustrative purposes only. The data contained herein does not constitute financial advice, availability or a pricing guarantee for any apartment.


Apache is functioning normally

When it comes to supporting a charity, it doesn’t get much more convenient than donating at the card reader in the checkout line. But depending on your motivations and financial situation, it may not be the best approach.

More than two-thirds (68%) of Americans donate to charity at the register of retail establishments, according to a new NerdWallet survey conducted online by The Harris Poll Oct. 10-12. Some give because the cause is important to them, and others give because they feel guilty if they don’t. But whatever the reason, being thoughtful about your donations can ensure you’re giving without breaking the bank.

For customers, these donations likely look like an additional $5 or so on their total, or “rounding up” to the next dollar amount. In either case, the incremental giving adds up to hundreds of millions of dollars each year nationwide.

Many shoppers likely make the decision to donate in the moment. But thinking through why you donate ahead of time can help you make more informed decisions that align with your values and your financial goals.

Here’s how to decide whether you should give to charity on your next shopping trip.

Skip: If you want to have a significant impact and can give more

Small donations at the cash register may add up over time, but making a large donation could be more impactful for the recipient.

About one-third (32%) of Americans donate to charity at retail registers because the cause is important to them, according to the recent NerdWallet survey, and 26% because they like to be charitable. Donating at the register often means sprinkling a few dollars across numerous recipients as you go from store to store. If you want to have a bigger impact on one important cause, a larger donation can be a better fit.

Give: If a small donation suits you best

Donating $5 every few weeks on your grocery run may be easier on some budgets.

One-fourth of Americans (25%) say they give at the register because small donations don’t feel as costly, and one-third (33%) of Americans who donate at the register say they wouldn’t donate to charity at all if they didn’t donate at the cash register, according to the survey. If you already have your card out, small donations are convenient.

These campaigns work for that reason. Albertsons Companies Foundation, the charitable arm of the grocery store chain, raised $43.5 million for hunger relief at cash registers in 2022, according to Engage for Good, a marketing company that helps businesses and nonprofits raise money. That’s in addition to millions raised by the chain for Ukraine aid and other causes.

Skip: If you’re hoping for an easy tax break

Donating to charity can reduce your taxable income, but giving incrementally at the cash register can make claiming this deduction more difficult.

In order to claim a deduction for donations, they must be for a tax-exempt charity that is recognized by the IRS. Further, you must itemize deductions on your income tax return rather than taking the standard deduction. You’ll want to track these donations with documentation such as your credit card or bank statements. All of this is a lot to ask for a small donation at the register. If you want to deduct donations, direct contributions will be less of an administrative hassle.

Give: If it makes you feel good

Giving feels good, and feeling good can promote more giving. It’s a sort of generosity cycle.

A significant body of research supports that giving activates the brain’s reward system, which can lead to greater happiness. And the amount of happiness that comes from generosity isn’t dependent on the amount you give, according to a 2017 study in Nature Communications. In this way, giving small amounts not only adds up for the organizations, but also for the donors.

Skip: If it’s not in the budget

If your current financial situation has you cutting costs to make ends meet, don’t make it harder on yourself.

As we established, giving should make you feel good. But 13% of Americans say they donate to charity at the register because they feel guilty if they don’t, 10% say it’s easier than saying no, and 8% do it because they’re embarrassed to say no, according to the survey. A dollar here or there doesn’t seem like much when things are going well, but every dollar counts when you’re dealing with unexpected expenses, a job loss or other financial strain.

If donating to charity adds financial stress to your current situation, skip it. This isn’t the last time you’ll be asked.


This survey was conducted online within the United States by The Harris Poll on behalf of NerdWallet from Oct. 10-12, 2023, among 2,096 U.S. adults ages 18 and older. The sampling precision of Harris online polls is measured by using a Bayesian credible interval. For this study, the sample data is accurate to within +/- 2.7 percentage points using a 95% confidence level. For complete survey methodology, including weighting variables and subgroup sample sizes, please contact [email protected].

NerdWallet defines generations in the following way: Generation Z, ages 18-26; millennials, ages 27-42; Generation X, ages 43-58; and baby boomers, ages 59-77.


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